Part One 〔专业根底知识〕
Ⅰ.Phonetices 5%
Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there is one underlined part with a different sound. You are required to pick it out.
(A)1 .A. sugar B .sunshine    C .suit    D .soldier
(D)1.This table is made of.
A .a wood
B .some wood
C. the wood
D. wood
(C) 2 .the morning of June 27, they visited the Great Wall.
A .In B. At
C .On    D. From
(D) 4.If you don t know the word, you should in the dictionary.
A .look at it
B .look after it
C. look up it D .look it up
(A)5.I like sports and my brother.
A. so does
B. so is
C .so has D. so likes
(B)6 .He said he would rather not it right now.
A .doing    B. do
C. to do
D. to be doing
(A)7. Although it is raining ,are still working in the fields.
A .they
B .but they
C. and they
D. so they
(D)8. Because of my poor English, I am afraid I can t make myself.
A. understand
B. to understand
C understanding
D .understood
(B)9. It was not until she arrived in class realized she had forgotten her book.
A .and she B. that she
C .she D. when she
(B 10. The final examination will cover all taught this term.
A. what has been B that has been
C. which has been
D. that was
(B) 12. We are looking forward to a trip to your country.
A. take
B. taking
C .be taking D. have taken
(C) 13. Four people were seriously in an accident on the motorway.
A .damaged B. spoiled
C. injured D broken
(C 14. His parents wouldn t let him marry anyone family was poor.
A .of whom B. whom
C. whose
D. of whose
(B) 15. Of the three foreign guests, one is from London, two are from New York.雅思和托福的区别和难度
A. other B .the other
C. some
D. any
(A) 16. It was at the gate he told me the news.
A. hat B .which
C. there D .what
(A) 17. The Second World War in 1939.
A .broke out
B .was broken out
C .broke D. was broken
(B) 18. Speak to him slowly he may understand you better.
A as that
B .so that
C .for
D .as for
(B)19. I cant keep the teacher who speaks too fast.
A .up to B. up with
C. in with D .on to
(D)20. I couldn t find my English Chinese dictionary . A. somewhere B .nowhere
C everywhere D. anywhere
(D) 2. Would you mind our radio a little, please?
A. to turn off
B. turning off
陕西教师招聘信息网C. to turn down
D. turning down河北中考查分网站登录
(B) 23. I play football than baseball.
A. had better
B. would rather普通话考试在哪里报名
C. could better D .should rather
(D) 24. The ship arrived at 12: 00, neither earlier nor later.
A. properly
B. almost
C. nearly
D. exactly
(D) 25. About of the workers in that steel works are young people.
A .third fifth B. third fifths
C. three fifth D .three fifths
Directions:There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and