假期holiday (涉及单词:天气,交通方式。不规则动词变化).
1.Where did you go last summer or winner holiday? With whom? \ Did you go on holiday or stay home?\ Was your last winter holiday a busy holiday for you ? \ How did you spend your last winter\summer holiday? (take a good rest, go travelling, do sports, help mother with housework, do some reading and so on.)
  This summer vacation,I went to Korea\ Shenzhen with my parents. We went there by Korean Air\plane and we really enjoyed ourselves. It was very interesting. We stayed in Korea\Shenzhen for 5 days. We visited many places of interest, such as Le Tian amusement park,the Korean village,Jeju island,the biggest airport in Asia--Incheon International Airport and so on.( I enjoyed having a walk along the beach after supper or having a swim in the afternoon.) Besides, we bought many special products, such as picklesseaweeds and so on(seefoods). In short, I had a wonderful time there. I am going to visit there again in the future.
2.How did you get there? Why did you choose it?
  We got there by Korean Air and we really enjoyed ourselves on the plane. Because taking plane is the fastest way to get there, so it saved a lot of time for us to visit in the destination. What’s more, we can have a good service and a good rest in the plane.
3.How long / how much time / how many hours did it take you to get there?
国企一般工资是多少    It took us 3 hours to get there, but we really enjoyed ourselves on the plane, because the flight attendants and airhostess were all friendly to us. And we could watch TV and had a free dinner there, it was very comfortable.
4.Where did you live\stay there?\ Where did you stay? Was it a good hotel?
  I stayed in a five-star hotel. The room is very clean and spacious. And they offered a very good service. So I could surf the internet, had the local food in the hotel and so on. I felt very comfortable.
5.What did the place look like? / How did you feel about it? / Did you like it, why? / Did you have a good time there,why? / Could you tell me something about the place?\ Did you enjoy yourself?\ Was the place you went worth visiting? Why did you choose there?\ Is it a nice place?
Korea is a very beautiful country. I really enjoyed myself there.\(Shen zhen is also a city of seashore like Haikou. I enjoyed having a walk along the beach after supper or having a swim in the afternoon.)There are a lot of delicious foods and the sky is bluer, the air is fresher than it in beijing. Wherever you go, you can always see the green trees, the neat grasses and the colourful flowers. They were really wonderful. Kerea\Shen Zhen has a lot of tall buildings. And it is also a modern country\ city. I took a lot of pictures there.
6.What was the weather like?
高校录取信息查询 Must of time, it was sunny and hot. But it might rain in the afternoon. So taking an umbrella was a wise choice, it could offer a shadow under the sunshine and a shelter for the rain.
7.What did you do there? \What did your parents do there?
2019年国考行测真题及答案 We did a lot of things there. We visited many places of interest, such as Le Tian amusement park,the Korean village and so on.(Damei seaside park, Shenzhen university, Lianhua mountain ) And we had the local food, such as pickles \seafood, mangos, pineapples. We also went shopping there and bought some special products.(we played the volleyball at the beach, enjoyed the sunbath and swam in the sea.)
8.Did any special things happen during your holiday? / How did you think of the trip? What impressed you most in your summer holiday?\ What was the most interesting part of the trip?
Yes, I learned how to swim. I tried for the first time to swim there. It was very exciting. At the beginning, I swam with a swimming ring and I swam very slowly. The water went into my mouth many times. But I never gave up and I tried again and again. At last, I leant to swim. Of course I could not swim very fast.
9.How long / how many days did you stay there?
  I stayed there for 5 days, and then I came back to Beijing. However we really enjoyed ourselves there. I felt so happy and excited; I am going to visit there again in the future.
10.How much money did you spend there?
  We spent about 10000yuan. We joined in a travelling agency, and it cost us 6000yuan. And in the destination, we bought a lot of souvenirs for our relatives and friends.
11.Did you buy some souvenirs for your friends?
  We bought a lot of souvenirs for our relatives and friends, such as the special products, shell carving2022上海事业编笔试成绩公布seafoodcosmetics. They liked them very much.