Wanda Smith always wanted to be a school teacher but sometimes meeting life’s demanding realities could mean a dream delayed. A mother of three, Smith also cared for her mom. While鄂尔多斯人才网查询档案 squarely shouldering her family responsibilities, she took jobs as bus monitor and custodian (门卫) for Brenham Independent School District in Texas. The hours were tiring, but rather than let her dream die, at age 37, with the support and encou
ragement of her husband, she added night classes to her schedule. Nine years on, she finally graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Sam Houston State University. She was a certified teacher at last.
Smith’s story came full circle when she was hired as a first-grade teacher back at Brenham Elementary School. "When I stand in front of my classroom-my classroom-I am living my dream," Smith said during a TODAY show. During the pandemic (流行病), as some of her students struggled to meet the demands of distance learning, Smith stepped up to the challenge. Noting that many of the kids she teaches came from single-parent families, she began delivering packets of schoolwork to them at home. It’s no wonder Smith’s kids adored her. In a special surprise ceremony, they shouted their praise and held up big colorful signs declaring their devotion.
The sentiment was echoed by Brenham’s mayor, Milton Tate Jr., who officially declared May 4, 2021 as “Be the Best You Can Be” Wanda Smith Day. The phrase was also carved on a社保查询个人账户怎么查 commemorative schoolyard bench, and in addition, a scholarship for up-and-coming teachers at Sam Houston State has been established in her name.
Smith’s life is an example as well as an inspiration. By always striving to be the best she could be, with hard work and perseverance, she graduated from cleaning classrooms to leading classrooms.
21. What prevented Smith from achieving her dream at a younger age?
A. Her heavy family burden.      B. Her strong love for mother.
C. The lack of family support.    D. The demanding academic requirements.
22. Whats the students attitude towards Smith?
A. Concerned.    B. Respectful.    C. Critical.    D. Sympathetic.
23. Which of the following facts shows Smiths influence beyond her school?
A. A day was celebrated nationwide in her name.
B. Her name was carved on a schoolyard bench.
C. Colorful signs were held by her students.
D. A scholarship was created in her honor.
24. What is the main purpose of the passage?
A. To stress the importance of setting up a dream.
B. To advocate lifelong learning by introducing Smiths story.
C. To show how Smith achieved her best with heart and devotion.
D. To illustrate how Smiths experience inspired the people around.
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Team skills are a very important aspect of being successful in life. Playing an instrument boosts your teamwork skills as it requires you to work with others to make music. In band and orchestra settings, you must learn how to cooperate with the people around you. Furthermore, in 国家考公order for a group to make beautiful music, each player and section must learn how to listen to each 甘肃省公务员分数线other and play together.
Playing an instrument comes with its responsibilities. Maintenance and care are very important in keeping an instrument in good working condition. Each instrument has different procedures to keep it functioning properly. In addition to being responsible for maintaining one’s instrument, there are other aspects such as remembering music events
like rehearsals and performances, and making time for practice. Thus, learning an instrument increases your sense of responsibility.