高新区人才市场招聘信息  1.Did any of my friends call me up just now? _____________.
  A.Nothing B.No body C.No one D.None
  2.She is wrong and she realizes ____________.
  A.This B.that C.it D.her
  3.We took ____ for granted that you would join.
  A.It B.this C.that D.its
  4._____ is very kind of ____ to help us.
  A.That you B.That they C.It you D.It they
  5.______ of us has been to the museum.
  A.Anyone B.Nobody C.Every one D.Everyone
  6.We are proud of ____ motherland and you are proud of _____.
  A.our yours C.ours your C.our your D.ours yours
  北京邮电大学考研难度7.My friend's office is closer to the bus stop than ______.
  A.I B. D.your friend
  8.They've done ____ to him.
  A.harmful thing B.harmful everything C.anything hing harmful
  9.She can't find her keys ______.
  Anywhere. B.where D.everywhere
  10.Everyone took ____ place on the platform.
  A.one's B.its C.his D.her
  11.Why don't you find ____ to eat since you are so hungry?
  A.anything B.something C.hing
  12.Do you study French or English? I don't study __________.
  A.both B.all C.ither
  13.He thought ____ a great honour to be invited to the party.
  全国教师资格证考试成绩查询A.it B.that C.
  14.____ of them spoke at the meeting didn't he?
  A.All B.Both C.Each D.Every
  15.____ can be done well if one tries his best.
  A.Anything B.Every thing C.Nothing D.Something
  16.Are the two answers correct? No ____ correct.
  A.no one is B.both are ither is D.either is
  17.Be sure and let me know if ____ happened to you.
  A.anything B.everything C.something D.what
  18.Does ___ matter if he can't finish the job on time?
  A.this B.that C.he D.it
  19.____ is ten miles from _____.
  A.There it B.It it C.It itself D.There itself教师资格证下半年几月份考试
  20._____ student in the class made some suggestions except Mary.国考补录职位表
  A.Every B.Each C.Another D.All the
21.Quite ___ students knew ____ English so the class had to begin with ABC.
  A.few little B.a few few C.a few little D.few a little
  22.There is ____ hope of our getting there.What shall we do?
  A.a little B.any C.some D.little
  23.There are fifty-five students in our class.Some are good at maths; ____ at physics; ____ at English.
  A.the others hers another C.the others hers the others
  24.The scientist is ____ as is admired by all of us.
  A.such one B.such a one C.a such one D.a one
  25.If you don't do it _____.
  A.neither do do ither shall I D.so shall I
  26.Are there ___ pictures on this page? ______.
  A.any None B.any No one C.some No one D.some None
  27.We ___ been to Japan and they _____ too.
  A.all have all have B.have all have all C.all have have all D.have all all have
  28.Who likes music best among them? I think ___ of them like music.
  A.ither C.both D.each
  29.Who was in your room? ______.
  A.None B.No one C.Nothing D.No body
  30.How many people did you see in the sitting-room? _________.
  A.Nobody B.No one C.None D.No body
  31.Whose new notebook is that? It's not mine.It may be _______.
  A.somebody else's B.anybody else's C.somebody's else D.somebody else
  32.The baby was soon _______.
  A.it B.itself C.it's D.him
  33.I want some more coffee but there was _____ left.
  A.no D.none
  34.All the milk is fresh but ___ is for sale so you can't buy any.
  A. one C.all D.Not all
  35.What would you like to drink? _________.
  A.None B.Nothing C.No one D.Not any
  36.Would you like _____ piece of cake?
  A.other B. D.much
  37.Are there any buses still running at this hour? __________! I'm afraid.
  A.All B.None C.No one D.A few
  38.You may take any of these oranges.If you don't like this one you may take ________.
  A.the other B.all the other C. more
  39.He is too excited to say ________.
  A.nothing B.everything C.anything D.something
  40.Listen to _____ sister!
  A.she and her B.her and her C.her and she D.she and hers
41.I believe ______ because they all tell lies.
  A.both of ither of of all of them
  面试时间42.Of all my friends _______ is so diligent as George.