医护英语水平考试 (护理类) 第一级模拟试题河南省人力资源厅
医护英语水平考试 (护理类)
Medical English Test System (METS)
(For Nurses)
Level 1
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第一部分  听力理解20%
第一节 选择填空
I’ve got an awful pain in my belly.
I’ve got an awful pain in my ______.
[A] joints      [B] armpit      [C] belly
    根据你所听到的录音,答案应选[C]项。              [A]    [B]    [C]
1. I’ll take some blood from your _________.
[A] eye                   
[B] ear             
[C] hair
2. The patient got rapid ___________.
[A] pulse                 
[B] pus                 
[C] pass
3. I’ll do a _______ test first to see if you are allergic to this.
[A] scan           
[B] skin           
[C] scar
4. In ancient(古代)times, doctors used to ______ people when they were ill.
[A] blood                   
[B] bladder               
[C] bleed   
5. Proper _______exercise is very helpful to the patient’s recovery.
[A] daily               
[B] dairy       
[C] deadly    英语四级考试成绩分布
6. _____change was done once every day until the wound healing.
[A] Rising               
[B] Dressing               
[C] Trying
7. The treatment ______ for this disease can be quite lengthy; generally several years are necessary.
[A] course                   
[B] cause   
[C] coach
8. A good nurse should be able to ________ early signs of medical conditions.
[A] defect                 
[B] detect
[C] direct                           
9. An ______ environment in the body can encourage cancer cells to grow.
[A] iced             
[B] ached     
[C] acid
10. This machine can help nurses to _______ patients without damaging their backs.
[A] leaked               
[B] left
[C] lift
第二节 对话理解
WGood morning. Can I help you?
MI’m not feeling well recently. I’d like to have a check-up.
Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?
Where does this conversation most probably take place?
[A] In a bus stop. 
[B] In a hospital.     
[C] In a shop.
显然,该对话发生在医院里,因此[B]为正确答案。        [A]    [B]   [C]
11. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
[A]Nurse and patient.
[B] Nurse and doctor.
[C] Nurse and head nurse.
12. Whose condition is serious?
[A] The woman’s father.     
[B] The man’s father.   
[C] The nurse’s father.
13. Which of the following is TRUE according to the dialogue?
[A] The patient was talking about his pain.
[B] The patient was cut by a knife.
[C] The patient has continuous headache in bad weather.
14. When did the patient start to have the pain?
[A] Three years ago.
[B] O非师范类考教师资格证的报考条件ne year ago.
[C] Ten years ago.
15. The patient had the following symptoms EXCEPT________?
[A] vomiting 
[B] shortness of breath   
[C] coma
16. What could the woman do after going back home?
[A] Have a good rest.
[B] Smoke.
[C] Drink.
17. When did the woman begin to have a fever?
    [A] A couple of months ago. 
[B] A week ago. 
[C] Two months ago.
18. 2022年初级会计成绩查询What can we learn from the conversation?
    [A] The man will have the surgery.
[B] The man doesn’t want to eat or drink.
[C] The man is quite nervous about anesthesia.
19. What is TRUE about the man?
[A] He often goes to the hospital.     
[B] He seldom goes to the hospital.
[C] He never goes to the hospital.
20. Where does this conversation probably take place?
[A] In the doctor’s office.
[B] At the man’s home.
[C] In the ward.
第二部分  英语知识运用 (20%)
第一节 单项填空 
例如:The patient _______ I examined yesterday is ill with a bad cold.
      [A] who          [B] whose      [C] whom
答案:[C]                                      [A]    [B]    [C]
21. Almost all doctors believe that this illness can not be ____ easily.
    [A] cured              [B] recovered            [C] disappeared