公务员体检需要注意什么Part 1. Useful Expressions (15 小题,每小题 1 分,合计 15 分)
Directions: The following is a list of terms related to Cross-border E-commerce. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below.
5 .佣金
9 .销售额
12 .追踪号
13 .转化率河南省政府任命工作人员
15 .清关
Part 2. Translation (共6小题,16-20题每小题3分,21湖北省高等教育自学考试院10分,合计25分) Directions: This part, numbered 11 to 16, is to test your ability to translate Chinese into English of the five sentences. No. 16 is to test your translation ability of paragraph from English into Chinese.
2021考研英语一18 .顾客如不满意可以全额退货。
21.The development of cross-border logistics in China is relatively slow. The development of logistics and Cross-border E-commerce are complementary to each other. Logistics occupies an important part in whether Cross-border E-commerce is satisf
actory. Companies should compare a variety of cross-border logistics modes for comprehensive consideration and choose the best logistics method of Cross-border E-commerce based on their own situation. They can also create new logistics methods according to the needs of business and customer, and create more customer value through upgrading logistics services for Cross-border E-commerce.
Part 3. Reading Comprehension (15 小题,每小题 2 分,合计 30 分)
Directions: Read the following passages. After reading them, you should decide whether each statement is true (T) or false (F).
Passage 1
In business, a single transaction to the business is only the value for a single time, or a single trade to buyers and sellers means only the profit for a single time. In order to allow buyers and sellers to gain profits continuously through transactions, there must be a method to help buyers and sellers to form a strong connection. This does not only mean t
he value for a certain period of time, but also the added value of business. Because this strong connection creates new values such as brand value and service value, which is unrelated to the transaction itself.
The difference between the customers on the Cross-border E-commerce platform and in the traditional international trade lies in its uncertainty. It is not difficult for us to understand that the maintenance and the establishment of customer connection on Cross-border E-commerce platforms is a more complicated process than in traditional international trade. However, customer maintenance is the key to Cross-border E-commerce. According to the study, the cost of developing a new customer is five times as that of retaining an old one. So how do we maintain customer relationships and establish a close connection with our customers on Cross-border E-commerce platforms? This requires us to consider the basis of Cross-border E-commerce platform, and carry out the following activities:
L Collect customer information, build customer database
Sellers should collect detailed information on customers' personal information, purchase history, buying preferences and concerns. These are all "clues" that can help sellers understand the customer's preferences. After knowing these, the seller can provide customers with personalized service.
1.Maintain regular contact with old customers
In order to retain and maintain good relationships with customer, many Cross-border E-commerce sellers wsend e-mail or cards to customers on holidays or customers9 birthday. It can change the business relationship into friend relationship, and help the sellers to follow up with the customers.
2.Reply old customers9 email without delay
Old customer5 email must be replied on the same day. If you encounter a complicated problem, and cannot reply on the same day without the cooperation from other sides, we must promptly inform the customer. For example: "Mail received, and is being processed”.
Even so, you must reply that customer no more than three days later.
4.Ensure product quality
Products must go through strict quality inspection and the quality of products must be ensured. Only the quality is ensured will the company develop better, and the customers will repurchase these high-quality and inexpensive products. Over time, it will form a positive "ecological circle”.
5.Pay old customers a return visit regularly
The so-called return visit is the planned tracking service to old customers. It can be an email, inviting the old customers to give feedback about the recent quality and
service of products and other suggestions. In short, the aim is to let buyers know that the seller is really buyer-centered, and want the buyers to have a better shopping experience in the future.
22.The maintenance customer connection on Cross-border E-commerce platforms is
a more complicated process than in traditional international trade. (    )
23.The seller can provide customers with personalized service based on their
preferences.(    )
24.The seller cannot change the business relationship into friend relationship.
( )
25.The seller must reply that customer no more than five days. (    )
26.Only the quality is ensured will the company develop better. (    )
Passage 2
As customers cannot see the real products (services) through online shopping, they can only judge the products through the pictures, descriptions and customer reviews on website (or APP). Customers are more concerned about the consistency of the products
and the advertising. In this case, customers will inquire of the customer service staff about the products through e-mail or social media. Customer service staff should be proficient in professional knowledge about all the products, have good promotional skills, respond timely and effectively, so as to put away customers9 worries before buying products, promote customers to purchase and improve customer conversion rate.