雅思口语管理类联考和考研区别Part 2媒体类话题(上)
人民警察体检标准在雅思口语Part 2中,有一类题虽然数量不多,但几乎每次考试都会涉及到,这一类题是各位考生在备考过程中的必备考题,在20121-9月的35场考试中,每次考试中都涉及到了此类题,这就是媒体类的题目。在现代社会中,媒体在人们的生活中十分重要,从方方面面影响着人们的生活。在雅思口语Part 2中,媒体类话题更是一个必不可少的话题,而这一类题目常考的话题基本上是固定的,对于各位考生来说,是有足够时间来准备的,但是由于媒体类的话题相对而言比较抽象,所以很多同学都感到冬奥会几年一次“无言以对。其实对于雅思口语考试而言,化抽象为具体是一个万能的黄金法则,特别适用于这个话题,朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家建议同学们在备考过程中认真思考,把抽象的媒体类话题变得具体而生动。
1Describe a TV program you like
2Describe an advertisement
3Describe a (foreign) film
4Describe a piece of music
5Describe a website
6Describe a piece of news
7Describe a newspaper/ magazine
8Describe a book
I. TV Program
在历年的考试中,TV program的出现率非常高,它的考法有:Describe a TV program/ per
formance (like/dislike), quiz show. 在这个题目中,很多同学会错误的把电影,电视剧之类的作为题材来说,其实是不对的,该题目期待考生给的答案是电视节目,例如像talk show, entertainment show, animal world之类的电视节目,另外有些同学不知道quiz show的意思,其实quiz show也是电视节目的一种,知识竞答类的节目,例如曾经比较火的一个节目《开心辞典》。那么我们应该如何来描述电视节目呢?首先我们从题目看起,该考题的原题如下:
Describe a TV program/ performance (like/dislike)
You should say:
what was name of the program
when did you watch it
what did it talk about
and explain why you like/dislike this program.
I like watching TV. “Happy Dictionary”, a quiz show, is my favorite. For one thing, I am impressed by its host “Wang Xiao Ya”. She is beautiful and incredible. In the program, the participants are introduced at first. Then they will be asked a question, the person who can answer correctly and quickly will have a chance to take the quiz. The host will ask the participant 12 questions. When you answered 3 questions and they’re all right. You have one prize. But if there is one wrong answer, the participant can’t have the prize. The prizes are decided by participants. For example, a fridge, computer, digital video camera, laptop, a free package holiday, and so on. The way the host asks the questions make the
m more difficult. The participants can get help from others for answering the questions but only three ways. If you have used one then you cannot use it again. The three ways are calling a friend by phone, asking the audience and letting the computer erase one of the wrong answers. I like this program because it can enhance my general knowledge. I love “Happy Dictionary”.
II. Advertisement
Describe an advertisement
You should say:
what product or service is advertised
what the advertisement showed
why you remember this advertisement in particular
and explain whether you think the advertisement is effective
怎么查历年公务员职位表Well, today I'm going to talk about an advertisement of perfume. The perfume is the only one perfume which with time flying but also gives out new fascination. I think everyone have heard about it. What is it? It’s CHANEL N°5. It mixed luxurious and elegance, with courageous and spirit of breaking tradition.
At the passageway of train, a young lady was immersed in thinking with the voice of train, and exhaling a sexy and attractive perfume. A young man passed by, then he couldn't stop himself loving her sweet smell. When the train arrived at the destination, she wanted to find him with deep and ungovernable longings. In the noisy city with different kinds of smell, they missed each other. Finally, he found her when he just wants to give up. At the end of this advertisement, a shining double "C" appeared.
Just as Marilyn Monroe once said, "I go to sleep with nothing, but a few drops of CHANEL N°5." Even though fate is like a game, the fascination of N°5 is always making no stand.