I. 单词拼写
1. Is __________________(每人) here today?
2. Are Tim and Tom in different _________________(学校)?
3. _______________(无论如何) I must finish the work today.
4. Who ___________(赢)the boys' long jump?
5. I don't want to go to Gansu, because the weather there is too ___________(坏).
6. Be quiet, the students are ____________(上) classes.
公务员网上课程哪个好7. Who is the _______________(年轻) in your class?
8. Please ______________(给…看) me your new watch, I' d like to have a look.
9 You' d better ______________(计划) your work carefully.
10. The Reads enjoy ______________(看) newspapers.
11. The students are busy _______________(帮助) the farmers with the apple picking.
12. The shop only sells _________________(男) clothes and shoes.
13.  December the twenty- fifth is ________________(圣诞节) Day.
14. Bob is no _______________(不再) a young man.
15. They can't ________________(带) the baby with them to go swimming.
16. Today I came to school ________________(没有) breakfast.
词汇复习配套练习2 (A)
中国卫生人才网护士资格考试报名1.You are not _______________ to smoke here.(允许)
2.If we do things _____________ nature, we will be punished by it.
3.You should pay more ______________ to your pronunciation.(注
福建省人力资源考试网上报名4.The teacher is very _____________ with Peter as he is always
telling lies.(生气)
5.The students need to be able to read ______________(积极地)and
6.Not knowing what to do, he asked the teacher
for____________(建议) .
7.To tell you the truth, I don't _____________(同意)with your
8.The news ___________ (出现)in the newspaper was very
9.I don’t want to___________(出席)his birthday party, because I
税务师报考条件和考试科目haven’t got his i nvitation..
10.A good many foreign guests are __________(吸引) by the
词汇复习配套练习3 (B)
I. 单词拼写
1.At a height of four miles the air becomes so thin that it is almost
impossible to ________________(呼吸).
2.Eric came running into the room, out of _______________ (呼吸)
3.We had great difficulty in ______________ (呼吸), for the air is
4.George was born on June,1st, so Children's Day is also his
_____________ (生日)
5.Hiding himself _____________( 在…后面) the door, he
waited the man to come.
6.______________(相信) it or not, travelling was slow and danger
in the old times.
7.  A librarian is a person who helps you when you want to
b________ books from a library.乡镇公务员面试真题及答案解析
英语四级各题型的分值8.Do you know the difference _______________(在…之间)
Amrican English and British English?
9.When water freezes and ____________(变成)solid, we call it
词汇复习配套练习4 (C)
I. 单词拼写