大学英语四级(2013年12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷264 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:1. Writing 2. Listening Comprehension 3. Reading Comprehension 4. Translation
Part I    Writing
1. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled There Is No End to Learning by commenting on the famous saying, Education is not complete with graduation. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1.  There Is No End to Learning
正确答案:          There Is No End to Learning    A large number of people tend to live under the illusion that they had completed their education when they graduate from their schools. Obviously, they fail to take into account the basic fact that there is no end to learning.    First of all, it is universally accepted that no college or university can educate its students by the time they graduate. Even the best possible graduate needs to continu
e learning before he or she becomes an educated person. Furthermore, as a famous saying goes, education is not complete with graduation. A college degree can never ensure long-term job success. Maintaining success in a job depends on education after graduation. Most importantly, learning is rewarding both materially and spiritually by enriching our life and perfecting our personality.    In a word, learning is an invaluable career worth our life-long pursuit. No one should be content with just high school or college education.
解析:    这是一篇分析型论说文,要求结合“教育不能随毕业而结束。”这句话,对文章主题“学无止境”进行分析。根据题目要求,可将文章内容安排如下:    第一段:概述现象,引出下文讨论的话题“学习没有止境”。    第二段:从几个方面分析论证为什么学习没有止境。    第三段:总结全文。 
依法治国是十几大提出的Part II    Listening Comprehension
Section A
听力原文:    A court in the United States has ruled that the hamburger chain McDonald s was not responsible for the health problem of overweight children who eat at its restaurants. The judge said lawyers acting for the children had failed to show that McDonalds products presented a danger unknown to consumers. This is the first case of its kind to go through the American courts. The outcome is a victory for the fast food industry, which is ready for a wave of tobacco-style charges over the health consequences of poor diet. The action was mounted on behalf of a group of overweight children suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure and other diet-related diseases. They blamed their problems on the fatty hamburgers and chips theyd regularly eaten at McDonalds restaurants in New York.1 Why did McDonald中公教育学费真的能退吗’s win the charge?2 What was the reason for the consumer to charge McDonalds?
A.Because those children could not prove they regularly ate there.
B.Because most of those children are healthy.
国家公务员考试网入口C.Because consumers knew the dangers of McDonalds products.
D.Because some children are not really overweight.江苏考公务员职位表
A.McDonalds food is not clean.
B.McDonalds food price is too high.
C.McDonalds food contains high fat.
D.McDonalds environment is not safe.
听力原文:    OPEC has decided this was not the time for cutting petroleum output. Energy ministers here didnt have the stomach to cut back production at a time when crude oil prices were reaching historic highs on the international exchanges. It was feared that cuts in the output would send prices even higher and reduce global economic growth. While nobody here seems surprised about oil output levels remaining the same, President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela managed to raise a few eyebrows among delegates when he held a highly politicized speech calling on OPEC to be an anti-imperialist organization. He went on to describe Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, the jailed Marxist fighter, as a good friend. Venezuelan-bom Ramirez, better known as Carlos the slave, led a terror attack against OPECs Vienna headquarters in 1975.3 What did OPEC decide to do?4 What was the purpose of Hugo Chavezs speech?
A.Raise the oil prize.广东省公务员考试职位查询
B.Cut back production.
C.Reduce global economic growth.
D.Remain the same level of output.
A.To cut petroleum output.
B.To fight against imperialism.
C.To help his good friend.
D.To promote the international exchanges.
解析:新闻后半部分出现了一个焦点人物,即委内瑞拉总统Hugo Chavez,他发表了政治意味浓厚的演讲,号召石油输出国组织应该成为一个反对帝国主义的组织(be an anti-imperialist organization),因此正确选项是B项。 
听力原文:    Four gunmen have been killed as the Indian military hindered a pre-dawn attack on an air force base near the border with Pakistan, officials say.    Two soldiers at the Pathankot base were also killed in a gun battle lasting several hours. The base is on the main highway leading to Indian-administered Kashmir.    The incident came days after the Indian and Pakistani leaders met in Lahore to launch a surprise peace initiative.    The gunmen wore Indian military uniforms and drove a stolen car when they launched the attack at 3:30.    They entered living quarters at the base, but were contained there a
nd so were unable to cause any damage to military hardware, said air force spokeswoman Rochelle DSilva.    The BBCs Sanjoy Majumder in Delhi says it is not yet clear who the attackers were but suspicion is already falling on Kashmiri militant groups based in Pakistan.    India says the group is backed by Pakistan, but Islamabad denies this.5 What is the news report mainly about?6 How many people were killed in the attack?7 When did the attack occur?
A.An attack launched by gunmen.
B.A peace initiative before the attack.
C.The damage to military hardware.
D.A militant groups based in Pakistan.
A.At dusk.
B.At 3:30 am.
C.On Monday morning.
D.On Friday afternoon.
解析:新闻中有直接提到攻击是在3:30发起(they launched the attack at 3:30),而新闻首句则提到这是一个a pre-dawn attack,即发生在黎明前,结合两者可知B项正确。 
Section B
听力原文:M: What do you plan to do for Christmas?W: No concrete plan, but I think Ill most likely go skiing in California.M: I heard you are very good at skiing. Believe it or not,
I havent done any skiing in my life. I wish I could ski just like you. W: Yeah, you could if you had a try. You know, skiing is my favorite sport and the only reason I like it so much is because it gives me great pleasure to speed through the snow. M: My parents and I vacationed in Heavenly Ski Resort when I was little and I remembered we had great time going hiking. Now I feel like going back again. W: Well, since we have two weeks break for Christmas, you can spend a few days in California and I can give you lessons on skiing. That would give you some basics and hopefully you can ski like a professional in a few days. M: Ski like a professional? No way. Actually, you do have a good point, I could spend some time in California and head back home for Christmas. Perhaps you could spend Christmas at my place too. My parents would like to meet you. W: That would be great, since my folks will be in Europe for Christmas and New Year. M: Oh, I cant wait to learn how to ski. W: And you can bet I will be a very strict instructor.M: No problem. I have been known to be an excellent student during my school year. W: Well, maybe you wont be this time.8 Why does the woman like skiing so much?9 What did the man and his parents do in Heavenly Ski Resort?10 What does the woman suggest the man do?11 How will the woman spend her Christmas?