语音、语调 5
准确程度 5
流利程度 5
表达能力 5
文章作者 100test 发表时间 2008网上自考大专怎么报名:08:30 15:59:06
来源 100Test.Com百考试题网
Emergency ability
1 Because of the objective reason, the tour group want to leave in advance, as a local guide, how to deal with it?
1,the local guide should as far as possible to save time, arrange the tour in the plan. 2,report to the travel agency, contact with the hotel, return the room, dinner, bus and so on .3, as far as possible to inform the next station to change the receipt plan.
2 According to the receipt plan and reservation time, local guide can’t receive the group, how to deal with it?
1,immediately contact with travel agency, and find out the reason. 2,contact with airport and ask if the group board. 3,if don’t’ need much time , local guide can sty at the airport. 4,湖北省人力资源和社会保障厅电话
if postpone is too long, the local guide should rearrange receipt affairs according to the travel agency.
3 How to avoid leaving out the receipt?
96596人工服务1,read the receipt plan, know the group’s arrival date, time, receipt place, number of train and so on. 2,check the correct arrival time. 3,arrive the station half an hour in advance and wait for the coming of the group.
4 How to deal with the mistake in receipt?
1,if the mistake is happened between two groups in the same agency, no longer exchange the groups unless the travel agency don’t agree with it. 2,if mistake happens in another travel agency, the guide should immediately report to the ravel agency and try to as soon as possible exchange the groups and make apology to the tourist.
5 How to avoid delaying the airplane?
1,the local guide with the national guide should fix the tickets in advance, check and confirm the date, time, number, destination and so on..
2,before leaving, don’t let the tourist go to the complex place and so on.
3,arrange abundant time g to the airport(station, harbor) and make sure that the group leaving location, help to carry out the check-in(train, ship)procedure, and leave on time. 河北省人事考试网电话
6 How to deal with delaying the airplane (train, ship)?
1,immediately report to the travel agency, ask for help. 2,as soon as possible contact with airport, and try to let the tourist leave with the recent airplane. 3,stabilize the tourist’s motion, and arrange dinner, dormitory, traffic and sight-seeing, make apology to the tourist. 4,as soon as possible inform the nest station in order to adjust the plan. 5, write an accident report and make clear the reason.
7 If the tourist lose the passport, how to deal with it ?
1,based on the tourist application, the travel agency sign a proof to carry out a temporary passport. 2,tourist can take the proof, oneself photograph, arrive to the local public security official organization foreigner immigration administrative office ,and take another proof.. 3,take the pubic security official organization’s proof and go t the country in china’s embassy to carry out the new passport. 4,get the new passport again to the public security official organization to carry out the visa procedure.
8 If the tourist lose something important, how to deal with it?
1,confirm if it is really stolen and report to the travel agency, local public security official organization, the travel agency insurance company that insure, help to seek and try to clear a criminal case. 2,if it can’t be found out, let the public security official organization give a proof in order to return to country to check and ask the insurance to pay. 3,the local guide should comfort the owner and alleviate his displeasure motion.
9 How to avoid the tourist mislead?
1,remind the tourist, for example, the name of the agency, number of bus, name of hotel, telephone number and so on. 2,report the arrangement, let the tourist know the itinerary, time, parking lot and assembly time. 3,the guide can’t leave the group and often check the number of the tourist, don’t let them leave far in free time. 4,the local guide, the national guide and the leader should often contact with each other and take care of the group.
10How to deal with the tourist walk to lose?
1,generally, the national guide and the leader organize the member to look for, and the local guide lead the other member to continue the sight-seeing. 2,inform the local pubic security official organization to look for. 3,report to the ravel agency. 4,contact with the hotel, inquire if they have retuned to the hotel. 5,if don’t find out, the team can return to the hotel, the local guide, the national guide and the leader leave two people to continue look for, after finding out can take the other bus to return to the hotel. 6,if the local guide’s mistake, make apology to the loser, if the tourist’s mistake, warn them to notice