Section A
Q1: Who did Addison raise money for?
答案:B) Her little brother.
Q2: How did Addison raise money?
答案:C) By selling lemonade and pictures.
Q3: What was France's purpose of constructing the Wattway?
答案:C) Providing clean energy to five million people.
Q4: What is special about the solar panels used in the Wattway? 答案:B) They can be laid right on top of existing highways.
Q5: What has made it difficult to survey lions in remote parts in Sudan and Ethiopia?
A) Endless fighting in the region.
Q6: What was the main purpose of the research?
答案:D) To find evidence of the existence of the "lost lions".
Q7: What did the researchers find in the National Park?
答案:B) Lions' tracks.
Section B
Q8. What is the woman looking forward to?
答案:A) Her 'lucky birthday'.
Q9. What did the woman's parents do on her sister's lucky birthday?
答案:A) throw her a surprise party
Q10. What is the woman eager to find out about?
答案:B) The trip her husband has planned.
Q11. What does the man say at the end of the conversation?2021年事业单位招聘岗位表
答案: C) He is eager to learn how the couple's holiday turns out. Conversation2
Q12: What does the man say about good negotiators?
答案:A) They are sensitive to the dynamics of a negotiation.
Q13: What does the man say may be the most important thing to a successful negotiator?
答案:B) They know when to stop.
Q14: How is a good negotiator different from a poor one?
答案: C) They learn quickly.
Q15: What is the first stage of negotiation according to the man?
答案:D) Get to know the other side.
Section C
Q16: What do some people want to know about space exploration?
答案: D) How space research benefits people on Earth.
Q17: What did scientists do for the space shuttle missions?
答案:B) They developed objects for astronauts to use in outer space.
Q18: What does the speaker say about Quartz crystal clocks and watches?
答案:A) They are extremely accurate.
Q19: Why does the speaker say she would like to go back and live in the 18th century America?
答案:C) It marked the beginning of something new.
Q20: What does the speaker say about the Puritans?
答案 A) They believed working for goals.
21.What would the speaker like doing if she could go back to the past?
答案:D) Doing needlework by the fire.
22. What does the speaker advise you to do first if you are lost in the woods?
答案:C) Sit down and try to calm yourself
23. What will happen if you follow an unknown stream in the woods?
考安全工程师证需要什么条件答案: B)You may expose yourself to unexpected dangers.
24. What do many experts think is the wisest thing to do if you are lost in the woods?
答案:D)Walk uphill.
25. What should you do before you go into the woods?
答案:A) Inform somebody of your plan.
The picture illustrates the importance of speaking ability. Nowadays, people usually pay more attention to their speaking ability, believing that better speaking means better communication. There is some truth in this statement, the ability to speak well is an important factor for successful communication.
For my perspectives, effective communication should be carefully planned. Firstly, speak slowly and briefly so as to make others understand completely. Secondly, we need to express ourselves in all sincerity and with warmth. Thirdly, we should focus on what other says and appreciate his opinions. Meanwhile, we also need to give positive feedback by nodding or smiling while listening.
In conclusion, learning to speak well seems like making a great building. We can tell that people with strong ability in speaking enjoy more opportunities to promote and express oneself, and people who lack of such capability would fail to achieve that.
The picture illustrates the importance of writing ability. When observing the world from a personal perspective, it is deducible that the ability of writing is playing an important role and hence becomes a great concern of society. However, how we can develop this ability is the problem that literally everyone needs to face.
The first approach to develop our writing is to read more widely. This is because the enlargement of our knowledge pool can enrich our understanding at those fields. The second useful method of improving our writing is by learning from others’ writing techniques and then practicing them by ourselves. Last but not least, it can be beneficial for us to communicate with classmates who write well. This communication can be reached by exchanging essays. Ask one of them for his or her suggestions in order to capture your mistakes and shortcomings.
公益一类事业单位太惨In a word, society should focus on educating people with their writing ability as long as the attention has been drawn. Only in this way can our world continue to prosper in the future.
范文:As is described in the picture, the teacher istelling her student that it is through reading thatpeople install new software, namely newknowledge, into their brains. I approve of suchstatement because reading is of greatsignificance in our life.
First and foremost, reading is the basic way inwhich we acquire knowledge of the world.Although we can obtain new information throughvarious means, for example, watching TV, westill gain most knowledge directly or indirectly bymeans of reading. Secondly, books are thestepping stones to human progress. Being therecord of human experience, books open    a worldof