银行系统招聘考试英语(中国工商银行)模拟试卷5国考2021年报名岗位 (题后含答案及解析)
湖南公务员招聘信息网>安徽公务员报考岗位  全部题型    3. 阅读理解 5. 完形填空 6. 选词填空
One of Britain’s last great independent financial markets has agreed to sell itself to China.    The 1 37-year-old London Metal Exchange has agreed a?1.4bn takeover from Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing  (HKEx)nine—mouth auction process which saw bids from InterContinental Exchange,CME Group,and NYSE Nasdaq.    The deal will mean massive windfalls for the LME’s largest shareholders,JP Morgan,Goldman Sachs and Metdist,the brokerage owned by the LME’s former chairman Raj Bagri’s family.
1. What will be a suitable title for the article?(  )
安徽省人事局A.The LME:the last exchange in Europe to use open outcry 
B.Changed Status of LME shares Ownership
C.HKEx,intercontinental exchange,CME group,&NYSE Nasdaq bidding on LME
D.Chinese buy London Metal Exchange in?1.4bn takeover.