其实,考生在做阅读之前,首先应该抓住阅读文章的主题思想(the Main Idea)。也称作中心思想,是作者在文章中要表达的核心内
Directions: Choose the most general word.
(A) chemist
(B) physicist
2022军队文职入围分数线(C) scientist
(D) biologist
该问题要求出最有概括性的词。(C) scientist 符合题意,
因为它包含了chemist, physicist和biologist,而(A),(B)和(D)都指某一具体学科的科学家,不能概括其它的词。因此,scientist
Directions: Choose the most general sentence.
(A) The hotel offers plimentary coffee from 7 to daily.
(B) There are many reasons why guests feel at home at
the Glorictta Bay Inn.
(C) The coin-operated laundry room has an ironing board.
(D) There are a number of extra services at the Glorictta Bay Inn including babysitting.
十堰人才网最新招聘Directions: Choose the main idea of an article. (Following are the topic sentences of an article.)
1) A mounting body of evidence suggests that fighting violence with violence rarely deters a crime in progress and greatly increases the chances of changing a robbery
into a violent attack on the victim.
2) One report shows that at least 100 thousand handguns are stolen from private owners each year, the vast majority
3) Moreover. a study of robberies in eight American cities states that in less than 4 percent of the crimes did the victim have the opportunity to use
Which of the following best reflects the main idea of the article?
(A) What Happens to the Victim of Crime?
(B) Is Your Family Safe?
(C) Should You Arm Yourself Against Crime?
Directions: Read the following passage and choose the best central thought
Sugar history in the Hawaiian Islands is filled with pioneering. In sailing ship days, Hawaiian sugar growers were many months from sources of supplies and from markets. This isolation built up among the Hawaiian growers an enduring spirit of cooperation. Growers shared with one another improvements in production. Without government aid
of any sort, they built great irrigation projects. Without government help, they set up their own resear
ch and experiment organization. Pioneering together over the years, they have provided Hawaii with its largest industry.
(A) In sailing days, Hawaiian sugar growers were many months away from supplies and markets.
(B) Hawaiian sugar growers built their great industry without government help.
(C) Hawaiian sugar growers have set up their own research organization and have shared improvements.
(D) By pioneering together, sugar growers have provided Hawaii with its largest industry.
Directions: Read the following and choose the title
that best expresses the ideas of the passage.
There is a simple economic principle used to determine prices. It is called the law of supply and demand. Supply means the amount of, or aess to, certain goods. Demand represents the number of people who want those goods. If there are more goods than wanted, the price of them falls. On the other hand, if the demand for those goods is much greater than the supply, then the price rises. Of course, manufacturers prefer to sell more goods at increased prices.
(A) Economic Principles
(B) Law of Supply and Demand
(C) More Goods, Lower Prices
(D) Fewer Goods, Higher Prices
Directions: Read the following passage and select the most appropriate title:
Aording to legend, the gods of the ancient Greeks lived in the clouds on the top of Mount Olympus. Zeus, the father of the gods, carried a bolt of lightning in his hand and ruled like an earthly king. Apollo was the sun god and his beams were golden arrows; he shielded the flocks of sheep and the fields of grain. Athena was the warrior goddess, standing in shining armor ready to protect the Greek cities. There were other gods as well, all with familiar human characteristics, but these were the leading gods.
(A) The Gods of the Ancient Greeks
(B) The Legend of the Sky God Zeus
(C) Beliefs of the Ancient Greeks
(D) Religions of the Past
English is clearly an international language. It is spoken by pilots and airport control operators on all the airways of the world. Over 70 percent of the world's radio programs are in English
Some students prefer a strict teacher who s them
exactly what to do. Others prefer to be left to work on
their own. Still others like a democratic discussion type