1、To make sure you get into the right ____ while driving on a motorway, you must notice the road signs.
A. way                B. track                C. path                 D. lane
2、The scientists have made an ____ study of the virus that causes the disease.
A. exhausted            B. exhausting            C. exhaustive            D. exhaustible
3、Sally was a bit shy, but her teacher found her quite ____ discussing a recent film with others.
A. at home            B. at most            C. at house            D. at heart
4、Men differ from animals ____ they can think and speak.
A. for which            B. in which            C. in that                D. for that
5、The future of that country is hard to predict ____ the economic system is reformed.
公务员国考2022报名考试时间A. only after            B. unless                C. now that            D. as long as
6、It is necessary that he ____ the assignment without delay.
A. hand in            B. hands in            C. must hand in        D. has to hand in
7、The letter “you" in the sentence "It doesn't fit you." is pronounced as ____.
A.容桂招聘网最新招聘信息 /fu:/                B. /tfu:/                C. /dgu:/                D. /tju:/
8、Which of the following shows the correct word stress for "encyclopedia”?
A . /'m, saiklopi:dia/    B. /ln, saikla 'pi:dio/    C. /m , saikle pi:dia/    D. /in, saiklapi:'dia/
建设厅证件查询9、You are greeting an acquaintance with "Hello" to perform the ____ function of language.
A. performative        B. metalingual        C. phatic                D. emotive
10、Which of the following is the smallest unit of speech that can be used to differ one word from another?
A. Morpheme            B. Suffix                C. Lexis.                D. Phoneme
11、When teaching such words as "left" and "right", a teacher asks his/her students to touch their left arms and then touch their right eyes. What does this kind of activity exemplify?
A. Direct Method.                            B. indirect Method.   
C. Grammar Translation Method.            D. Total Physical Response.
12、What activities are not appropriate for developing the skill of reading for gist?
A. Reading a text quickly and writing a summary.
B. Reading a text quickly and choosing the best title.
C. Reading a text quickly and analyses its discourse patterns.
D. Reading a text quickly and then telling what it is mainly about.
13、Which of the following refers to a process in which a teacher asks his/her students to analyzing sentences in a passage and then work out their structures?
A. Deductive teaching.                        B. Inductive teaching.
C. Task-based teaching.                    D. Content-based teaching.
14、Which of following is the most controlled activity?
A. Acting out a dialogue.                    B、Role-play
C、Reading aloud a dialogue.                D、Exchanging information.
15、In students learn the idiomatic use of English, teachers need to draw students' attention to ____.
A. prefixation            B. collocation            C、suffix            D、derivation
16、Which of the following exercises is intended to practice the communicative use of "Do ?" and "I have ....."
A. Changing one sentence pattern to the other.
B. Applying those sentence patterns in a conversation.
C. Listening to the tape and writing down the sentences.
D. Substituting the objects in the sentences with the words given.
17、A teacher asks students to write reflective journals about their English learning. The major purpose is to develop students' ____?
A. communicative strategy                    B. metacognitive strategy
C. affective strategy                        D. cognitive strategy
18、When a teacher says "I don 't quite understand. What do you mean by saying that?" What does he/she intend to do?
A. To refuse.                                B. To comment.
C. To ask for opinions.                        D. To ask for clarification.
19、At what stage will a teacher initiate a discussion with the students on certain topic their prior knowledge?
A. Presentation.            B. Practice.        C. Performance.            D. Lead-in.
20、Which of the following is most appropriate for developing a learner's integrated language skills?
A. Writing down a phone call message
B. Completing multiple-choice exercises.
2021国考真题C.贵州省卫生健康委 Copying words from a reading passage.
D. Filling in the missing words in a passage.
21、请阅读Passage 1,完成第21~25小题。
Passage 1
Of all the changes that have taken place in English-language newspapers during the past quarter-century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage.
lt is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers. Yet a considerable number of the most significant collections of criticism published in the 20th century consisted in large part of newspaper reviews. To read such books today is to marvel at the fact that their learned contents were once deemed suitable for publication in general-circulation dailies.