Part ⅠListening Comprehension
Section A(每题1分)1.A    2.C    3.D    4.B    5.D    6.A 7.B
Section B(每题1分)8.B 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.A
Section C(每题1分)15.D 16.B 17.C 18.B 19.D
Section D(每题1分)
20. common 21. usually 22. pay in cash 23. on the rise 24. taking the bus
Part ⅡVocabulary and Structure
Section A(每题1分)
25.B 26.D 27.A 28.C 29.B 30.C 31.D 32.A 33.B 34.D
Section B(每题1分)
35. to see 36. be delivered 37. sending 38. equipment 39. cheaper
Part ⅢReading Comprehension
Task 1(每题2分)40.C 41.D 42.A 43.B 44.A
Task 2(每题2分)45.B 46.D 47.A
Task 3(每题1分)
48. return 49. the/your packaging 50. easily seen 51. detailed information 52. photos Task 4(每题1分)53.CM 54.KP 55.JI 56.AO 57.QE
Task 5(每题1分)
58. insurance card
59. the policy number
60. insurance provider’s website
61. any changes
62. expensive
考公务员面试培训班67. 参考译文(7分)
2019湖北省考职位表Part ⅤWriting(15分)
1.本题按综合方式评分,从格式、表达和语言三方面衡量,只给一个分数,即给总体印象分(global/impression marking)。
Part ⅠListening Comprehension
Section A
1. How are things going in your company?
【解析】A。考查对“How are things going…?”打招呼问句的回答。此句意为“你公司里的事情进展得怎么样?”可用Everything is fine/OK来回答,表示事情进展的很顺利,故选A。
2. Can I help you with your luggage?
【解析】C。考查对于对方主动提供帮助的回答。此句意为“我可以帮你提行李吗?”,对于别人主动提出帮忙,可以用Thank you或You are so nice/kind来回答,故选C。
3. Will you join us in the new project?
【解析】D。考查如何回应对方的邀请。此句意为“你愿意加入我们的新项目吗?”,可用I’d like to“我很乐意”来回答,故选D。
4. How is your work these days?
【解析】B。考查对“How is…?”特殊疑问句的回答,询问某人/事怎么样。肯定可以用It’s fine/fantastic“很好/好极了”回答,否定可用It’s awful“很糟糕”回答。此句意为“最近你的工作进展怎么样?”It’s fine“很好”为正确答案,故选B。
5. Do you mind if I ask you a question?
【解析】D。考查询问对方是否介意某事的回答。Do you mind if I…?意为“你介意我……吗?”如果介意,可用Sorry, I’m afraid you can’t…“抱歉,恐怕你不能……”回答,若不介意,可用Go ahead“你去做吧”回答,故选D。
6. Would you help me check my report?
宝应公务员考试【解析】A。考查对“Would you…?”请求问句的回答。肯定回答可用Sure/Of course/Certainly/My pleasure等表达。否定回答可用Sorry…表示委婉拒绝。此句意为“你能帮我查一下我的报告吗?”My pleasure“很乐意”正确,故选A。
7. May I say a few words about the new plan?
【解析】B。考查对“May I…?”请求问句的回答。肯定回答通常可以使用Yes./Certainly./Sure.等表达。否定回答用Sorry…表示拒绝。此句意为“关于新计划我可以说几句话吗?”B.Yes, please“可以,请讲吧”为正确答案,故选B。
Section B
8. M: Hello Linda, why are you so busy these days?
W: I am preparing for the New Year’s Party.
Q: What is Linda busy with?
9. W: Where did you learn about our job position?
M: From your website.
国考补录面试人员名单公布Q: Where did the man get the information of the job position?
10. W: Who’s going to give a lecture at tomorrow’s meeting?
M: Dr. Johnson, a professor from the community college.
Q: Who will give the lecture tomorrow?
11. M: I’m calling to talk with your manager.
W: Sorry, he’s meeting with a customer.
Q: What is the manager doing now?
12. W: Tom, you were late for the meeting. Are you OK?
M: Sorry, I just forgot the meeting time.
Q: Why was Tom late for the meeting?普通话报考
13. W: Oh, my God, the traffic is too slow.
M: I think there must be a traffic accident ahead.
Q: What probably has happened on the road?
14. W: Are you going to accept the job?
M: Yes, it’s good for me.
Q: What does the man think of the job?
Section C
Conversation 1
W: Hey, Steve! How’s everything with you?
M: Good. I’m now working on a project.
W: Did you watch yesterday’s football match?
M: No, I didn’t.
W: How about going to watch tomorrow’s match? It’s the weekend.
M: That sounds great.
W: I’ll give you a call to let you know the time.
M: OK. I’ll see you tomorrow.
W: See you.
15. What has the man been doing these days?
16. What are the two speakers going to do tomorrow?
【解析】B。事实细节题。询问两人明天打算去干什么。对话中女士提议去看明天的足球比赛,男士表示赞同(That sounds great),因此选B。
Conversation 2
M: Hello, John Smith speaking.
W: Good morning, Mr. Smith. This is ABC Company. We’ve decided to offer you the position of
Project Manager.
M: I’m very excited to hear the news. When will I start the work?
W: How about next Wednesday, July 1st?
M: No problem.
W: Do you know how to get to our company?
M: Yes, I know. I can take Subway Line 2. Am I right?
W: Yes, you get off at Nanjing Road Station.
M: Thank you.
W: My pleasure. Look forward to working with you.
17. What job position is offered to Mr. Smith?
【解析】C。事实细节题。询问给史密斯先生提供了什么职位。女士在对话开头就提到,她们公司决定提供项目经理的职位(the position of Project Manager)给史密斯先生,因此选C。
18. When will Mr. Smith start his work?
19. How will Mr. Smith go to the company?
Section D
When I need gas for my car, I pull into a gas station right around the corner from my house and use my gas card. Years ago, full-service gas stations were very common. However, things have changed. Now, most gas stations are self-service centers. Personally, I usually fill the car up with gas every time I stop. I generally pay in cash, but more and more gas stations accept credit cards. As gas prices are on the rise, I’m now thinking about buying a more fuel-efficient vehicle or just taking the bus to work.
20. common
21. usually
【解析】分析空格所在句已为完整的主谓宾结构,I为主语,fill…up为谓语,意为“(使)填满”,the car为宾语。空格处位于主谓之间,由此推知,空格处可能缺少修饰谓语动词fill 的副词,结合录音填入usually“经常”。
22. pay in cash
【解析】分析空格所在句为but连接的并列句,在第一个分句中,句子缺少谓语动词,因此推测空格处缺少动词或动词短语。结合录音填入pay in cash“用现金支付”。
23. on the rise
【解析】根据空格前的are提示空格处应填入作表语的成分,由下文的“考虑买一辆更省油的车”推测空格所在句意为“油价上涨”,结合录音填入on the rise“上涨”。
24. taking the bus
【解析】由连词or可知空格填入的成分跟buying a more fuel-efficient vehicle并列,因此空格处应填入动名词短语作介词about的宾语,结合录音填入taking the bus“乘公交车”。