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2021准考证I. 情景交际(共5小题;每小题3分, 满分15分)
阅读下列简短对话, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项, 将对话补全。
1. ---Thanks for giving me a ride to school.
A. You are welcome
B. That’s a good idea
C. Don’t worry
D. You are so nice
【详解】考查情景对话。句意:——谢谢你开车送我去学校。——别客气。A. You are welcome别客气;B. That’s a good idea好主意;C. Don’t worry别担心;D. You are so nice你真好。根据上一句可知是在感谢对方,回答应该是不客气。故选A。
2. -_______?医师资格考试
-My watch reads nine.
A. What’s the date today
B. How much is your watch
C. What time is it now
D. How many watches do you have
【详解】考查特殊疑问句。句意:——现在几点了?——我的表显示九点。A. What’s the date today今天几号;B. How much is your watch你的表多少钱;C. What time is it now现在什么时间;D. How many watches do you have你有多少块手表。根据回答“我的表显示九点”可知,问句是对现在的时间提问。故选C项。
3. -Would you like to come to our party tonight?
-Sure. ________.
A. I’m sorry
B. I’d love to
C. That’s all right
D. Come on
【详解】考查情景交际。句意:——今晚你愿意来参加我们的聚会吗?——当然,我愿意。A. I'm sorry对不起;B.I'd love to我愿意;C.That's all right不要紧,没关系;D.Come on加油;快点。根据Sure可推
断,说话人同意邀请,故应说I'd love to我愿意(去),故选B。
4. —What do you think of the movie?
-I like it. I think ______.
A. it’s great
B. it’s possible
C. it’s terrible
D. it’s ordinary
【详解】考查情景交际。句意:——你觉得这部电影怎么样?——我喜欢。我觉得很棒。A. it’s great极好的;B. it’s possible可能的;C. it’s terrible可怕的;D. it’s ordinary普通的。根据上文“I like it.”可知是积极的评价。故选A。
5. —Sorry I was not able to help.
A. It just depends
B. It’s my pleasure
C. Not in the least
D. Thank you all the same 【答案】D
【详解】考查情景交际。句意:——对不起,我没能帮上忙。——别客气。A. It just depends看情况;B. It’s my pleasure别客气;C. Not in the least一点也不;D. Thank you all the same还是谢谢你了。对方没有帮上忙,还是要感谢对方。故选D。
II. 阅读(共15小题;每小题3分, 满分45分)
第一节阅读下列短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。
A new interactive (互动的)map shows which parts of the world have been hit hardest by climate change. The map, called ClimateEX, allows users to see how global warming (全球变暖)influences temperature and rainfall across the Earth.
The map shows, in the UK, areas of eastern Scotland have been most influenced by climate change. In the US, the west coast has seen a rise in temperature and loss of rainfall. The map also shows that over the next 50 years parts of Wales and northeast England will see big changes to their climate.
Developed by a scientist at the University of Cincinnati, the map uses 50 years of public climate data
from 50, 000 international weather stations around the Earth. It shows not only how the climate has changed, But also what will possibly happen by the year 2070.
According to the map, over the next 50 years Central America will be subject to terrible heat and rainfall. Papua New Guinea, southeastern China, the west coast of the US, Greenland and the Arctic are also easily influenced, most importantly for sea level change.
ClimateEX can also help users search for places where climate change may lead to extreme phenomena (现象)in the future. The user simply touches the place where storms are frequent at present on the map and then ClimateEX will show all the places where storms are likely to happen in 50 years.
6. A rise in temperature and loss of rainfall have happened in ____.
A. the US
B. China
2021年事业单位考试时间C. Papua New Guinea
D. the UK
7. The map tells the climate change in the future by _.
A. setting up weather stations
B. recording rainfall
C. measuring the sea levels
D. using past climate data
8. The underlined phrase be subject to in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ____.
A. cause
B. suffer
C. avoid
D. change
9. According to the last paragraph, the map can _____.
A. reduce the influences of climate change
B. change the climates of different countries
C. show where extreme climates will happen
D. suggest how people deal with climate change
10. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Increasing Rainfall
B. An Amazing Map
C. A Map of the World
D. Changeable Climate
【答案】6. A 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. B
细节理解题。根据第二段“In the US, the west coast has seen a rise in temperature and loss of rainfall. (在美国,西海岸气温上升,降雨量减少。)”可知,美国出现了气温上升和降雨减少的情况。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第三段“Developed by a scientist at the University of Cincinnati, the map uses 50 years of public climate data from 50, 000 international weather stations around the Earth. (该地图由辛辛那提大学的一位科学家开发,使用了全球5万个国际气象站50年来的公共气候数据。)”可知,该地图利用过去的气候数据来预测未来的气候变化。故选D。
词句猜测题。根据第三段“It shows not only how the climate has changed, But also what will possibly happen by the year 2070. (它不仅显示了气候是如何变化的,而且还显示了到2070年可能会发生什么。)”和划线词前半句“According to the map, over the next 50 years Central America (根据地图,在未来的50年里,中美洲)”可推断,在未来的50年里,中美洲将遭受可怕的高温和降雨。所以划线词be subject to为“遭受”之意。故选B。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“ClimateEX can also help users search for places where climate change may lead to extreme phenomena (现象)in the future. (ClimateEX还可以帮助用户搜索未来气候变化可能导致极端现象的地方。)”可知,该地图可以显示哪里会发生极端天气。故选C。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“A new interactive (互动的)map shows which parts of the world have been hit hardest by climate change. (一幅新的交互式地图显示了世界上哪些地区受气候变化影响最严重。)”、第三段“It shows not only how the climate has changed, But also what will possibly happen by the year 2070. (它不仅显示了气候是如何变化的,而且还显示了到2070年可能会发生什么。)及全文可知,文章主要介绍了新研究开发交互式地图可显示全球气候变化状况,还能预测未来的气候变化,是令人惊讶的。所以“An Amazing Map(令人惊叹的地图)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选B。
Anger is a natural feeling that everyone experiences in life. Some researchers believe the first sound a baby makes when born could be a sign of anger. Anger may be the first feeling we have and respo
nd to. It’s in many cases a perfectly healthy feeling. Anger can cause people to make very positive changes in their lives. Sometimes we have to be angry at injustice (不公正), at wrong doings, or even at nature, before we can do what needs to be done to correct wrongs or make things better. But of course, that is not how we usually think of anger.
Most people think of anger as a feeling we must keep under control. Children are sometimes sent to their rooms or punished for expressing anger in an uncontrolled way. Parents tell a child to control himself when the child shows anger. We may be angry with friends or at work, but we know it’s not right to show it. Very early in life, we learn that anger is something that must be controlled.
We learn this for a good reason. Uncontrolled anger can lead to fights, car accidents, bad relationships with others, unacceptable social behavior, and many other problems. However, many experts say that if one suppresses his anger, he may suffer serious mental and physical health problems. So what can we do to understand and calm this feeling?
One solution is to talk about it with someone we trust, for example, a good friend. We can also try to walk away from a situation that causes anger, ask a doctor for advice, or just exercise more in our daily life. And of course we may have many other methods. Whatever solution we choose, as long a
s we are trying to find the solution to the problem, we have already taken the first step in the right direction.
11. According to Paragraph 1, anger can _____.
A. lead to justice
B. keep us healthy
C. help us tell right from wrong
D. help us make things better
12. What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?
A. We are taught to control anger.
B. Anger appears early in life.
C. We shouldn’t get angry at work.
D. Angry children should be punished.
13. The underlined word “suppresses” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. holds in
B. takes in
C. expresses
D. understands
14. Which of the following can help deal with anger?
A. Excellent physical health.
B. A talk with a close friend.
C. Some exercises given by teachers.
D. A good relationship with others.
15. What does the author think of anger?
A. Anger shown by children is unacceptable.
B. Anger leads to deadly mental and physical illnesses.
C. Anger can be a healthy feeling and need be treated properly.
什么人不能考公务员D. Anger builds up relationships with our friends or workmates.
【答案】11. D 12. A 13. A 14. B 15. C
细节理解题。根据第一段“It’s in many cases a perfectly healthy feeling. Anger can cause people to make very positive changes in their lives. Sometimes we have to be angry at injustice (不公正), at wrong doings, or even at nature, before we can do what needs to be done to correct wrongs or make things better. (在很多情况下,这是一种非常健康的感觉。愤怒可以使人们在生活中做出非常积极的改变。有时,我们必须对不公正、对错误的行为、甚至对大自然感到愤怒,然后才能做我们需要做的事情来纠正错误或使事情变得更好。)”可知,愤怒可以帮助我们使事情变得更好。故选D。
主旨大意题。根据第二段“Most people think of anger as a feeling we must keep under contro1. Children are sometimes sent to their rooms or punished for expressing anger in an uncontrolled way. Parents tell a child to control himself when the child shows anger. We may be angry with friends or at work, but we know it’s not right to show it. Very early in life, we learn that anger is something that must be controlled. (大多数人认为愤怒是一
词句猜测题。根据划线词前句“Uncontrolled anger can lead to fights, car accidents, bad relationships with others, unacceptable social behavior, and many other problems. (不受控制的愤怒会导致打架、车祸、与他人
的不良关系、不可接受的社会行为以及许多其他问题。)”和后半句“he may suffer serious mental and physical health problems. (他可能会遭受严重的精神和身体健康问题。)”并结合表示转折意义的however可知,不受控制的愤怒会有负面影响,但压抑自己的愤怒可能会遭受严重的精神和身体健康问题。所以划线词suppresses为“压制,压抑”之意。故选A。
细节理解题。根据第四段“One solution is to talk about it with someone we trust, for example, a good friend. (一种解决方法是和我们信任的人谈论,例如,一个好朋友。)”可知,与亲密朋友的谈话可以帮助处理愤怒。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第一段“It’s in many cases a perfectly healthy feeling. Anger can cause people to make very positive changes in their lives. (在很多情况下,这是一种非常健康的北京市石景山区2023年高三一模考试物理试题含答案情感。愤怒可以使人们在生活中做出非常积极的改变)”和第三段“Uncontrolled anger can lead to fights, car accidents, bad relationships with others, unacceptable social behavior, and many other problems. However, many experts say that if one suppresses his anger, he may suffer serious mental and physical health problems. (不受控制的愤怒会导致打架、车