河南选调生2022年考试时间(总分:120 时间:150分钟)
I. 单项选取题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共计15分) 从每题所给A特岗教师待遇怎么样BCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处最佳选项。
  1. It is hard for us to decide which oil painting is the best. It’s a n    of personal taste.
A. affair    B. event   
C. matter        D. variety
  2. Whether you are happy or unpleasant depends less on money or health than   on your ability to have fun. (易错)
A. it is            B. it was       
C. it does            D. it did
  3. He    he would be able to leave tomorrow but it’s beginning to look difficult.
A. hopes        B. was hoping 
C. hoped        D. had hoped
  4. We should try to get a good night’s sleep      much work we have to do.
A. however        B. no matter     
C. although            D. whatever
  5. He refreshed himself with a cup of coffee and ordered    to stay awake.
A. the other        B. other   
C. the others      D. another
  6. He was a good principal and his school scored      average in most subjects.
A. above          B. of           
C. below              D. on
  7. You can’t imagine what great trouble they have   the problem  . (易混)
A. to solvebeing discussed      B. solvingbeing talked about
C. to solveto talk about          D. solvingto discuss
  8. It is widely accepted that language acquisition is much      for children.
A. easy          B. easier   
C. difficult        D. more difficult
  9. Winston Churchill      life had been tough in school was glad to seek his fortune in the army.
A. for whom          B. of whom   
C. in whom      D. for whose
  10. My textbook has disappeared. Who      have taken it
A. should          B. must       
荔浦人才网C. could              D. would
  11. — Has Arnold finished his composition today
—I have no idea. He      it this morning.
A. does        B. has done     
C. was doing      D. had done
  12. Hurry up or you will not have time to get    before the party.
A. changed        B. change     
C. changing            D. to change
  13. —Are you willing to sign up for the course
回四级准考证号的—    It’s too good an opportunity to miss.
A. No problem            B. That’s for sure.
C. Why me                D. Why bother
  14. Which of the following is a compound word?(常考)
A. Legalize.    B. Peacemaker.   
C. Decrease.        D. Unfortunate.
  15.      is regarded as the spokesman of “The Lost Generation” in American literature.
A. Mark Twain              B. Ezra Pound 
C. Jack London              D. Hemingway
. 完形填空(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)
One day my friend Jack picked me up after what had been a particularly long and discouraging Monday. My two EFL classes had not gone well  16  all. I had felt disorganized and  17  in both even though I had prepared a lesson plan and extensive teaching materials  18  . I loaded my bags with papers and books into the car and  19  into the passenger seat obviously exhausted.
“How was your day”asked Jack.
I then told him about what I had tried to  20  how several little things had begun to go wrong how the materials had puzzled my students and finally how the entire lesson plan had fallen apart. Jack listened    21  to it as he always does. Then he said “It sounds like you were over?prepared. ”
“No I wasn’t. I didn’t feel prepared at allI was—” I  22  stuck for a diagnosis. He wa
s right—I had spent a lot of time  23    the weekend preparing the materials for my classes. What had gone wrong
Suddenly like the pieces of glass in a kaleidoscope tumbling into place when the cylinder is  24  a new awareness emerged “Oh已转正的公务员被发现隐瞒病史No. I wasn’t over?prepared. I was under?prepared. But I was over?supplied. ” I had got too much stuff and I hadn’t  25  out how to use it well. The students and I were all overwhelmed by the  26  .
  27  this simple story?telling experience I saw a pattern in my teaching that had characterized thousands of failed lessons in a 25?year career I often have more stuff to  28  than I or students can deal with in the  29  available. I am often aware that I haven’t finished with my lesson plan. But telling Jack about my  30  Monday classes hearing his interpretation of the events I had recounted and then trying to create an alternative interpretation gave me a new insight about a pattern in my teaching.
  16. A. for      B. at        C. by        D. to 
  17. A. confused      B. shocked          C. cheered        D. inspired
  18. A. at random      B. in advance      C. on average      D. by accident
  19. A. jumped      B. changed        C. collapsed      D. fell
  20. A. discover        B. seize      C. attend        D. accomplish