College English Test Band 4
Part Listening Comprehension
Section A
A 部分
Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once.
考试说明:在这一部分,你将听到三篇新闻报道。每篇新闻的结尾,会有两到三个问题。新闻和问题只 读一遍。
After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) . Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.
听到问题后从 AB教师资格证出成绩时间2022CD 四个选项中选出最佳答案。后在答题纸 1 上将相应的字母中间划上线。
News Report One
新闻报道 一
Good morning!
In today's headlines, Scotland's Transport Minister has warned potentially extreme weather conditions as heavy snow is forecast across the country later this week.
Orange warnings are in force in many areas on Wednesday and Thursday.
The Transport Minister advised people in parts of Scotland covered by the orange alert to avoid travel on Wednesday, this is what he said to us.

The orange warning may be raised to red in some areas.
That is a warning for snow that has never been seen since the modern system came into place in Scotland.
The orange warning has been extended until on Thursday.
Trains, planes and ferries are also likely to be affected, with a wind chill that could see parts of Britain feeling as cold as -15.
车、飞机和轮渡可能也会受到影响,随着寒风的到来,英国部分地区的体感温度可能会低至零下15 度。
The head of road policing said, "I would urge drivers to take extra care on the roads for their journeys.
Drivers should make sure they are prepared for their journey with warm clothing, food and drink, sufficient fuel and a charged mobile phone.
There could be significant traffic delays, so please start to plan your journey now and consider if you really need to travel when conditions are this poor".
可能会出现严重的交通延误,请现在就开始计划行程,也要考下在这种恶劣环境下是否真的需要出 行。"
Questions 1 to 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.
Question 1: What were people in parts of Scotland advised to do?
Question 2: What did the head of road policing urge drivers to do?

News Report 2
新闻报道 二
Romania's wetlands are coming back to life, thanks to help from local communities, the World Wildlife Fund and funding from the European Union.
Roughly 2,224 acres of the picturesque Danube Delta — home to 300 species of birds
— have filled with wildlife.
风景如画的多瑙河三角洲(约300种鸟福建公务员论坛qzzn手机版的栖息地)面积约有2224英亩,它也是三百多种鸟的栖息地, 处处是野生动植物。
The land has been connected to the network of lakes and streams in the area.
A lot of birds have migrated to the area and one doesn't need to travel long hours anymore or go to other lakes to watch the birds, says Ion Meuta, Deputy Mayor of Mahmudia.
Mahmudia市副市长2022山东公务员报名Ion Meuta表示,许多鸟已经迁徙到该地区,人们不再需要长途跋涉或是到其他湖泊去看鸟。
The area around Mahmudia, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site, is the third- most biodiverse in the world, after Australia's Great Barrier Reef and the Galapagos Islands.