1.1 遵守规章制度:本招生简章适用中华人民共和国教育法、招生简章等有关规定的聊城大学在职研究生招生。
1.2 招生形式:本次招生形式为全日制及非全日制,同时也开展毕业生专业技术职务认定(即省级高等学校职称评定)。
1.3 招生范围:聊城大学在招生中不设程序性体检门槛,招收社会各界具有一定学业水平的从事或想从事本学科学术或专业技术的教师、科研人员和其他从事相关工作的人员。
1.4 学位授予:聊城大学可授予职称、学士、硕士和博士学位。
2.1 入学年龄:18周岁以上(入学时)。
2.2 基本条件:本科学历教育背景者经本科学历学习满四年以上、国家允许行政管理及业务工作要求具有高级专门技术职业资格证书者优先录取;毕业生专业技术职务认定要求具有中级专业资格以上证书者以及社会行政、军事、教育、科研有长期受雇工作者,经相关部门认证后可申请。
2.3 推荐信:毕业生专业技术职务认定审核要求推荐信来自所在单位的主管部门或直接上级,其他在职申请人提交开课单位上级领导推荐函。
3.1 报名:报名时个人须提交完整的报名表,包括照片、地址、电话号码等。
3.2 材料:用于证明身份、学历和成绩的个人证件照片或复印件(如身份证、学习证、学位证书、学习成绩单);为证明工作经历及能力的职业资格证书复印件;中职业工作者提交本人受雇的证明文件;申请毕业生专业技术职务认定的材料;为证明汉语水平情况的汉语考试成绩单复印件;以前证明从事本专业研究的报告;
Rules and Regulations on Enrollment of In-service Postgraduates of Liaocheng University广东省自考成绩查询
I. General新安人才招聘
1.1 Comply with regulations: These rules and regulations on enrollment of in-service postgraduates of Liaocheng University shall be in compliance with the Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Postgraduate Enrollment Guidelines and other relevant regulations.
1.2 Form of admission: Admissions are both full-time and part-time, and a provincial-level academic and technical title appraisal (i.e., professional title assessment by a Higher Learning Institution of the province) will concurrently be conducted.
1.3 Admissions target: Liaocheng University does not set any procedural physical examination threshold on admission. It recruits teachers, researchers and other personnel who are engaged in or expect to engage in the academic and professional disciplines associated.
1.4 Degree Awarded: Liaocheng University may award professional titles, Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate Degrees.
II. Admissions Requirements
2.1 Age: Above 18 years of age (at the time of enrollment).
2.2 Basic Requirements: Priorities are given to those who have undergone more than four years of undergraduate study, as well as those hold a high-level professional qualification certificate of technical occupation as required by the national administration and business administrators. For professional and technical title certification, applicants need to possess a middle-level professional qualification certificate and/or have been employed in any of the administration, military, teaching, and research areas for an extended period and verified by relevant institutions.