What is the boy going to buy?
A. Some juice.                B. Some oranges.            C. Some apples.
1. What is the man doing?
A. He is having dinner.        B. He is having a class.        C. He is planning his vacation.
2. How is the weather today?
A. Cool.                    B. Hot.                    C. Cold.
3. When did the woman go to the new restaurant?
A. Last night.                B. Last week.                C. Two days ago.
4. Where are Tom’s parents going for the Mid-Autumn Festival?
A. To his brother’s home.    B. To his home.            C. To his sister’s home.
5. What's wrong with the man?
A. He has a fever.            B. He has a sore throat.        C. He has a toothache.
6. Why will Bill go to the party later?
A. Because he walks to the party.
B. Because he needs to pick up Gina.
C. Because he has to wait for Jenny.
7. How much money will the woman give away?
A. $50.                    B. $950.                    C. $1,000.
2022年安徽省事业单位考试8. What does the girl mean?
A. The book is expensive.    B. The book is heavy.        C. The book is interesting.
9. When will Nancy go to the movies?
A. On Friday.                B. On Saturday.            C. On Sunday.
10. How will Nancy go there?
A. On foot.                B. By bike.                C. By car.
11. What does Mike think of the sofa?
A. Its colours are too bright.                    B. It looks good with the bed.
C. Its shape is perfect for the bedroom.
12. Which of the following is true?
A. The walls are light yellow.                    B. Lucy likes brown.
C. They have bought the sofa.
13. What is Linda doing?
A. She is singing.                            B. She is listening to music.
C. She is watching TV.
14. How is the first song they talk about?
A. Soft.                    B. Loud.                    C. Sad.
15. What can we know about the band The Sky?
A. They are very famous.                    B. They have made a few records.
C. They will have a concert in August.
16. Where does Kate want to work?
A. On a plane.                B. At school.                C. On a ship.
17. What language can Kate speak?
A. French and English.                        B. French and Chinese.
C. Chinese and English.
18. What can we get from the conversation?
A. Kate often goes for a vacation.                B. Eric loves taking care of people.
C. Eric wants to be a travel writer.
19. When is the Art Festival?
A. On June 15th.            B. On July 5th.            C. On July 25th.
20. Where will the Art Festival be held?
A. At Art Center.            B. At Center Park.            C. At Hill City.
21. Who will be invited to the Art Festival?
A. Young pianists.            B. Young dancers.            C. Young painters.
22. What can we get from the monologue?
A. The festival lasts three hours.
B. You can paint pictures at the festival.
C. The bus can take you directly to the festival.
23. Mark grew up in       in the north of England.
24. In England, he could not do much but       in the countryside.
25. When he was       , he moved to Singapore.
26. In       , he moved to Hangzhou, China.
27. He has got       to move again in the future.
28. Tina       drives to work. But today she drives because of the rain.
A. always                B. often                C. sometimes            D. hardly
29. -The coffee’s finished!
-Oh, sorry! I       to the shop to get some.
A.am going            B. was going            C. went                D. have gone
30. It was great in the end       we had a terrible time at the beginning.
A. if                    B. unless                C. when                D. although
31. I’m pretty good at tennis. Actually, I’m probably       in the club.
A. worse                B. good                C. better                D. the best
32. When you go rock climbing, you need to be careful so that you don’t have a(n)       .
A. chance                B. accident            C. secret                D. action
33. The performer       because there was too much noise coming from the crowd.
A. continued            B. relaxed            C. stopped            D. won
34. I don’t know the words to a lot of songs, but I do know some folk songs that my grandma       me at an early age.
A. teaches            B. taught                C. will teach            D. has taught
35. You       lunch at school. So you don’t have to bring your own food.
A. give                B. will give            C. are given            D. have given