在职研究生考试考哪些科目江苏教育考试院成绩查询  全国⼤学⼈学考试(the National College EntranceExamination),俗称⾼考,是每年夏天都会举⾏的⼀种学术考试,有数百万的考⽣参加,其中⼤多数都是⾼中学⽣。⾼考对于那些完成⾼中教育,想进⼊⼤学、学院和其他⾼等教育机构进⾏深造的学⽣来说是⼀个重要的考试。当学⽣们的总成绩超过他们所申请的学校的分数线(admission scores line)时,他们就被允许进⼊⾃⼰选择的⼤学。如果不能取得所需的最低分数,他们可能就⽆法进⼈⾃⼰选择的⼤学,甚⾄失去上⼤学的机会。
安徽教师教育网登录入口  The National College Entrance Examination,commonly known as Gaokao, is an academic testingevent held every summer and joined by millions ofparticipants, a majority of whom are high-schoolstudents. It is an important exam for those who haveaccomplished high-school education and w
ant to go to universities, colleges and other highereducational institutions. Students are allowed to enter the college(s) of their choice when theiroverall scores pass the admission scores line for schools they apply for.If they fail to obtainthe minimum admission scores line, they might not be able to enter the college(s) of their choiceor even lose the chance to attend university.
  2.当学⽣们的总成绩超过他们所申请的学校的分数线时,他们就被允许进⼊⾃⼰选择的⼤学:“总成绩”可译为overall scores:“申请”可译为apply for:“分数线”可译为admission scores line.
  3.如果不能取得所需的最低分数,他们可能就⽆法进⼊⾃⼰选择的'⼤学,甚⾄失去上⼤学的机会:“不能”可⽤fail to do来表达:“取得”可译为obtain:“上⼤学”可译为attend university.
  据说在中国,蜡染(wax printing)早在秦末或者汉初就已经出现,但它最初作为成品出现是在唐朝。蜡染是“丝绸之路”的商品之⼀,这些商品被出⼝到欧洲和其他地⽅。蜡染在中国是代代传承下来的。它是苗族(Miao ethnic minority)独特的绘画和⼿⼯染⾊⼯艺。作为中国最具有民族特⾊的艺术之⼀,
公务员面试问题有哪些  参考译⽂:
  It is believed that wax printing appeared in China asearly as the late Qin or early Han Dynasty, but it firstoccurred as a finished product during the TangDynasty. It was one of “the Silk Road" goods thatwere exported to Europe and elsewhere.Wax printinghas been passed down from generation to generation in China. It is a unique drawing anddyeing handwork of the Miao ethnic minority. As one of the most characteristic national artsin China, wax printing products are various including wall hangings, letter bags, bags, table-clothes and so on.
  1.据说在中国,蜡染早在秦末或者汉初就已经出现:“据说”可译为it is said that 或it is believed that.表⽰时间状语的词“秦末”和“汉初”分别可译为the late Qin Dynasty和the early Han Dynasty.“早在”可翻译为as early as.
  2.但它最初作为成品出现是在唐朝:该句中的“出现”可译为occur,避免与上⽂重复,其是不及物动词。“成品”可译为afinished product,动词的过去分词可以表⽰动作已完成。
  3.蜡染在中国是代代传承下来的:“代代”可译为from generation to generation,from…to意为“从⼀个到另⼀个' ”流传”可译为pass down.
  4.中国最具有民族特⾊的艺术之⼀:“最…之⼀”可翻译为“one of the+形容词最⾼级”的形式。“民族特⾊的艺术”可译为characteristic national art.