Part 1. Useful Expressions (15小题,每小题1 , 合计15 )
Directions: The following is a list of terms related to Cross-border E-commerce. After reading it, you are required to write the corresponding English expression临沂人才市场最新招聘信息.
1.预期利润                          2.企业文化
3.营销活动                          4.社交媒体
5.店铺描述                          6.关键词
7.批发价                                8.数据分析
9.属性词                              10.目标客户
11.物流                                12.客户服务
13.流量词                          14.品牌风格
Part 2. Translation(共6小题,16-20题每小题3分,21题10分, 合计25分)
Directions: This part, numbered 11 to 15, is to test your ability to translate Chinese into English of the five sentences. No.16 is to test your translation ability of paragraph from English into Chinese.
16. 产业园区的建设对城市的可持续发展起到了至关重要的作用
17. 如果遇到困难,请尽管与我们的客户服务部联系
18. 平台已同意对此纠纷进行调查2021年福建公务员考试职位一览表。
19. 中国跨境电商可能在未来几年保持高速增长
20. 顾客如不满意可以全额退货
21. First of all, the selected products should be suitable for air express delivery. These products should basically meet the following requirements: relatively small size and suitability to be delivered by express to reduce the cost of international logistics; high added value is required to be suitable to be packed for sale, and if the value of product is less than shipping then it is not the case; uniqueness: products need to be unique in order to continuously stimulate buyers to purchase and have high online transactions volume; reasonable price: if online prices are higher than local market prices, they may fail to attract buyers to order online.
Part 3. Reading Comprehension (15小题,每小题2 , 合计2021年注会考试成绩查询时间30 )
山东省2023年公务员考试时间Directions: Read the following passages. After reading them, you should decide whether each statement is true(T)or false(F).
Passage 1
  DHgate, launched in 2014 as a cross-border B2B e-commerce platform, is built to f
acilitate small and medium sized Chinese enterprises. Average order size remains small for this reason. The variety of items listed, however, is not affected by the size of the businesses, and categories of products include clothes, bags, shoes, sports items, toys, jewelry, electronics, mobile phones, musical instruments, car parts, video games and many more. Europe, America and Australia are its major markets, and currently it owns 1.2 million domestic suppliers, 5.5 million buyers and 25 million kinds of products.
  The website does not charge a membership fee from either buyer or seller. 2022人民银行不招人了吗Instead, it charges only a commission as a percentage of successful transaction amounts. This percentage ranges from 3 percent to 10 percent. Though the website remains free for sellers, a special value-added service called DHfactory has recently been added. Sellers can pay an annual fee to avail this service. The company is set to launch further exclusive services to complete better in the Chinese online wholesale market. Buyers and sellers are required to interact through the website. There is an escrow payment service that protects buyers and a customer service department to help solve disputes.
  DHgate is a transaction platform providing transaction services for both buyers and sellers in order to promote online trading. Based on the positioning, DHgate河南招生考试服务平台入口s profit consists of two parts: commission: DHgate serves as a transaction platform for buyers and sellers and charges the buyers a certain amount of commission for successful transactions, and service fee: since cross-border e-commerce is operated by users in more than 200 countries and one hundred thousand cities around the world, it is much more complicated than domestic e-commerce. Also, the whole transaction process of cross-border e-commerce takes more time, and buyers and sellers call for services of higher standards. The complicated and commercial features of these transactions determine that multiple services are needed in the whole cross-border transaction process. Given the characteristics, DHgate provides services like intensive logistics, financial service and agency service for some fees.
  Transaction commission: It is free to register, uphold product information and display them on DHgate. The buyer will only be charged commission based on the transaction volume for a successful transaction.
  Commission model: DHgate adopts the single commission rate model, which means that a fixed proportion of commission is charged according to the category. This model works with a multiple commission policy---when a single order is worth no less than USD 300, the commission rate is 4.5%.
  Service object: It expands from small and medium merchants to large foreign trade companies, manufacturers and brand owners.
  Platform expansion: Besides transaction platform, DHgate launched online cargo center for traditional foreign trade companies. In August 2013, DHgate launched a global online cargo center by cooperating with the merchants in Yiwu.