一、Reading Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
An industrial society, especially one as centralised and concentrated as that of Britain, is heavily dependent on certain essential services, for instance, electricity supply, water, rail and road transport, the harbours. The area of dependency has widened to include removing rubbish, hospital and ambulance services, and, as the economy develops, central computer and information services as well. If any of these services ceases to operate, the whole economic system is in danger.
It is this interdependency of the economic system which makes the power of trade unions such an important issue. Single trade unions have the ability to cut off many countries" eco
nomic blood supply. This can happen more easily in Britain than in some other countries, in part because the labour force is highly organized. About 55 percent of British workers belong to unions, compared to under a quarter in the United States. For historical reasons, Britain"s unions have tended to develop along trade and occupational lines, rather than on an industry-by-industry basis, which makes a wages policy, democracy in industry and the improvement of procedures for fixing wage levels difficult to achieve.
There are considerable strains and tensions in the trade union movement, some of them arising from their outdated and inefficient structure. Some unions have lost many members because of industrial changes. Others are involved in arguments about who should represent workers in new trades. Unions for skilled trades are separate from general unions, which means that different levels of wages for certain jobs are often a source of bad feeling between unions. In traditional trades which are being pushed out of existence by advancing technologies, unions fight for their members" disappearing jobs to the point where the jobs of other unions" members are threatened or destroyed. The printing of newspapers both in the United States and in Britain has frequently been halted
by the efforts of printers to hold on to their traditional highly-paid jobs.
Trade unions have problems of internal communication just as managers in companies do, problems which multiply in very large unions or in those which bring workers in very different industries together into a single general union. Some trade union officials have to be reelected regularly; others are elected, or even appointed, for life. Trade union officials have to work with a system of "shop stewards" in many unions, "shop stewards" are workers elected by other workers as their representatives at factory or works level.(分数:20.00)山东青岛人事网
(1).The trade union power is important in Britain because ______.(分数:4.00)
 A.the economy is very interdependent 
 B.unions have been established a long time
 C.there are more unions in Britain than elsewhere
 D.there are few essential services
解析:[解析] 细节题。由文章第一段第一句An industrial society, especially one as centralised and concentrated as that of Britain, is heavily dependent on certain 以及第二段首句可知,英国的工会力量巨大是由于经济对某些基本服务的依赖,故答案为A。
(2).Why is it difficult to improve the procedures for fixing wage levels?(分数:4.00)
 A.Some industries have no unions.
 B.Unions are not organized according to industries. 
 C.Only 55 percent of workers belong to unions.
 D.Some unions are too powerful.
解析:[解析] 细节题。由文章第二段最后一句话For historical reasons, Britain"s unions have tended to develop along trade and occupational lines, rather than on an industry-by-industry basis, which makes a wages policy, democracy in industry and the improvement
of procedures for fixing wage levels difficult to achieve. 可知,由于工会按照贸易行业和职业的发展状况而发展的,并不是分行业组建的,所以调整薪资的政策很难改进。故答案为B。
(3).Because of their out-of-date organization some unions find it difficult to ______.(分数:4.00)南京领导干部任前公示
 A.change as industries change
& new members to join
 C.launch movements with ease. 
 D.bargain for high enough wages
解析:[解析] 细节题。由第三段第一句话There are considerable strains and tensions in the trade union movement, some of them arising from their outdated and inefficient structure. 可知,工会运动遭到巨大的压力,其中一些压力源于这些工会守旧、无效的结构,故答案为C。
(4).Disagreements arise between unions because ______.(分数:4.00)
 A.some unions try to win over members of other unions
 B.some unions ignore agreements
 C.there are different levels of wages from union to union 
 D.some unions take over other union"s jobs
解析:[解析] 细节题。根据第三段第四句Unions for skilled trades are separate from general unions, which means that different levels of wages for certain jobs are often a source of bad feeling between unions. 可知,不同工作带来的不同薪资导致了工会间的不和,故答案为C。
(5).What basic problem are we told most trade unions face?(分数:4.00)
 A.They are not equal in size or influence.
 B.They are not organized efficiently.
 C.They is lack of internal communication. 
 D.They do not have enough members.
解析:[解析] 推断题。根据第三段的论述可知工会守旧且组织结构没有效率;最后一段中工会中存在着内部沟通问题,一些工会需要定期选举官员并且与工会代表一起合作,可知工会中存在的最根本问题为内部沟通问题,这一问题解决了,才能使工会与时俱进且高效工作,故答案为C。
In a survey conducted by research firm Harris Interactive, 71% of Americans said that spending extra money on travel during the holiday season is worthwhile—so long as it affords them time with family and friends. But just because traveling may be the right thing to do, that doesn"t mean it has to be the expensive thing to do. Traveling involves many hidden costs that, once you"re aware of them, are easy to spot—and even easier to eliminate.
To start, consider transportation fees. For example, if you"re driving, fill up the gas tank before traveling on the highway, where it"s much costlier, says Clarky Davis, a personal fi
2022乌海市事业单位招聘nance expert. And make sure your car is in good condition by checking your heating vents, keeping up with routine maintenance and ensuring your tires are properly inflated, all of which help the car achieve favorable fuel economy. Furthermore, not only does a tow car (救援车) cause inconvenience; it also means extra costs.
注册会计师报名时间For those opting to fly, first, be aware of how much it costs to check a bag. Most airlines are charging for every checked bag by weight, but prices vary from carrier to carrier. If you can manage to pack everything into a carry-on, you"ll save at least $15. Brooke Ferencsik, a travel expert, suggests considering secondary airports when booking your flight. These airports often are less crowded and frequently offer cheaper tickets.
And when it comes to your actual destination, don"t assume that hotels are going to cut back on fees simply because they"re desperate to draw customers. "They won"t be adding or increasing fees, but they won"t be decreasing them either," says Ferencsik. The best defense against extra fees is to read about the hotel"s rates online, before you make a reservation. "Be aware of surcharges for everything from housekeeping to groundskeeping to use of the in-room safe," says Ferenesik. Some hotels even install a s
ensor (传感器) within the mini bar, charging guests for simply touching the items, let alone eating or drinking them.
"From airlines to hotels to rental cars, they"ve all got hidden fees you need to be aware of," says Ferencsik. "Do your homework and ask questions."(分数:20.00)
(1).It is found that 71% of Americans regard it as worthwhile to ______.(分数:4.00)
 A.spend money on souvenirs while traveling with family and friends
 B.accept hidden costs while traveling with family and friends
&avel with family and friends during the holiday season 
&avel with family and friends so as to please them
解析:[解析] 细节题。短文第一段开头指出...71% of Americans said that spending extra money on travel during the holiday season is worthwhile—so long as it affords them time with family and friends. 即71%的美国人认为花钱去假期旅游是值得的——只要能让他们有时间和朋友家人在一起。故答案为C。
(2).How can fuel economy be improved?(分数:4.00)
 A.By filling up the gas tank off the highway.
 B.By considering transportation fees wisely.
 C.By avoiding the inconvenience of a tow car.
 D.By keeping your car in good condition. 
解析:[解析] 细节题。短文第二段第三句提到And make sure your car is in good all of which help the car achieve favorable fuel economy. 由此可知使汽车省油的办法就是确保你的车处于良好状态。故选D。