疯狂英语突破功能2A-英语听力-print-大耳朵英语 - 免费在线英语学习 口语练习 四级听力资料 在线翻译疯狂英语突破功能2A 大耳朵英语 
www.ebigear  2008-06-10 16:25:08  【打印】
23. Asking for Opinion 询问观点
A: Do you think these shoes are all right?
B: Yes, they look great!
A: What’s your opinion of the movie we saw last night?
B: Really boring.
A: How do you like the way I cooked the Thanksgiving turkey?
B: Well, to be honest, I think you could have done a better job. It was a little
24. Giving Opinion 表明观点
A: I think Frank should invest in that company.
B: If you ask me, that would be a big mistake.
A: From my point of view, that plan is feasible.
B: I feel the same.
A: What would you say to my studying abroad?
B: Personally, I think that’s a good idea for self-improvement. 榆林市人力资源和社会保障局
25. Asking for Advice 听取劝告
A: Do you think I should go to Qingdao for the summer?
B: Why not? It’s a good place to go.
A: How do you feel about my going to the beach for a swim this evening?
B: Take my advice and don’t go there alone.
A: Do you really think I have to wear a tie and suit to the interview?
B: Definitely. If you don’t, you might not get the job.
26. Giving Advice 提出劝告
A: I have had a bad cold for a week.
B: Perhaps you’d better go and see a doctor.
A: I usually go to Shanghai by air.
B: Why don’t you go there by boat for a change?
A: I think you ought to talk to Stone. He’s very upset with you.
B: Maybe you’re right. That might help clear the air.
27. Suggestion 提出建议
A: I’m going to a job interview, and I’m not sure what to wear.
B: How about your blue suit?
A: Robert, why don’t we stay up late and try to finish cleaning up after the
B: I really don’t feel like that.
A: How would you like to take a trip to the mountains for the weekend?
B: That sounds like fun.
( 听起来不错。)
A: I’m looking for a fresh-tasting toothpaste. Do you have any suggestions?
B: A fresh-tasting toothpaste? Uh... How about Crest?
A: Crest?
B: Yes. I think you’ll like it. Everybody says it’s very fresh–tasting.
A: Okay. Thanks for the suggestion.
A: What do you want to do today?
B: I don’t know. Do you have any ideas?
A: Well… How about going window-shopping?
B: Oh, I don’t know. I don’t think I’m in the mood to go window-shopping. Any
other suggestions?
A: Well, let me see. What if we took a ride in the country?
B: Hmm. Good idea! We haven’t taken a ride in the country in ages!
28. Intention表达意向
A: What are your plans for a vacation this year?
B: I’m thinking of going to New Zealand.
A: I intended to help you last night, but I was too busy.
B: It doesn’t matter. I have finished it myself. Thanks anyway.
A: Hey! Your car looks great! Wish I had one like that!
B: As a matter of fact, I’m intending to sell it at the end of this year. Maybe
you can buy it.
29. Inviting and Accepting邀请与接受
A: I hope you’ll be able to join me for dinner.
B: I’d love to.
A: I’d like to invite you to a dinner party for my birthday.
B: Thank you, I’d love to come.
A: Would you like to go on a picnic this Sunday morning?
B: Oh, it sounds like fun. What time?
30. Inviting and Declining 邀请与拒绝
A: Let’s visit the museum this afternoon!
B: I’d like to, but I can’t. I have to do my homework.
A: Are you free on Sunday, Ellen? Would you like to go to the concert with me?
B: I’d like to, but I’m afraid I’m already booked up for that day.
A: Hey, Andy, come and join us for a dress party? It will be a real laugh. Say
you’ll come.
B: I’d love to, but I’ll have to go over my lesson for an exam. Thank you for
inviting me all the same.
(1) We would be pleased if you could come and have dinner with us this evening.
(2)I’d very much like you to come over for dinner.
(3)I was wondering if you’d like to go to the concert with me Saturday night.
(4)I’d like to invite you to dinner tonight.
(5)Would you like to go to the movie with me?
(6)Will you join us for lunch?
(7)Will you come to my birthday party?
(8)Are you free for o
ur party this evening?
(9)How about going for a cup of coffee?
(10)Let’s go for Chinese food.
31. Giving Permission 允许
A: Is parking allowed here?
事业单位报名入口在哪里B: Yes, it is.
A: Thanks.
A: Excuse me, but do they allow people to bring pets into the park?
内蒙古公务员考试信息网B: Yes, they do.
A: There’s a sign that says NO PARKING.
2020年国考进面试名单B: Well, isn’t that something! I just parked here last week with no problem. I
don’t remember seeing any sign then!
32. Refusing Permission不允许
A: Is barbecuing allowed on the beach?
B: Not as far as I know.
A: Excuse me, but I don’t think surfing is allowed here.
B: Oh. Thanks for telling me.
A: Do they permit smoking here?
B: I don’t think so.
A: Oh, OK. Thanks.
A landlord and a new tenant are talking about rules of the building.
A: Before you sign the lease, do you have any questions?
B: Yes. Are we allowed to sublet the apartment?
A: No. I’m afraid subletting the apartment isn’t permitted.
B: I see. Well, is it all right to use the fireplace?
A: No. You mustn’t use the fireplace under any circumstances.
B: Oh. Well, do you allow people to have pets?
A: No. That’s out of the question. We don’t permit anyone to have pets.
B: How about parking in front of the building?
A: I’m sorry. You’re not supposed to park in front of the building.
B: Oh.
A: And before I forget, I should mention that you may
not alter the apartment in
any way without permission. Now do you have any other questions?
B: No, I guess not. I think you’ve answered them all.
33. Making a Request 提出请求
A: Could you possibly mail these packages?
B: Sure. It would be my pleasure.
A: Do you mind opening the door for me?
B: No, not at all.
A: Could you tell me where Mr. Lee is?
B: I’m sorry, I don’t know.
A: May I leave a message for him?
B: Yes, of course.
34. Certainty 肯定
A: Are you sure about our success?
B :Absolutely sure.
A: Is it going to rain?
B: No, it isn’t.
A: Are you sure?
B: Absolutely! There’s no chance it’s going to rain.
A: Do you think Kim can help me with my work?
B: Yes, I have no doubt she can do something for you.
35. Uncertainty 不肯定
A: Does the show start at 9:00 or 10:00?
B: I’m not certain.
A: It’s 1, 180 yuan to fly from Guangzhou to Shanghai, isn’t it?
B: Sorry, I’m not really sure about it.
A: Do you think we’ll have a good profit this year?
B: It’s hard to say.
36. Complaining 抱怨
A: I’m really annoyed with my boss.
B: Why?
A: He’s always forgetting to do things. And I take the blame.
【Kim’s Note】 Most people love to complain about their bosses. Just be sure to do
it in a safe place. The bathroom or a corner of the office is always a bad idea!
Save it for after work!
A: This place makes me sick. I can’t put up with it any more.
B: Don’t worry. You will get used to it soon.
A: Do you have to read aloud?
B: Sorry! Is that bothering you?
A: Yes, I can’t fall asleep.
B: I’m terribly sorry! I thought you didn’t mind.
37. Arguing争吵
A: Shut up! That’s really too much! Who do you think you are?
B: All right, I’m through with you.
A: I’ve had enough of you. I don’t want to see you any more.
B: The feeling’s mutual. Get out of here and never come back!
A: You’ve been reading my boyfriend’s letters, haven’t you?
B: That’s not true.
A: Come on! Admit it! I know you have.
B: That just isn’t so. I HAVEN’T been reading his letters! Don’t accuse me of
things! It’s not fair.
红河州事业单位招聘报名入口A: I’m not accusing you. I saw you doing it! You’re a liar!
B: You’re crazy! You’re imagining things. Who would want to read your
boyfriend’s stupid letters anyway?
A: How do you know they are stupid if you didn’t read them?
38. Asking for Help 寻求帮助
A: Could you do me a favor?
B: Sure, I’d be glad to.
A: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Railway Station?
B: Certainly. You can take bus No.269 to get there.
A: Is there any chance you could drop off this package for me at the post