1. —Where __docome from?
_____come from Australia.
D. you; My
B. you; I
2. -Zella, what's that terrible noise?
-It's Brooks. He
the piano.
D. has practiced
A. practiced
C. was practicing
B. is practicing
3. —As long as you have dreams, something nice will happen.
行测申论多少分能上岸my dreams.
-But I don't think I am smart enough to
最新公务员法全文解读A. realize
B. manage
D. arrive
4. -Mr. Johnson isn't a teacher. is he?
. He's taught in our school for 5 years.
B. No, he isn't
C. Yes, he is
D. Yes, he isn't事业单位面试题目类型
A. No, he is
5. -I'm terribly sorry to have put you to so much trouble.
. You didn't mean to, did you?
A. Forget it
B. No trouble
C. Don't mention it
D. All right
6. —The photo makes me think of
trip to Qingdao last year.
—Yeah, we had
great time there.银行职员报考条件
C. the; the
D. the; a
7. Reading is a good way_the world.
A.for know
B.for knows
C.to know
D. to knows
8. -Would you like more dumplings, Harry?
.I'm full.
B. No way山东公务员省考报名
C. No, thanks
D. Not at all
A. Yes, please
9. This is
my favourite teacher has taught me—a jouney of a thousand li begin with the first step.
B. which
D. what
doctors have just come back from Africa.
10. -It's said that the two
—Yeah, I know them. They are both already in their
B. women: sixtieth
D. woman; sixties
A. woman; sixty
C. women; sixties