方式一:This is a reading lesson. It talks about______.
方式二:The given reading material introduces/shows ______.
教学目标Teaching Objectives
KnowledgeWords/Phrases 、Sentences 、Topic、Structure、Pronunciation、Grammar
AbilityReading 、 Speaking 、 Writing 、 Listening
EmotionalInterest 、Attitude 、Confidence 、Cooperation
Theme emotion
Knowledge Objectives
(1)Students will understand the new words/ phrases such as    and the new sentence structures, including ___.(单词短语句子)
(2)Students can understand the grammar point—______.(语法)
(3)Students can grasp(recognize; illustrate; comprehend) the general idea of the whol
e passage/ listening material/ dialogue and learn more about______.(话题)听说课、阅读课、口语课1+3 语法课:2+3
Ability Objectives
(1)Students can improve their listening abilities and grab the key information through listening activities.(听)
(2)Students can express(describe; retell; apply) their opinions/talk about______    by using the target language correctly and fluently.(说)
(3)Students will be able to use different basic reading strategies like prediction/ skimming/ scanning correctly in their reading.(读)
听说课、口语课:1+2   阅读课:3+2  语法课:2
Emotional Objectives
主题情感Students can develop a habit of ______    ./Students can realize the importan
ce of______.
(1)Students can foster the interest and desire of learning English and be fond of taking part in different kinds  of class activities.
(2)Students can improve the confidence of learning English and be not afraid of speaking English in public.
(3)Students can cooperate with other group mates actively and complete the tasks together.
Teaching Key and Difficult Points
(1)Key point(s)Help students know the meaning and usage of the new words/phrases and sentence pattern. Let students get the content of this lesson and improve their listening/ reading ability. 
(2)Difficult point(s)How to talk about/describe the new topic correctly and fluently.  To improve the confidence of speaking English.
(导入模板)Step1 Lead-in (5 mins)
农村信用社银行招聘After greeting students, the teacher will show a picture/ photo/ video of______ and ask one question: “______ ”. Then the teacher will invite some volunteers to share their answers.  After that, the teacher will give corresponding comments on students’ answers and show the  topic/ task of this lesson.
【Justification】The picture/photo/video is vivid and interesting, which can 青岛护士事业编考试arouse students' interest to the teaching activitycreat an active learning atmosphere/ attract students' attention/ create a Learning situation. Meanwhile, it can also introduce the topic today naturally.
Step 5 Summary and Homework (5 mins)
SummaryThe teacher can ask students to act as assistants to conclude what they have learned from this class, and  then make a summary together.
(1)Retell the passage after class./ Finish the exercise book./ Make a mind map of this lesson./ Listen to the audio and read the new words in the text book.
(2)Search more information about and share with others next class./ Talk about with their partners/friends.
【Justification】Reviewing the important knowledge in this lesson can deepen students’ impression and help them form good learning habits. Assigning homework can help students apply what they have learned to  practical use.
PWP教学模式 ---Pre-learning  While-learning 北京教育网    Post-learning
PPP/3P教学模式 ---Presentation    Practice    Production
语言知识系统的角度--->知识类课型--->语音课、词汇课、 语法课
Step 1 Pre-reading (6 mins)
(1)New knowledge teaching
With the help of_____ , the teacher will guide students to understand the meaning and usage of the new words/ phrases and sentences, including    .
Before reading, the teacher will organize students to make predictions. Some hints will be provided to help them.
Hint 1: Words and sentences just referred to. 
Hint 2: Title of this material— _____    .
Hint 3: Some pictures/videos in which students can see _____    .研究生教育信息网
(Justification: The above activities can help students recognize the new words and sentence patterns, remove the barriers, and lay the foundation for the next step of “reading”.)
Step 2 While-reading (10 mins)
(1) Extensive reading英语四六级准考证在哪打印
① Skimming
Ask students to read the text quickly within 2 minutes to check their predictions and summarize the main idea of the text.
② Scanning
Ask students to locate certain information by reading the text quickly and answer the following questions.    __________?__________?
(2) Intensive reading
Students should read the text again and do the following tasks.