  How I Finance My College Education? You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:
  How I Finance My College Education?
  Every year, thousands of young men enter universities and colleges. It has been a problem for the students and their families how to finance their college education. In fact, the problem can be dealt with in many ways. The most common way is to get all the money from the parents. If their parents can't produce the tuition and the fees, students can apply a loan from the bank. There is still another way. Students can finance their education by doing some part time jobs in their spare time.
  As for me, my parents can pay the greater part of the tuition and fees for me. So, I won't have a heavy financial burden, and I can put all my heart into study. I would like to pay the rest by doing a part time job. Although my parents are able to pay all the tuition and fees for me, I just want to know more about the society by my own working experience. Therefore, I choose this way to finance my college education.
  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Reading selectively or extensively? You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:
  Reading Selectively Or Extensively?
  Reading selectively or extensively? What is your choice? Perhaps each of us has our choice.
  Some people think we should read selectively, for there are so many books for us to read.
Thousands of new books are published every day. How can we cover all these books in our limited time? Besides, not all the books are worth reading.
  Some people, on the contrary, choose to read extensively. They think that reading extensively can broaden their horizons. Through reading extensively they can learn something about their ancestors; through reading extensively they can get insight of great men. Reading extensively can also enable us to adapt to the fast developing society. Because we are living in a
  knowledge exploding society, if we don't read extensively, we can't get enough information
  about the modern world, and we can't keep pace with the society.
  In my opinion, we should read both selectively and extensively. By reading extensively, we can enrich our knowledge of aspects. By reading selectively, we can focus on and learn well the academic knowledge we'll need in our future work.
  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic. Don't Be Afraid to Say“No”. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the 全国导游证查询系统
outline (given in Chinese) below:
  Don't Be Afraid to Say “No”
  Sometimes we have to say “No”to others when they ask us for help. Why? One situation may be that we are not capable of doing the things they ask us to do. The other situation may be that we are unwilling to do what they ask us to do, because their requests may be unreasonable or even illegal. On both occasions we should say directly to them: “No”.
  But the case is not always the same in our daily life. Some people are afraid to say “No”when they should say so. On the one hand, they are afraid of losing their faces. On the other hand they don't want to hurt others, such as their family members, relatives, friends or colleagues.
  To say “Yes”when you should say “No”will eventually do you some harm. If you say “Yes”but fail to help them in the end because of lack of the ability, they may think you are not worthy of trust. If you help them do something bad or illegal, you will bepunished for
what you have done. So, don't be afraid to say “No” if necessary.
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教师素养  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Succeed in a Job Interview? You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:
  How to Succeed in a Job Interview?
  Nowadays, students must seek jobs by themselves. Job interview is the first step leading to the success of their employment. It is clear that succeeding in a job interview is very important.
  There are some ways to ensure your success in a job interview. First, you should be well prepared for all the information about you, such as your diploma certification, you credit records, certification about your awards, publications, if there is any, and the last but not the least, a
  carefully designed resume, in both Chinese and English.
  Second, you must pay much attention to your appearance, including your dress and your behavior. You should dress properly. While talking with the interviewer, you should listen to him attentively, accompanied with proper eye contact and a timely nod of head.
  Third, you must be confident about yourself. Your smiling face is the best way to show your confidence and friendliness. You should be also honest, especially when talking about yourself.
  Directions: For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composi tion
  on the topic Student Use of Computers. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline given below:
  1.上图(图略)所示为1990 年、1995 年、2002 年某校大学生事业计算机的情况,请描述其变化
  Student Use of Computers
  Students tend to use computers more and more nowadays. Reading this chart, we can find that the average number of hours a student spends on the computer per week has increased sharply. In
  1990, it has less than 2 hours; and in 1995, it increased to almost 4 hours, and in 2000, the number soared to 20 hours.
  Obviously computers are becoming more and more popular. There are several reasons for this. First, computers facilitate us in more aspects of life. Also, the fast developments of the Internet enlarges our demands for using computers. We can easily contact with friends in remote places through the Internet. Besides, the prices of computers are getting lower and lower, which enables more students to purchase them.
  However, there still exist some problems, such as, poor quality, out of date designs and so on. And how to balance the time between using computers and studying is also a serious problem.
  Anyhow, we will benefit a lot from computers as long as we use them properly.
  Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus. You should write at least
  100 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below. 假设你是李明,请你就本校食堂的状况给校长写一封信,内容应涉及食堂的饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务等,可以是表扬,可以是批评建议,也可以兼而有之。
  January 12 th, 2002
  Dear Mr. President, Li Ming
  A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus2021年高考各大学录取分数线
  January 12 th, 2002
  Dear Mr. President,
  I am a student of computer science in our university. I am writing this letter to you to show about the canteen service on campus on behalf of some students of our department.
2020年国考真题及答案  Firstly, we feel we need more varieties of foods served to the students, which means every student can get the food that he thinks suitable for his taste and his pocket money allowance. Secondly,
  we find it essential to prolong the opening hours of the canteen. A student from a class that ends at
  12:00 noon may reach the canteen no sooner than 12:30. However, the fact is that the canteen is closed when he gets there. Thirdly, we are greatly concerned with the dining environment. We feel that student diners are entitled to a better dining environment than what they are having now.
  We do hope that the university authority will look into the problems and solve them. Yours Sincerely,
  Li Ming
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  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter. Suppose you are Zhang Ying. Write a letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the week long holiday. You should write at least 100 words according to the suggestions (given in Chinese) below:
  A Letter to A Schoolmate; June 23, 2001; Dear Xiao Wang; Yours, Zhang Ying
晋中市人力资源保障局  A Letter to A Schoolmate
  June 23, 2001
  Dear Xiao Wang,
  I am glad to hear that you will come to see me during the week long holiday. It has been