摘    要
The development tools of the system used JSP, use it to make the cross platform, cross browser limitations and restrictions on dynamic Web pages, with good portability, improves the application range of the system. The backstage database management using MySQLdatabase management technology, has a powerful data management function and good safety.
Szechwan" news website" modules to achieve their respective function. The Szechwan news website divides into the onstage module: user registration and login module, news and information browsing, online discussion, online messages, personal information management. Background: administrator management module; user management, news management, classified information, forum posts forum management information management, message management, links management. The system 's function is as follows:
(1) the user management module清华大学研究生报考条件
Main customer registration, their own data to improve the function of;
(2) the administrator / press release management module
The main achievement of the administrator / publishers to add, modify and delete function;
(3) the news information management module
The main news information to add, modify, delete and search function;
(4) forum classified information management module
The main forum classified information to add, modify and delete;
(5) the message information management module吉林公务员培训网络学院
The main message information to add, modify and delete;
赤峰人事考试 (6) forum posts information management
The main forum posts to add, modify, delete function.
(7) links the information management module
The main links of information to add, modify and delete.
KeywordsForum news management; classification management; links management; JSP; MYSQL