Part I GRAMMAR(30Points)
Correct Errors
The passage contains ten errors.Each indicated line contains a maximum of one error.In each case,only ONE word is involved.You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way:
For a wrong word,copy the wrong word to your answer sheet and write the correct one after it.
For a missing word,write∧on the answer sheet followed by the word after the missing word,and then write the word which you believe is missing.
广东省公务员录用系统For an unnecessary word,copy the unnecessary word to your answer sheet and cross it with a slash/.
In Hardy's fiction and poetry,letters are ready sources of excitement and suspense,harbingers of loss and disappointment.They go missing,fall to1.______ the wrong hands,or arrive too lately.Most famously,Tess's letter of  2.______ confession,hastily pushed not just under the door but under the carpet too,remains unread by the priggish Angel Clare,as Hardy delivers his most
powerful attack of the Victorian sexual double standard.  3.______ Hardy's own letters were places for quite reflection and deepening  4.______ emotional ties,for occasional advice,details to visitors of the times of the
Waterloo trains,and for public protests towards the iniquity of war  5.______ and against cruelty to animals.They ensured regular contact with their  6.______ friends and the publishing world,contained correctives to readings of
his work.More than any other form,letters make insight into Hardy's7.______ many—sidedness.Writing in1907to the poet Elspeth Grahame,
he expressed admiration,and not little surprise,that she had written8.______ verses on the top of an omnibus.Commiserating with one of his American admirers,Rebekah Owen,for having to get in a plumber,he suggested
that she took up plumbing herself.Such solid practical advice exists9.______ alongside Hardy the natural modernist,wrote to tell Arthur Symons that10.______ he liked his poem“Haschisch”(the world is“the phantom of a haschisch dream”),discussing timeless reality and the nature of matter at the drop of
a hat.
(fall into固定词组,意思为“陷入、落入”。fall to“落到……”,根据句意落入坏人的手里所以要用into。)
(attack of“被……侵袭”;attack on“对……攻击”。这里是指哈代对于维多利亚时期性的双重标准的攻击,所以要用attack on。)
(quite,副词,意思是“相当,很,非常”;quiet形容词,意思是“安静的平静的”。reflection 是名词,前面需要用形容词修饰,所以要用quiet,quiet reflection“安静的沉思”。) 5.toward→on
(protest on固定搭配,“抗议……”)
(provide an insight into“看透……,对……有很好的了解”,属于固定搭配。)
8.little→a little
(not a little“许多”,固定搭配。)
(suggest that宾语从句,需要使用虚拟语气,接should加动词原形,should可以省略,所以用take。)
A.Multiple Choice
Please read the following passages and choose A,B,C or D to best complete the statements or best answer the questions in front of them.
In a clearing outside the Kallahti Comprehensive School,a handful of 9-year-olds are sitting back-to-
back,arranging sticks,pinecones,stones and berries into shapes on the frozen ground.The arrangers will then have to describe these shapes using geometric terms so that the kids who can't see them can say what they are.
"It's a different way of conceptualizing math when you do it this way instead of using pen and paper,and it goes straight to the brain,"says Veli-Matti Harjula,who teaches the same group of children straight through from third to sixth grade. Educators in Sweden,not Finland,came up with the concept of"outside math",but Harjula didn't have to get anybody's approval to borrow it.He can pretty much do whatever he wants,provided that his students meet the very general objectives of the core curriculum set by Finland's National Board of Education.For math,the latest national core curriculum runs just under10pages,up from3and1/2pages for the previous core curriculum.
The Finns are as surprised as much as anyone else that they have recently emerged as the new rock stars of global education.It surprises them because they do as little measuring and testing as they can get away with.They just don't believe it does much good.They did,however,decide to participate in the Program for International Student Assessment(PISA),run by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD).And to put it in a way that would make the noncompetitive Finns cringe,they kicked major butt.The Finns have participated in the global survey f
our times and have usually placed among the top three finishers
铁路最好的5个专业 适合男生in reading,math and science.
In the latest PISA survey,in2009,Finland placed second in science literacy, third in mathematics and second in reading.Finland's only real rivals are the Asian education powerhouses—Korea and Singapore,whose drill-heavy teaching methods often recall those of the old-Soviet-bloc Olympic medal programs.Indeed, a recent manifesto by Chinese-American mother Amy Chua,Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.In Asia,it's about long hours—long hours in school,long hours after school.
In Finland,the school day is shorter."It's a more appealing model,"says Andreas Schleicher,who directs the PISA program at the OECD.There is less homework too."An hour a day is good enough to be a successful student,"says Katja Tuori,who is in charge of student counseling at Kallahti Comprehensive School,which educates kids up to age16."These kids have a life."There are rules, of course.No iPods or portable phones in class.No hats indoors.But not much else. Tuori spots a kid texting in class and shoots him a reproachful glance.He quickly put the phone away."You have to do
something really bad,like hit somebody,to actually get punished,"says Tuori.
Finland has a number of smart ideas about how to teach kids while letting them be kids.For instance,one teacher ideally stays with a class from first grade through sixth grade.That way the teacher has years to learn the quirks of a particular group and tailor the teaching approach accordingly.
But Finland's sweeping success is largely due to one big,not-so-secret weapon:
its teachers."It's the quality of the teaching that is driving Finland's results,"says the OECD's Schleicher."The U.S.has an industrial model where teachers are the means for conveying a prefabricated product.In Finland,the teachers are the standard."
That's one reason why so many Finns want to become teachers,which provides a rich talent pool that Finland filters very selectively.In2008,1258undergrads applied for training to become elementary school teachers.Only123,or9.8%,were accepted into the five-year teaching program.That's typical.Th
ere's another thing: in Finland,every teacher is required to have a master's degree.Annual salaries range from about$40,000to$60,000,and teachers work190days a year."It's very expensive to educate all of our teachers in five-year programs,but it helps make our teachers highly respected and appreciated,"says Jari Lavonen,head of the department of teacher education at the University of Helsinki.
2021年江苏省考公告11.What does the example in the opening paragraph show of Finland's education?
A.Its education is equal to play.
B.Its outside math is mad math.
C.Its math teaching is being transformed.
D.It has adopted NBE objectives.
12.Finland has recently become a new rock star of global education because ______.
A.its schools have adopted the concept of“outside math”
B.it has set general objectives of the core curriculum