Research on the Formation and Teaching Mode of Primary and Secondary School Folk Orchestra——A Case Study of Xiamen HaiWa Folk Orchestra
National orchestral music is an important part of Chinese traditional music culture,and inheriting national music culture is the duty of Chinese contemporary school music education. The main carrier of school music education is school music curriculum,but this first music class is no longer a unique form of music teaching.Therefore,the emergence of"in-campus orchestra" in the second music class emphasizes on practice as the center,fully mobilizes the students' enthusiasm to study music,enhances the music aesthetic quality and humanistic spirit,feelings and comprehensive quality ability,and at the same time achieves the goal of inheriting the excellent national music culture.At present,the school national orchestra has been established, the primary school music education system is increasingly perfect,the learning of national instrumental music is gradually accepted and recognized by the parents of students.The joint support of the trinity of state,school and family has become the strong support of the stable development of the school-based national orchestra.
At present,Haiwa National Orchestra is the most complete national orchestra in Xiamen primary and secondary schools,the highest level of performance and the most perfect management mode.As a national orchestra on campus,it has the characteristics of promoting students to understand national music,learning ethnic music knowledge,inheriting excellent national music culture,cultivating students'patriotic sentiment and national spirit,and enhancing national self-confidence,which is very typical.By observing and studying the management and teaching mode of the Haiwa National Orchestra in Xiamen,the author hopes to provide a feasible method for the formation and development of the Orchestra in primary and middle schools.
Keywords:National Orchestra of Primary and Secondary Schools;Haiwa National Orchestra;eaching mode;Management mode;quality education
第1章引言 (1)
容桂招聘网最新招聘信息1.1选题的缘由 (1)
1.2国内外研究现状 (1)
1.3研究条件与方法 (2)
第2章中国民族管弦乐团的发展概述 (3)
2.1初期组建与发展 (3)
2.2现状与未来前景分析 (3)
2.3民族管弦乐团在中小学存在的意义与价值 (4)
2.3.1民族管弦乐团与中小学器乐教学的关系 (5)
2.3.2新课标与中小学器乐教学存在的关系 (6)护师成绩查询
第3章厦门海娃民族管弦乐团的概况与建设背景 (7)
3.1概况 (7)
3.2建设背景 (9)
3.3阶梯式培养模式 (10)
3.4支持建设的相关政策 (11)
公务员专业分类目录表下载3.4.1厦门市及海沧区政策 (12)
3.4.2厦门延奎实验小学校方政策 (12)
3.5校园“美育”生活 (13)
第4章厦门海娃民族管弦乐团发展模式研究 (16)
4.1硬件设施配备 (16)
4.1.1整体器乐编制 (16)
4.1.2集训排练场地与各声部分排室 (17)
4.2厦门海娃民族管弦乐团筹备与组建、训练、管理 (17)
4.2.1筹备过程与乐团成员的选拔 (17)
4.2.2成员的选拔 (17)
4.2.3行之有效的“训练方法” (18)
4.2.4管理模式自成一套 (18)
4.3厦门海娃民族管弦乐团组织排练的日常教学情况 (20)
4.3.1软件配备——“师资力量” (20)
4.3.2组织排练时间选定 (21)
全国会计资格评价网登录准考证打印4.3.3曲目的选择 (22)
4.3.4整合排练记录 (24)
4.4厦门海娃民族管弦乐团排练心得体会 (25)
4.4.1教师总结 (25)
4.4.2学生总结 (25)
4.4.3自我总结 (26)
4.5厦门海娃民族管弦乐团问卷调查 (26)
第5章厦门海娃民族管弦乐团存在的意义 (28)
5.1对乐团成员自身影响 (28)
5.2对在校师生的影响 (29)
5.3对校园精神文明建设的作用 (29)
5.4对外界社会产生的潜在影响 (30)
第6章由海娃民族管弦乐团引发若干启发 (31)
6.1社会、学校、家庭“三位一体”全方位支持青少年乐团 (31)
6.1.1校方的重视与支持是组建和发展青少年乐团的必要前提 (31)
6.1.2合理的管理制度是青少年乐团的核心 (31)
6.1.3学生自身努力和家长坚持是乐团素质提高的必备条件 (32)
6.2目前国内青少年乐团存在问题与瓶颈 (32)
6.3青少年乐团在艺术教学和素质教育中的重要意义 (33)
第7章结语 (34)
致谢 (35)
参考文献 (36)
附录 (37)