2011年浙江工商大学《211翻译硕士英语》考研真题及详解 (4)
2012年浙江工商大学《211翻译硕士英语》考研真题及详解 (22)
2013年浙江工商大学《211翻译硕士英语》考研真题及详解 (40)
2014年浙江工商大学《211翻译硕士英语》考研真题(A卷)及详解 (55)
2015年浙江工商大学《211翻译硕士英语》考研真题(A卷)及详解 (71)
2016年浙江工商大学《211翻译硕士英语》考研真题(B卷)及详解 (86)
2017年浙江工商大学《211翻译硕士英语》考研真题(A卷)及详解 (102)
2018年浙江工商大学《211翻译硕士英语》考研真题 (117)
2019年浙江工商大学《211翻译硕士英语》考研真题 (125)
2020年浙江工商大学《211翻译硕士英语》考研真题 (134)
2021年浙江工商大学《211 翻译硕士英语》考研真题
Ⅰ. V ocabulary and Structure (每小题0.5分,共30分) (60 minutes)
Directions: There are 60 sentences in this part. Complete them by choosing the best from the four alternatives. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.
1. Her interest in redecorating the big house kept her _____ for a whole week.
A. constrained
B. dominated
C. restricted
D. occupied
2. The manager gave her his ____ that her complaint would be investigated.
A. assurance
B. assumption
C. sanction
D. insurance
3. The course normally attracts 20 students per year, _____ up to half will be from overseas.
A. in which
B. for whom
C. with which
D. of whom
2022年国考申论真题试卷【解析】句意:那门课程每学年通常会吸引二十名学生选修,他们中有一半是留学生。whom 指代前一小句的宾语students, 所以用宾格。他们中的,所以用of whom。因此本题的正确答案为D。
4. Once you get to know your mistakes, you should ____ them as soon as possible.
A. rectify
B. reclaim
中华会计网校登录C. refrain
D. reckon
【解析】句意:一旦你知道了错误,你应该尽快改正。rectify改正。reclaim抗议,喊叫。refrain克制。reckon 估计;猜想。
5. His remarks left me_____ about his real purpose.
A. wondered
B. wonder
C. to wonder
D. wondering
【解析】句意:他的话让我开始怀疑他的真实意图。本题考查固定用法,leave sb. doing,意为“让某人一直在做某事”,故应选D。
6. He wouldn‘t answer the reporter‘s questions, nor would he ____ for a photograph.
A. summon
B. highlight
C. pose
D. marshal
7. Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still _____.
A. blank
B. hollow
C. vacant
D. bare
8. If you don‘t ____ the children properly, they‘ll just run riot.
A. mobilize
B. warrant
C. manipulate
D. supervise
9. When people become unemployed, it is_____ which is often worse than lack of wages.
A. laziness
B. poverty
C. idleness
D. inability
【解析】句意:当人们失业时,无所事事比没有工资更糟糕。idleness闲散。laziness怠惰。poverty贫困。inability 无能力。
10. A human‘s eyesight is not as ____ as that of an eagle.
A. eccentric
B. acute
C. sensible
D. sensitive
【解析】句意:人的视力没有鹰的视力那么敏锐。acute敏锐的,尖锐的。eccentric古怪的。sensible明智的。sensitive 敏感的,易受伤害的。
11. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen_____ comfortably.
A. is worn
B. wears
C. wearing
D. are worn
12. Many pure metals have little use because they are too soft, rust too easily, or have some other _____.
A. drawbacks
B. handicaps
C. bruises
D. blunders
13. We agreed to accept_____ they thought was the best tourist guide.
A. whatever
B. whomever
C. whichever
D. whoever
14. Military orders are ____ and can‘t be disobeyed.
A. defective
B. conservative
C. alternative
D. imperative
【解析】句意:军事命令是必须遵守的,不能违抗。imperative必要的;命令的。defective有缺陷的。conservative 保守的。alternative供选择的。
15. It is our_____ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.
A. consistent
B. continuous
C. considerate
D. continual
16. Several guests were waiting in the ____ for the front door to open.
A. porch
B. vent
C. inlet
D. entry
17. Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful ____ it forces people to test the relative
merits of their attitudes and behaviors.
A. by which
B. to which
C. in that
D. so that
身观念和行为的相应优缺点。in that意为“因为;由于”,故应选C。
18. The toy maker produces a ____ copy of the space station, exact in every detail.
A. minimal
B. minimum
C. miniature
D. minor
19. The director was critical_____ the way we were doing the work.
A. at
B. in
C. of
D. with
【解析】句意:主任对我们的工作方式很不满。本题考查固定搭配,be critical of意为“对……不满”。
20. They have decided to ____ physical punishment in all local schools.
省考公务员可以报考几个岗位A. put away
B. break away from
C. do away with
D. pass away
【解析】句意:他们已经决定废除所有当地学校的体罚。do away with废除。put away放好。break away from放弃。pass away去世。
21. In Britain people_____ four million tons of potatoes every year.
A. swallow
B. dispose
C. consume
D. exhaust
【解析】句意:在英国,人们每年消耗400万吨土豆。consume消耗,消费。swallow吞下。dispose处理。exhaust 排出;耗尽。
22. All the ceremonies at the Olympic Games had a unique flavor, ____ of their multicultural communities.
A. noticeable
B. indicative
C. conspicuous
D. implicit