第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
1.He insisted what he did _______ right and that anyone who broke laws ________.
A.was ; be punished    B.be ; was punished
C.was; was punished    D.be ; be punished
2.Jenny nearly missed the flight _________________doing too much shopping.
A.as a result of    B.on top of
C.in front of    D.in need of
3.It was reported that as many as 50% of patients do not take medicine ______ directed, ______ has drawn doctor’s attention.
A.when; it    B.as; what    C.as; which    D.that; and
4.John ______ an NBA playoff game on TV now.
A. watches    B. watched    C. will watch    D. is watching
5.---Where is the plane?I can't see it.
---It went off its ________________ to keep away from the sudden storm.
A.course    B.road
C.flight    D.direction
6.As a(n) ________ and effective method, expressway noise barrier is a primary measure used to reduce traffic noise.
A.correctional    B.flexible    C.economical    D.investigative
7.Passengers _____ talk to the driver while the bus is moving, because it will take his focus off the road.
2018年高考成绩怎么查A.would not    B.must not
C.may not    D.need not
8.It was John who broke the window. Why are you talking to me as if I      it?
A.had done    B.have done    C.did    D.am doing
9.Obama didn’t explain ______ any larger principles have guided him through the historic convulsions of the 2011 Arab Spring.
A.what            B.that                C.where                D.whether
10.The problem lies in______ we’re now giving him a fish, not teaching him how to fish.
我要工作A.what    B.that
C.which    D.if
11.That’s far more than the number that have actually ______ in recent years.江苏省公务员考试报名网址
A.come to light    B.come to life    C.come across
12.The teacher’s voice still remained calm ______ she was getting annoyed.
A.as long as    B.even if
C.as if    D.now that
13.________ well for my job interview, I really had butterflies in my stomach on m
y way to the company I had applied to.
A.Having not prepared    B.Not having prepared
C.Not to have prepared    D.To have not prepared
14.One of the most important questions they had to consider was ___________ of public health.
A.what        B.that        C.this        D.which2022年本科分数线是多少
15.What an unforgettable experience! I'll write it down__________it is still fresh in my memory.
A.since    B.while    C.after    D.until
16.Not until the end of the performance ________ the chance to take photos with the respectable actor.
A.the audience got    B.the audience had got
C.did the audience get    D.had the audience got
17.—I was informed that you won the lottery?
—Are you kidding? Maybe I will win a lottery when______.
A.you cry for the moon    B.pigs fly
C.all good things come to an end    D.you get a new lease on life
18.I would not be seeing the film Green Book now _____ me up in time.
A.were Kathy not to pick    B.had Kathy not picked
C.if Kathy hasn’t picked    D.if Kathy did not pick
19.— What great changes have taken place in our city in the last few years!
— Indeed, many high buildings have _______all over the city.
A.wound up    B.sprung up    C.held up    D.made up
20.Now the world’s attention ________ the stocking markets, as they have great influence on the world’s economy.
A.is fixing on    B.is being fixed on
C.has fixed on    D.had been fixed on
第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
21.(6分)    The King received news one day that a group outlaws were committing some wrong and cruel acts on a distant border of the kingdom.
The news angered the King. He quickly gathered his army and started off for the distant border, leaving his kingdom unguarded and without a ruler.
On their long march, the King and his army made camp for the night wherever they could. One rainy day they stopped in a forest, seeking shelter under the trees. The
y unsaddled(卸鞍) their horses and steamed some peas, which they fed to their steeds(战马) in long narrow containers.
A monkey in a tree nearby saw the horses being fed, and he came racing down, fille9d both paws with peas, then climbed quickly up to a branch and settled down to eat. But as he opened one paw, a single pea fell to the ground. Without hesitation, my monkey jumped from his branch to hunt for the lost pea, and in doing so,he dropped all the other peas in his paws.
The King observed this foolish monkey and was greatly amused. He turned to his minister and asked: "Friend, what do you think of this monkey who would give up so much to retrieve so little?" "That is the way of the foolish," replied the minister, "they will give up much that is certain for a little that is uncertain." Then he added, "And we, Great King, are we not like the monkey in the trees. To gain so little we neglect (忽略 ) so much exactly like the monkey with its pea.