1._______mainly for the invention of the telephone,Alexander Graham Bell mostly devoted his life to helping the deaf.
A.He is remembered
B.To remember
C.While remembering
D.Though remembered
2.His explanation was so clear that everyone could understand it with________.
A.possibly the least effort
B.the least effort possibly
C.the possible least effort
D.the least possible effort
3.It_______to scientists of our time to develop powerful killers of SABS virus.
A.has left
B.is leaving
C.is left
D.had been left
4.The reduced cost_______worldwide use of the medicine in treating the infectious disease.
A.made it possible
B.made possible
C.possibly made
D.possibly made it
5.I didn't expect them_______for me when I arrived there.
< wait
< be waiting
C.were waiting
< have waited
6._______above average height,he had broad shoulders and a deep chest.
B.A man
C.To be a man
D.Being the man
7.As the red roofs of cottages came_______view,we knew we were not far from our destination.
8.The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him___.
< to
< to do
< do it
D.do not to
9.E-mail,as well as telephones,___an important part in our daily communication.
青海昆仑人才网A.have played
B.are playing
C.have been playing
D.is playing
10.My new computer works___the one I bought three years ago.
< times as fast as
< times faster
< times more than
D.as ten times as
11.Alan is a careful driver.but he drives of my friends.()
< carefully
B.the most carefully
C.less carefully
D.the least carefully
12.The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than in the newspaper ()
A.It is
B.those are
< is
13.We had wanted to finish our task by noon,but it didn't quite()
A.find out
B.give out
监理工程师考试成绩什么时候出来C.hand out
D.work out
14.-Could you turn the TV down a little bit?()
Is it disturbing you?
Take it easy.B.I’m sorry.C.Not a bit D.It depends
15.When different cultures,we often pay attention only to the()
differences without noticing the many similarities.
B.being compared
D.having compared
16.It was in____friendly a way that he talked with us.()
A.such if
B.how has
< go
成人本科报考条件及要求17._____you’re trying to do is really too difficult for you.()
A.What is
B.That are
C.Who are
D.If is
18.He acted____nothing had happened to him.()
A.as is
B.if is
C.as if    C.whom was
19.A bridge was built_____the river.()
< one
B.at is
20.You can____my surprise when I heard the news.()
A.think ind
B.suppose is
C.guess one
1.她一定是哭过了,这从她的眼睛可以看出来。(which引导的定语从句)2.尽管他年纪大了,他从不放弃学习英语。(in spite of)
3.明天会上要讨论的第一个问题是下一步做什么。(the first problem…is…)4.不知道如何翻译这个句子,她去向老师请求帮助。(分词作状语)
社工证自学能考过吗5.直到昨天,他们才告知这个宾馆里的房间已全部预订完了。(Not until)
Culture shock happens to all people who travel abroad.Usually,there are five phases(or
stages)of culture shock.
During the first few days of a person's stay in a new country,everything usually goes fairly smoothly.The newcomer is excited about
being in a new place.This frst stage of culture shock is called the"honeymoon phase". Unfortunately,this often comes to an end fairly soon.
The second stage of culture shock is known as the"rejection(排斥)phase".The newcomer starts to reject the foreign country,
complaining about and noticing only the bad things.At this stage the newcomer either gets stronger and stays,or gets weaker and goes home.
If you don't get through stage two successfully,you may find yourself moving into stage three:the"regression phase".The word"regression"means moving backward.In this phase, you spend much time speaking your own language,watching DVD from
your home country,eating food from home.
If you get through the third stage sucessfully(or miss it completely)you will move into the fourth stage of culture shock."recovery phase".In this stage you become more comnfortable with the language and the customs of the foreign country.
Much later,you may find yourself entering the fifth phase.It is called"return culture shock' and occurs when you return home.You have been away for a long time and may find that you are no longer completely comfortable in your home country.
Remember to be kind to yourself all the time when you are in a foreign country,and when you get home.
1.The first phase of culture shock is known as___.
A.the honeymoon stage
B.the rejection stage
C.the regression stage
D.the recovery stage
3.Ifa person has dificulty gtting through the first two stages,he may__
C.choose to watch TV a lot at home
D.speak more in his own language
3.A person in the recovery stage will
Aplain about being at home
B.feel comfortable being at home
C.become more used to the foreign country
D.worry about moving to his home country
4.You may experience'return culture shock"when you__
< on vacation
B.arive in a foreign country
< back to your home country
D.miss the first few stages of culure shock
Hello,my name is Jennifer Sun.I am14years old.I go to school in Central Jersey in the US.I will tell you about school life in the US.