全国百个最缺工职业例:How much is the shirt?
1.What will the speakers do tonight?
A.Visit Mary.B.Go out of town.C.Host a dinner.2.When does Dave's meeting start?
A.At8:30.B.At9:00.C.At10:00.3.What are the speakers talking about?
4.What are the speakers going to do?
A.Eat out.B.Go shopping.C.Drive home.5.How will Susan spend most of her time in France?
A.Traveling around.B.Studying at a school.C.Looking after her aunt.
6.What is the woman looking for?
A.An information office.B.A police station.C.A shoe repair shop.7.What is the Town Guide according to the man?
A.A brochure.B.A newspaper.C.A map.
8.What does the man say about the restaurant?
A.It's the biggest one around.
B.It offers many tasty dishes.
C.It's famous for its seafood.
9.What will the woman probably order?
A.Fried fish.B.Roast chicken.C.Beef steak.
10.Which color do cats see better than humans?
11.Why do cats bring dead birds home?
A.To eat them in a safe place.
B.To show off their hunting skills.
C.To make their owners happy.
12.How does the man sound at the end of the conversation?
13.Why does the woman meet the man?
A.To look at an apartment.B.To deliver some furniture.C.To have a meal together.14.What does the woman like about the carpet?
A.Its color.B.Its design.C.Its quality.15.What does the man say about the kitchen?
A.It's a good size.B.It's newly painted.C.It's well equipped.16.What will the woman probably do next?
A.Go downtown.B.Talk with her friend.C.Make payment.
17.Who is the speaker probably talking to?
A.Movie fans.B.News reporters.C.College students.18.When did the speaker take English classes?
A.Before he left his hometown.
B.After he came to America.
C.When he was15years old.
19.How does the speaker feel about his teacher?
A.He's proud.B.He's admirable.C.He's thankful.20.What does the speaker mainly talk about?
A.How education shaped his life.
B.How his language skills improved.
C.How he managed his business well.
The following is the lesson plan for teaching English based on TED talks and other videos worth watching.
This lesson plan is based on a short video presenting a man who shares experiences from his unusual journey and masters vocabulary in particular travel phrasal verbs.Students will also have a lot of opportunities to speak as they will share their traveling experiences.
The worksheet starts with tasks built around travel phrasal verbs.First,students get six sentences and they have to finish them by choosing a correct answer which will reflect the meaning of a given phrasal verb.Next,students complete questions with the correct forms of some of the phrasal verbs from the previous exercise.After that they need to discuss these questions.
Then,students move to the next part of the lesson plan.They have a quote by Anthony Bourdain who claims that“Travel isn't always pretty.It isn't always comfortable...”.They need to discuss it and share their opinion about it.Next,they move to a vocabulary task.After that,students have to match halves to create phrases which come from the video and include words from the previous task.
The last part of the lesson plan starts with a short lead-in to the video in the form of a discussion about experiences and challenges we can face on a walking adventure.Then,students watch the video and summarize it by using their own words.Finally,to wrap up the lesson,students discuss the walking journey presented in the video and their own attitude towards such traveling.
21.What theme does this lesson focus on?
A.A special lecture.B.A travel schedule.
C.A lecture guidance.D.A travel experience.
22.How does the teacher end the lesson?
A.By listing questions.B.By exchanging ideas.
C.By making a prediction.D.By giving an examination.
23.What's the author's purpose of writing the text?
A.To tell readers how to study English.
B.To inform readers of the importance of English.
C.To show teachers how to have an English class.
D.To remind teachers of the necessity of a teaching plan.
John Reid decided to donate his son Dakota's organs after the16-year-old died in a car crash last year.This month,he got a thank you gift from the man who received his son's heart:a teddy bear with a very special heartbeat inside.
John's wife Stephanie posted an emotional video showing her husband's reaction a she opened the package from the receiver of his son's heart,Robert O'Connor.“I would have preferred to give this to you in person,but not sure when that would happen,”John said,as he read from the letter O'Connor sent.
John eventually began to break down as he opened the package to reveal a bear dressed in a shirt reading,Best Dad Ever."He then heard the audio recording inside the bear:his son's heart beating inside the man it saved.
“When I got the bear,my heart was filled with joy.I did not expect any of this,”said John.“I never left Dakota's side.At night I would lay my head on his chest for hours at a time,every night,listening to his heartbeat.Now,I can listen to his heartbeat again!”
Dakota was killed in a car crash in January2019.He was riding as a passenger in the car when the accident happened.
“When they said,'It's time,'they rolled him out and we followed,”John said.“Both sides of the hallway were lined up with nurses,doctors and staff as we walked between them in Dakota's honor to the operating room to say our final‘see you soon'.”
At the beginning,the family didn't know where their son's organs would be going,but eventually O'Connor's daughter tracked the Reid family down and contacted them.It wasn't long before O'Connor sent John the bear.John speaks with O'Connor daily about the importance of organ donation and how they hope to spread the word about the good it can do.
24.Who received the young boy's heart?
A.Robert O'Connor.B.Dakota.
C.Stephanie Reid.D.O'Connor's daughter.
25.How did John feel when he received the teddy bear?
A.Angry and shocked.B.Surprised and happy.
C.Amazed and hurt.D.Excited and relieved.
26.What can we infer from the text?
A.The Reids didn't agree on the donation.三个代表思想是哪三个
B.Dakota was driving without a license.
C.Teenagers will be banned from driving.
D.John had a close relationship with his son.
27.What did the family mean by saying“see you soon”before the operation?
A.They believed the boy would recover soon.
B.They didn't know about the organ donation.
C.They didn't have confidence in the doctors.
D.The boy's life would continue in another form.
In a recent study,pizza was ranked as the food most associated with symptoms of addiction,according to the Yale Food Addiction Tool.
The psychological response to pizza's ingredient combinations is partially explained by the fact that highly processed foods like potato chips and pizza,with added amounts of fat,carbohydrates and salt,are most associated with behavioral indicators of addiction,such as loss of control over consumption and continued consumption despite negative consequences,according to Erica M.Schulte,a doctor in psychology at the University of Michigan who led the study.The combination of pizza's ingredients“seem to be especially rewarding and do not occur together in foods found in nature and this may contribute to its association with addictive-like eating behaviors,”Schulte explained.
In fact,another recent study found that the combination of fat and carbohydrates seems to raise the reward potential of highly processed foods more than either alone.“There is likely something more rewarding in the combinations of those ingredients that can result in an addictive process in some individuals,”Schulte said.
Perhaps it's a survival mechanism.“If you were really starving,pizza is a type of food that would be totally enough to stop your hunger.The fat gives you satiety,the sugar is satisfying,and the salt is going to keep you alive,”Civille said.
Herbert Stone,a sensory scientist for50years,has worked with some of the nation's top pizza companies in order to increase pizza's appeal to consumers.“That combination,when heated,has enormous appeal,”he said.“It's addictive because there is nothing bad about it.There is nothing not to like.”
28.What might be the cause of pizza addiction according to Schulte?
A.The materials for making pizza.B.The way it is prepared.
C.The pleasant taste and smell.D.The energy it provides.
29.What does“either”refer to in paragraph3?
A.One of the two studies.B.Pizza or potato chips.
C.Carbohydrates or fat.D.Pizza or other processed foods.30.Why would pizza companies work with Herbert?
A.To make pizza more nutritious.B.To fight against pizza addiction.
C.To study how to prepare pizza.D.To make their pizza more popular.31.From which is the text probably taken?
A.A biology textbook.B.A health magazine.
C.A research paper.D.A travel brochure.
These are dark days for supplements(养生片剂).Although they are a$30-billion-plus market in the United States alone,some of them,such as vitamin A and fish oil,have now flopped in study after study.
If there was one supplement that seemed sure to survive the tests,it was vitamin D.People with low levels of vitamin D have significantly higher rates of virtually every disease you can think of.
Health experts believe that most of us aren't getting enough of this essential vitamin.Vitamin D is manufactured by the skin with the help of sunlight.It's difficult to obtain in sufficient quantities through diet.And today,90percent of us spend about22hours indoors every day.And when we do go outside,we've been taught to wear sunscreen to protect ourselves from dangerous UV rays.Sunscreen can reduce our natural production of vitamin D,so we've been told to compensate with vitamin D pills.Yet vitamin D supplementation has failed in clinical trials.The sun benefits us more than that.About ten years ago,Dr.Richard Weller was researching nitric oxide,a molecule(分子)produced in the body that lowers blood pressure.He discovered a previously unknown biological mechanism by which the skin uses sunlight to make nitric oxide.It was already suspected that rates of high blood pressure,heart disease,and stroke all rise the farther you get from the sunny equator(赤道),and they all rise in the darker months.Then he came up with a theory:Could exposing skin to sunlight lower blood pressure?
Sure enough,when he exposed volunteers to the equivalent(等量)of30minutes of summer
sunlight without sunscreen,their nitric oxide levels went up and their blood pressure went down.Wouldn't all those rays also raise rates of skin cancer?Yes,but skin cancer kills surprisingly fewer than three per100,000in the United States each year.For every person who dies of skin cancer,about80die from diseases caused by high blood pressure.
32.What does the underlined word“flopped”in paragraph1mean?
A.Appeared.B.Expanded.C.Failed.D.Returned.33.What might be a reason most of us lack vitamin D?
A.We aren't eating a healthy diet.
B.We expose ourselves to little sunlight.
C.We aren't taking enough vitamin D pills.
D.We use up the vitamin D manufactured by the skin.
2022年招警考试公告34.Which of the following can describe nitric oxide?
A.It rises up during dark months.
B.It can bring nothing but harm to us.
C.It results from an abnormal biological reaction.
D.It is high among people living near the equator.
35.What could be the best title for the text?
A.Do we take too many supplements?
B.Do we really need sun protection?
C.Is the sun to blame for many diseases?
D.Can sunscreen protect us from skin cancer?
Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.36._______
An effective leader starts by creating an inspiring vision of the future.37._______They think about how their industry is likely to evolve,and how their competitors are likely to behave.They look at how they can innovate successfully and shape their businesses and their strategies to succeed in future marketplaces.Therefore,leadership is looking ahead and not being satisfied with things as they are.Once they have developed their visions,leaders must make them inspiring and convincing.Effective leaders provide a rich picture of what the future will look like when their visions have been realized.They tell inspiring stories and explain their visions in ways that everyone can relate to.
38._______But it's leaders'ability to motivate and inspire people that helps them achieve that vision.For example,when you start a new project,you will probably have lots of enthusiasm for it.39._______However,it can be difficult to find ways to keep your vision inspiring after the initial enthusiasm fades.Leaders recognize this,and they work hard throughout the project to connect their vision with people's individual needs,goals and aspirations(抱负).40._______People admire and believe in these leaders because they are expert in what they do.This makes it much easier for these leaders to motivate and inspire the people they lead.Leaders can also motivate people in other ways,such as paying bonuses.However,good leaders don't rely too much on these types of power to motivate and inspire others.
A.That's a true measure of great leadership.
B.An effective leader is a person who does the following.
C.Thus,it's often easy to win support for it at the beginning.
D.An inspiring vision provides the foundation for leadership.
E.What's particularly helpful here is when leaders have expert power.
F.Leadership also includes looking for leadership potential in others.
G.To create a vision,leaders focus on an organization's strengths by analyzing their current