Oral Test
Part A
A. I am becoming exited as the weekend is coming near and near. I can’t wait going to the suburbs.
B. I feel the same. There is still one thing to decide. I mean how should we go to the suburbs?
A. oh, yes, that is a problem. Maybe we can take a bus to go there, since the bus station is near here.
B. But I am afraid we have no buses to go there directly. We would change buses for two or three times. That is very inconvenient and may take too much time on the way.
A. I can’t agree with you more. And the buses here are too crowded and stuffy. We have rare chances to go out to enjoy the holiday. I don’t want our trip spoiled.2021江西国考职位表
B. What do you say if we take a taxi? Since it is a little far from here. What’s more, it is fast and comfortable.
A.It is wonderful. We can also talk with the driver on the way about the local places of interest. To talk with strangers always brings something unexpected. Don’t you think it could be an exciting experience?
B. I hope so. So …
A. Another good idea occurred to me suddenly. Why don’t we ride a bicycle?证券预约考试报名入口
B. Are you kidding? You must be crazy. It is far, and we don’t know about the way there. What if we get lost on the way?
A. Just a little far. Here is the map. Let’s see, I believe it is only two hours’ ride. And we can turn to others on the way for help. The most interesting is that we can take fresh air and to be so close to the nature.
B. Sounds good. But don’t you think we would be exhausted after when we arrive there?
A. So we can arrange our plan at any time if necessary. Maybe we could take缆车to the top of the mountain if we are too tired. We can spend a longer time on the boat in the lake. The local restaurant is not a bad choice, since they have many special dishes made of wild plants.
B. I am fascinated by your imagination. I believe it worth trying.
A. Now, let’s get down to preparation. The most important is to make sure the bicycle works well.
task 2
Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on answer sheet 2.
21) Judging from recent surveys, most experts in sleep behavior agree that there is virtually an epidemic of sleepiness in the nation. “I can’t think of a single study that hasn’t found Americans getting less sleep than they ought to”, says dr. David. Even people who think they are sleeping enough would probably be better off with more rest.
22) The beginning of our sleep-deficit crisis can be traced to the invention of the light bulb a century ago. From diary entries and other personal accounts from the 18th and 19th centuries, sleep scientists have reached the conclusion that the average person used to sleep about 9.5 hours a night. “The best sleep habits once were forced on us, when we had nothing to do in the evening down on the farm, and it was dark”. By the 1950s and 1960s, that sleep schedule had been reduced dramatically, to between 7.5 and 8 hours, and most people had to wake to an alarm clock. “people cheat on their sleep, and they don’t even realize they’ve doing it.”Says Dr. David. “They think they’re okay because they
can get by on 6.5 hours, when they really need 7.5, 8 or even more to feel ideally vigorous.”perhaps the most merciless robber of sleep, researchers say, is the complexity of the day.
23) Whenever pressures from work, family, friends and community mount, many people consider sleep the least expensive item on his programme.
24) “ In our society, you’re considered dynamic if you say you only need 5.5 hours’ sleep. If you’ve got get 8.5 hours, people think you lack drive and ambition”.
25) To determine the consequences of sleep deficit, researchers have put subjects through a set of psychological and performance tests requiring them, for instance, to add columns of numbers or recall a passage read to them only minutes earlier. “We’ve found that if you’re in sleep deficit, performance suffers,” says Dr. David, “short-term memory is weakened, as are abilities to make decisions and to concentrate.”
Fast Food
Fast food is becoming more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Toaday, its certainly difficult to think of any other single thing that represents the fast pace of modern society as powerfully as fast food.
There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it is very convenient and saves a lot of time. The trends of modern society seem to all point to one ultimate goal--saving time.And fast food well serves this purpose. You just go into a fast food restaurant, order your food, and your food is ready in no time. You can either eat it there or take it away. Second, its popularity is also attributed to the clean and comfortable environment of fast food restaurants, the excellent service, and the guaranteed quality of food.However, in terms of nutrition, fast food is far from satisfactory. It usually does not compose a balanced diet and is low in nutritional value. Thus, doctors suggest that people, especially children, eat fast food as little as possible.