Part II  Vocabulary and Structure (1 point×20=20 points)
Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections. Section A(1 point×10=10 points)
Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C),and D). Then you should write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
16. The advertising company recently hired a designer ______ had once won a prize in a national contest.
A) whose      B) which      C) whom        D) who
17. It was for her daughter ________ Doris bought a toy plane yesterday.
A) why      B) that          C) whom      D) which
18. What’s the ________ on how many bottles of wine you can bri ng through customs?
A) regulation  B) amount        C) limit        D) number
19. The auto industry spends large amounts of money on marketing campaigns _____ young adult customers.
A) attract      B) attracted        C) to attract      D) attracts
20. He was attending a meeting, _______ he would have come to your party yesterday.
A) unless      B) when          C) what          D) or
21. John left his hometown ten years ago, never ________.
A) to return    B) returned    C) returning    D) will return
22. By the end of this year Mr. Smith _____ in our company for exactly three years.
A)is working      B) has worked    C) will work      D) will have worked
23. On my way to school, I saw people ________ advertisements and sample products.
A) conveying    B) creating    C) discarding    D) distributing
24. I think that the Great Wall is worth ______ hundreds of miles to visit.
A)to travel      B) traveling    C) traveled    D) travel
25. Only when we had finished all the work _______ that it was too late to take a bus home.
A) did we realize  B)will we realize  C) we did realize  D) we will realize
Section B(1 point×10=10 points)
Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.
26. We regret to inform you that we no longer manufacture the product you are (interest) _______ in.
27. Sometim es it’s (help)______ to make a list of what you have to do.
28. After the flood, life was (extreme) __________ difficult for the farmers in this area.
29. In (add) _________ to teaching at the university, Professor Wilson also works as a legal adviser to a company.
30. Tom is very good at (handle) ________ difficult customers.
31. The price of oil is much (high) ________ now than it was this time last year.
32. (fortunate) ________, the fire was discovered soon after it had started.
33. After reading the novel he was too (excite) ________ to go to sleep that night.
34. To her (disappoint) __________, her daughter did not come.
35. The lecture was so (bore) ________ that many of the students in the classroom fell asleep.
Part III Reading Comprehension (40 points)
Directions: There are several passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
Passage One
Most of my friends speak several languages. My friend Hans Kimmel, for example, speaks three languages—German, French and English. And my friend Pavlov speaks four languages— Russian, French, Spanish and English. Then there is Charles Zhou. His native language is Chinese, but he speaks three or four other languages fluently. I do not understand it. They speak, read and write all those languages, and I only know one language—English. Why can’t I speak any foreign languages? Am I stupid to learn a foreign language?
Maybe it is all a question of home and environment. My parents do not speak any other languages, so of course we speak English at home. But look at Hans. His father is German and his mother is French. So he speaks two languages at home. And look at John’s family. His father is Russian and his mother is Spanish. So they speak two languages at home.
Perhaps it is a question of geography, too. I live in the United States, and I can travel hundreds of miles with only one language— English. But it is different for Hans in Europe. He lives in Germany, but in a few hours he can travel to France, or to Italy, or to Holland, or to Denmark. So of course he hears other languages all the time. And he needs other languages.
I am studying Italian this term at the university, but I am not learning very much Italian. I can not practice it at home or in restaurants or in stores. I only speak it three hours each week in the classroom. That’s al l. The rest of the time I speak English. Maybe I should go to Italy for a few months. Then perhaps I could really learn Italian.
36. Who can speak French, German and English?
A) The author himself.                      B) Hans Kimmel.
C) Charles.                              D) John.
37. The person whose mother tongue is Chinese is _________.
A) a friend of Zhou’s                        B) Pavlov
C) Zhou                                  D) Hans
38. According to the writer’s opinion, the reason why he can not speak other languages is that _________.
A) he is stupid
中职教师资格证科目B) he is not good at learning languages
C) he is not interested in learning languages
D) he lives in an English-speaking country and his parents don’t speak any other lang uages except English
39. The writer thinks that if a person wants to learn a foreign language well, he should _________.
A) study hard                            B) go to Italy
C) have a good language situation            D) be clever and good at learning languages
40. The writer’s native language is _________.
A) Russian            B) Italian          C) English            D) German
Passage Two
American Indians played a central role in the war known as the American Revolution. To them, however, the dispute between the colonists and England was peripheral. For American Indians the conflict was a war for American Indian independence, and whichever side they chose they lost it. Mary Brant was a powerful influence among the Iroquois. She was a Mohawk, the leader of the society of all Iroquois matrons, and the widow (寡妇) of Sir William Johnson, Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Her brother, Joseph Brant, is the best-known American Indian warrior (战士) of the Revolution, yet she may have exerted even more influence in the Confederacy than he did. She used her influence to keep the western tribes of Iroquois loyal to the English king, George III. When the colonists won the war, she and her tribe had to abandon their lands and retreat to Canada. On the other side, Nacy Ward held positions of authority in the Cherokee nation. She had fought as a warrior in the war against the Greeks and as a reward for her heroism was made “Beloved Woman” of the tribe. This office made her chief of the women’s council and a member of the council of chiefs. She was friendly with the White settlers and supported the Patriots during the Revolution. Yet the Cherokees too lost their land.
41. What is the main point the author makes in the passage?
A) Siding with the English in the Revolution helped American Indians regain their land.
B) At the time of the Revolution, the Superintendent of Indian Affairs had little power.
C) Regardless of whom they supported in the Revolution, American Indians lost their land.
D) The outcome of the Revolution was largely determined by American Indian women.
42. The italicized word “it” in the passage refers to ________.
A) side
B) revolution
C) dispute
D) independence
43. Accord ing to the passage, Mary Brant’s husband had been a ________.
A) government official
B) Mohawk chief
C) revolutionary hero
D) Cherokee council member
44. The italicized word “he” in the passage could be replaced by “________”.
A) Sir William Johnson
B) the Superintendent of Indian Affairs
滁州中公教育C) Joseph Brant
D) George III
45. To which tribe did Nancy Ward belong?
A) Mohawk.
B) Iroquois.
C) Cherokee.
D) Greek.
Passage Three
In 1801, Thomas Jefferson was the first president to take the oath of office in the nation’s permanent capital, Washington D.C. Although Washington was a new city, it was already familiar to President Jefferson. In fact, Jefferson had helped plan the c apital’s streets and public buildings. Besides being a city planner and architect, the new President was a writer, a scientist, and the inventor of several tools.
Jefferson lived in the Presidential Palace. The Palace was more than a home; it contained offices for the President and some of his staff and advisors. It also included dining and reception rooms, where the President could entertain congressmen. However, President Jefferson did not give many formal parties. This was partly because there was no First Lady. Jefferson’s wife had died in 1782. But it was also because Jefferson liked to live in a simple fashion. Once, he showed up for an important meeting wearing old clothes and slippers! Neither Washington nor Adams would ever have dressed so casually.
Jefferson was different from the first two Presidents in other ways, too. He disagreed with them about how the country should be run, and about what part a President should play in running it.
46. According to the passage, the Presidential Palace was built to be ________.
A) an office building and home
B) a meeting place for congressmen
宁德事业单位考试C) a home
D) an office building
47. According to the passage, Thomas Jefferson was all of the following except ________.
芜湖人才网最新招聘2022A) a writer
B) a city planner
C) the third president of the United States
D) a carpenter
48. Thomas Jefferson did not entertain very often in Washington D.C. because ________.
A) he did not have new clothes
B) the food there was bad
C) he did not enjoy carefully prepared parties and there was no First Lady
工商银行笔试题库D) his wife did not like it
49. Which of the following statements about Washington D.C. is TRUE?
A) It was not the first capital of the United States.
B) All the American presidents took the oath of office in Washington D.C.
C) There were many old streets in Washington D.C. before 1801.
D) Washington D.C. was planned by Thomas Jefferson.
50. It can be inferred from the passage that George Washington and John Adams both ________.
A) lived in the Presidential Palace
B) were rather formal gentlemen
C) were different from Thomas Jefferson only in how to run the country
D) dressed casually
Passage Four
High above the bustling streets, honking taxicabs and crowded sidewalks, on the 24th floor of the landmark Empire State Building, is a month-old company offering New Yorkers a New York is called the city that never sleeps, but one small company wants that to change. Stressed-out customers arrive in a quiet, darkened room filled with futuristic (未来派的) chairs, or “napping pods,” where they can pay $14 (£7.50) for their snooze. “
MetroNaps is a place where busy New Yorkers get power nap in New York City,” says co-founder Arshad Chowdhury.
White noise machines block out whispered conversation at the front desk. Sleepers stretch out in the
leaning seats, which resemble plush dentists’ chairs, with blankets covering their legs and music piped into headphones. After 20 minutes, the sleeping pod wakes up the customer with a combination of vibrations and light.
Chowdhury said nappers are encouraged to sleep just 20 minutes because a longer session tends to leave them more dazed than refreshed. Abdul Latif, a Broadway singer and dancer who likes to rest between an audition and a performance, said it was better to pay for a nap than to sit at a coffee shop. Another MetroNaps customer, writer and researcher Ben Stiller, said he needs that d aily nap. “This is what energizes me, this is what keeps me going,” he said.
51. What is this passage about?
A) The importance of taking a nap.
B) How to have a good nap.
C) A company that helps people take a nap.
D) How to fall asleep in Empire State Building
52. What does “snooze” in Para. 1 probably mean?
A) Daydream.
B) A short stay.
C) Short-time sleep.
D) A long break.
53. What do you know about the nappers’ room?
A) Sleepers lie in soft beds.
B) Sleepers are covered with blanket from head to foot.
C) It’s absolutely quiet in the room.
D) Sleepers fall asleep with music in their ears.
54. Nappers should sleep no more than 20 minutes because ________.
A) it’s already very expensive for a 20-minute nap
B) you shouldn’t keep other p eople waiting too long
C) napping too long makes them dazed
D) napping too long is a waste of time
55. How do some nappers think of the napping service?
A) They think they would rather sit in a coffee shop.
B) They don’t think they feel refreshed a fter taking a nap there.
C) They don’t think they need that kind of napping.
D) They feel energized after taking a nap.
Part IV Translation ( 2 points×5=10 points )
56. 他的表情说明他对周围正在发生的事情一无所知。(suggest)
57. 在返回的路上,我们将车开到一家路边咖啡馆(café)喝了点咖啡。(pull into)
58. 他激动得一句话也说不出来。()
59 直到老师来了他们才开始做实验。(not until)
60. 当今时代人们越来越多地依靠计算机来解决各种难题。
Part V Writing ( 15 points)
Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a business letter according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the answer Sheet.
说明:假定你是新蒂服装公司(Cindy Garment Co.)销售经理丁志文,根据以下内容给客户(Mr. John Smith)写一份信函。
内容:1.告知因原材料(raw materials)价格上涨,产品价格上调;
4.随函寄去调整后的价目表(price list);