Part I  Vocabulary &Structure  (15 minutes)
Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct
grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections
Section A
潍坊事业单位招聘职位表Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most
appropriate word or words form the 4 choices marked A), B),
C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on
the Answer sheet with a single line through the center.
16. When I am away ______business , I contact my office every day by
email .
A) with                    C) on
B) of                        D) to
17. In addition to economic considerations, there are other reasons
______people work long hours.
A) what                    C) when
B) why                    D) where
18. There may be a need for retraining if you expect employees
________new technology
A) using                    C) to using
B) use                      D) used
19. A survey suggests that nearly one in six children has difficulty
______to talk.
A) to learn                  C) learn
B) learning                  D) learnt
20. It was in their London branch _____we met and discussed the issue
A) that                      C) how
B) which                    D) what
21. The decision about such a big project can not be made ______each
member of the board agrees.
A) if                      C) though
B) unless                  D) as
22. There was no proof to show that Charles had committed the crime,
_____he was set free.
A) but                      C) or
B) for                      D) so
23. Medical accidents ______by drugs have attracted much attention in that country.
A) causing                    C)be caused
B) to be caused              D)caused
24. No sooner _____ than I realized I’d left the document at home.
A) have we sat down            C)we had sat down
B) had we sat down              D)we sat down
25. The sales department of company is engaged in _____the products and
making profits.
A) selling                      C)being sold
B) sell                        D)having sold
Section B
Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here .You should fill in each blank with the Proper form of the word given in brackets.
Write the word or words in the Corresponding space on the answer
26. All the staff of the company (work) _______very hard year and 15%more
profit was Gained.
27. Among the major products (import)______by Malaysia were iron and steel
and medical Instruments.
28. Business and professional services (list)______in the Yellow Pages
29. Nokia’s mobile phone market share in china (fall)_________ to its
lowest level  since 2005.
30. To her (disappoint)________, the girl was denied the job she had
applied for.
31. While(study) _____________ at college, he got to know the professor
and learned a lot from him.
32.Communication via eye contact seems to be (particular) ___________
important in some cases.
33.As more customers will attend the meeting, we need to prepare some
_______ chairs.
34.These apartments allow older people to keep their (independent)
____________,  while having medical care available.
35. Many people find telephone interviews (difficult) ____________ than
face-to-face interviews.
Part II            Reading Comprehension        (40 minutes) Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question
or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C)and D).
You should make the correct choices and mark the corresponding
letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the
Although buses tend to be slower than the subway for traveling around New York City, there are many reasons to use the bus while visiting New York City:
They tend to service areas of Manhattan that are not located close to subway lines.
Buses offer the added advantage of being able to see various areas of Manhattan While you ride.
How Much Does the Bus Cost?
Fare is $2.25 and can be paid with a MetroCard or coins (no dollar bills, no pennies).
A free transfer to another bus or the subway within 2 hours is available if you paid with a MetroCard.
If you pay cash you can ask for a transfer, but it is only good for transferring to another bus (not to the subway) within 2 hours.
Getting On and Off the Bus
You must wait for buses at designated (指定的) bus stops.二级建造师证怎么考
As you see the bus approaching your stops, you can put your arm out to indicate to the driver that you want to board the bus.
Enter the bus through the front doors and pay your fare.
Take a seat or move toward the back of the bus to make room for other people boarding the bus.
To request a stop: Pull the cord or press the black band near the w indows. A “Stop Requested” light will be on immediately at the front of the bus.
36. Compared with buses, the subway for traveling around New York City
is likely    to be__________.
A) faster
B) slower
C) more expensive申论大作文万能直接套用模板
D) more convenient
37. One advantage of traveling by bus is that you can ___________.
A) book a comfortable seat
B) buy your ticket in advance
C) transfer to the subway freely
D) see different areas of Manhattan
38. Passengers can pay their bus fare ___________.
A) with pennies
B) with dollar bills
C) with a MetroCard
D) with a credit card
39. To indicate to the driver that you want to board the stop, you may __________.
A) put your arm out
B) shows your ticket
C) go to the back door
D) wave your MetroCard
40. To ask for a stop while riding a bus, you may __________.
A) raise your hand
B) move toward the front door
C) press the black band near the windows
D) turn off the “Stop Requested” light immediately
Task 2
Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.
Marketing furniture to the public can be challenging for a small business owner. Consumers buy furniture pieces only occasionally. However, there are several furniture promotion ideas that can be used to help you reach your target market.
One thing you can do is to talk with real estate (房地产) agents to allow you to display your furniture in a new home or open house setting. This is a good way to reach a key target market – new home buyers –who may need new furniture for their future homes. Increasing foot traffic (顾客流量) is also important for a furniture store. To get more people to the store, you can advertise a raffle event (抽奖活动). This