News Report1
大专可以考公务员考试吗1.A)A violent storm.B)A fierce fire.
C)An earth quake.D)A devastating explosion.
2.A)The scorching heat.B)The high temperature.
C)The strong wind.D)The heavy rain.
News Report2
3.A)The Ebola outbreak is over.B)The Ebola is spreading.
C)The Ebola has killed many people.D)The Ebola outbreak is out of control.
4.A)People there wash hands frequently.B)People there keep healthy.
C)People there avoid being bitten by mosquitoes.D)People there stay cautious about the virus. News Report3
5.A)One year.C)Three years.B)Two years.D)Four years.
6.A)The female students in the first grade in college.
B)The female students in the second grade in college.
C)The female students in the third grade in college.
D)The female students in the fourth grade in college.
7.A)Keeping silent.B)Going to parties.C)The use of alcohol.D)The lack of awareness. Test2 News Report1
1.A)An explosion in a naval base.B)A military attack in Honolulu.
C)A killing of12crew members in Oahu.D)A crash of two helicopters in Hawaii.
2.A)During a daytime training mission.B)Just before midnight Thursday.
C)On Tuesday night.D)Early Friday.
News Report2
3.A)It has formed over the Pacific in January.B)It heads towards the Azores Islands.
C)It moves at the speed of140miles per hour.D)It has caused serious damage.
4.A)Frequent earthquakes across the Pacific.B)Floods all over the world.
C)Low sea surface temperatures.D)An unusually strong E1Nino phenomenon.
News Report3
6.A)He was the leader of IS.B)He was injured in the attack.
C)He was against terrorism.D)He was once put into prison.
7.A)In a Starbucks coffee shop.B)In a shopping mall.
C)At a crossroad.D)At a government office.
News Report1
1.A)The Culture Minister didn't know the Nobel winner.
B)The Culture Minister hasn't read a single novel in the past two years.
C)The Culture Minister didn't like novels.
D)The Culture Minister didn't like writing.
C)When she was interviewed in private.D)When she was interviewed on the radio. News Report2
3.A)They held a ceremony at the site.B)They made a silent protest at the site.
C)They presented flowers to the victims.D)They measured the areas of the landfill site.
4.A)At least390.C)About300.B)Less than90.D)About200. News Report3
5.A)Raise the salary of the STEM jobs.B)Force students to learn STEM.
C)Pay little attention to STEM.D)Invest more money in the education of STEM.
6.A)They should provide a good education.B)They should buy more toys.
C)They should introduce more friends to their girls.D)They should be strict with their girls.
7.A)Foster the ability of calculation.B)Foster the ability of aggression.
C)Foster the ability of teamwork and creative thinking.D)Foster the ability of critical thinking. Test4 News Report1
2.A)The high official inflation rate.B)The continuing economic growth.
C)The stable commodity prices.D)The weak labor market.
News Report2
3.A)An avalanche on Mount Qomolangma.B)A volcanic eruption in Bangladesh.
C)A massive earthquake in Nepal.D)An earth tremor in India.
2022年二建报名入口4.A)It was a royal palace.B)It was destroyed in1934.
C)It was a nine-storey temple.D)It was recognized by UNESCO.
News Report3
5.A)To limit access to the imported food.B)To take control of the legislature.
C)To force the president to resign.D)To cope with its economic crisis.
6.A)Before he takes charge of the economic work.B)Before he delivers a speech to Congress.
C)After he won the power to intervene in companies.D)After he took control of the legislature.
7.A)The soaring inflation.B)The falling oil prices.
C)The weak currency.D)The bankruptcy of companies.
News Report1
1.A)They have a new baby.B)They are to divorce.
C)They fell in love at first sight.D)They held hatred to each other.
4.D)In2006. News Report2
3.A)In a church.B)In the street.C)In a shop.D)On a bus.
4.A)He is slim and handsome.B)He is12years old.
C)He is a Christian.D)He is white and in his twenties.
News Report3
5.A)They first identified chikungunya.B)They first did research on chikungunya.
C)They first found the cure for chikungunya.D)They first controlled the spread of chikungunya.
6.A)It causes great pain and bleeding.B)It causes bleeding and swelling.
C)It causes great pain and swelling.D)It causes swelling and vomiting.
7.A)It may kill people quite often.B)It may make people barely move.
C)It may drain people to death.D)It may break the bones of people.
Model Test1
Section A
Questions1and2are based on the news report you have just heard.
新余学院招聘1.A)Less than1million.C)Less than30thousand.
B)Less than3million.D)Less than3thousand.
2.A)They are always forced to go on strike.C)They are studying in poor schools.
B)They can hardly do advanced research.D)Most of the students are not motivated enough. Questions3and4are based on the news report you have just heard.
3.A)To earn money to pay for his son's education.
B)To help his son get better from the illness.
C)To help people better understand children with autism.
D)To help people know how to cure Asperger syndrome.
4.A)He wrote some parts of the book.C)He translated the book.
B)He drew pictures for the book.D)He promoted the book.
Questions5to7are based on the news report you have just heard.
5.A)Americans often travel by car.C)Gas prices in the US were dropping dramatical
B)The US suffers from economic depression.D)The US was facing a shortage of gas and fuel.
6.A)53cents per liter.B)74cents per liter.C)87cents per liter.D)88cents per liter
7.A)Most of them will travel by car.C)They rarely drive their cars in winter.
B)Gas price is the lowest in winter.D)Driving in winter is more fuel-efficient. Section B
Questions8to11are based on the conversation you have just heard.
8.A)She has something wrong with her nose on weekends.
B)She has a bad cold and can't go to school on weekdays.
C)Her mother is busy with the job and can't take her to see the doctor.
D)She has some bad symptoms with her nose,eyes and throat on weekdays.
9.A)It comes at work time when he is busy.C)He doesn't think it's serious.
B)His daughter is afraid to see the doctor.D)It disappears all of a sudden.
10.A)Nothing special happened to her recently.C)She went to a newly-built school.
B)She got a runny nose.D)She caught a cold.
11.A)She can't adapt to the new environment.C)She is affected by the new building.
B)She is ignored by her father recently.D)She doesn't like the new school.
Questions12to15are based on the conversation you have just heard.
12.A)Find a job.C)Read a magazine.
B)Write a thesis.D)Browse the job advertisement.
13.A)Being easy to get along with.C)Eligible educational background.
B)Honesty and reliability.D)English and computer skills.
14.A)Theory and book knowledge.C)Practical working ability.
B)Active personality.D)College degree.
15.A)Paid vacations.C)A big salary to start with.
B)Board and lodging.D)On-job training.
Section C
Questions16to18are based on the passage you have just heard.
B)Financial aid and scholarships.D)Student loans.
17.A)They have to pay extra money for study.B)They only have to pay tuition and fees.
C)They have to pay for food and housing themselves.D)They pay the highest prices for undergraduate study.
18.A)They apply for financial aid.B)They apply for scholarships.
C)They start their education at a community college.
D)They choose to go to colleges that offer free education.
Questions19to21are based on the passage you have just heard.
全国计算机等级考试报名系统19.A)Dogs and cats.C)Fish and mice.
B)Monkeys and snakes.D)Wolves and dogs.
20.A)It mainly sells pet foods.C)It provides pets with meals and soft beds.
B)It is a doggy daycare center.D)It provides delivery service for pets.
21.A)Pets can help to lower a person's blood pressure.
B)Pets can offer protection from natural disasters.
C)Pets can help to deal with housework.
D)Pets can strike up good conversations with people.
Questions22to25are based on the passage you have just heard.
22.A)School is over.C)They want to have a rest.
B)The weather is good.D)They have favorite vacation spot.
23.A)Along the East Coast.C)In the Atlantic area.
B)In the unknown western territories.D)Along the Pacific.
24.A)Frequent business trips.C)Visiting friends or relatives in distant states.
B)Low-budget weekend trips.D)Camping out in the great outdoors.
25.A)Special programs for children.C)Historical programs.
B)Environmentally friendly programs.D)Sea cruise programs.
Model Test2
Section A
Questions1and2are based on the news report you have just heard.
1.A)The climate change is getting worse.B)The world is experiencing a shortage of fresh water.
C)There is more salt water than fresh water.D)There are too many people in the world.
2.A)The reduction of the total amount of water.C)The shrinking population.
B)The climate change.D)The destruction of the environment. Questions3and4are based on the news report you have just heard.
4.A)The phone will explode.C)All the data in the phone will disappear.
B)The pictures in the phone will disappear.D)The messages in the phone will disappear. Questions5to7are based on the news report you have just heard.
5.A)They can make the farms known worldwide.C)They can help farmers deal with the farm v
B)They can help improve the economy of rural areas.D)They can help farms connect to the Interne
6.A)In Maryland.B)In Virginia.C)In California.D)In Atlanta.
7.A)Open a larger farm.C)Make his farm more popular.
B)Develop more activities.D)Make a larger profit from tourism.
Section B
Questions8to11are based on the conversation you have just heard.
8.A)It provides us with food and place to live.C)It works with genes to shape who we are.
9.A)A group of DNA.C)A single protein.
B)A biochemical reaction.D)A building structure.
10.A)Humans share99.9%of their genes with chimpanzees.
B)Humans share79%and80%of their genes with chimpanzees.
C)Humans share99%of their genes with chimpanzees.
D)Humans share99%of their genes with mice.
11.A)Gene's role is the most complex.
B)Monkeys'genes are most closely related to humans'.
C)Mice's genes are least closely related to humans'.
D)Genetic study can help cure some diseases.
Questions12to15are based on the conversation you have just heard.
12.A)Next to the Statue of Liberty.C)On a tour boat.
B)In France.D)In a school.
13.A)He wants to build a statue like it.C)He wants to visit France someday.
B)He wants to impress the woman.D)He wants to write a paper for his class.
14.A)The Statue was taken apart for transportation.B)The Statue is taller than he thought.
C)The French had problems funding its construction.D)The Statue was transported on a ship to the US.
15.A)The base is about the same height as the Statue.B)It is much taller than all other statues in the world.
C)It took more time to be completed than others.D)It required a lot of time to be put back together. Section C
Questions16to18are based on the passage you have just heard.
16.A)He taught math and science in a local school.
B)He went to a college to learn calculus.
C)He learned to speak English and got trained on teaching.
D)He started an advanced math program in a college.
17.A)He forced his students to work hard.C)He punished and threatened his students.
B)He encouraged his students.D)He awarded the best student.
18.A)Teachers can learn some teaching methods from the movie Stand and Deliver.
B)Teachers are successful because their parents are teachers.
C)Teachers should have the ability to help students understand math.
D)Teachers were low paid at Garfield High School.
Questions19to21are based on the passage you have just heard.
19.A)To prepare the kids for school.C)To prepare the kids for love and work.
B)To prepare the kids to succeed.D)To prepare the kids to be parents.
20.A)To talk with them supportively.C)To set a model for them.
B)To talk with them seriously.D)To be strict with them.
21.A)To learn skills for communication.C)To teach the kids how to work.
B)To maintain a two-parent family.D)To love and encourage the kids.
Questions22to25are based on the passage you have just heard.
22.A)Potential of the school.C)Popularity of the school.
B)Making more money in the future.D)Their own state of mind.
23.A)To develop themselves.C)To become a successful businessman.
B)To get a higher degree.D)To make more money.
25.A)Degrees in economics.C)Medical schools.
Model Test3
乐山招聘网Section A
Questions1and2are based on the news report you have just heard.
1.A)The world population is growing.C)The demand for seafood is declining.
B)There are more and more fish farms.D)There is more demand for seafood than production.
2.A)It is the largest catfish farm in California.B)It will import70%of its fish from Asian countries.
C)It can produce enough fish for the demand.D)It is totally under the control of Craig Elliott. Questions3and4are based on the news report you have just heard.
3.A)Western sanction.C)Decrease in oil export.
B)Inflation.D)The fall of oil prices.
4.A)The government will cut its budget.C)The government will increase oil export.
B)The government will reduce oil export.D)The government will profit more from oil exp Questions5to7are based on the news report you have just heard.
5.A)Only in Panama.C)In Central and South America.
B)In North and West America.D)In many countries of America.
6.A)They are a common species.C)They are vegetarian animals.
B)They have short and fat legs.D)They are a species with group spirit.
7.A)They are experiencing climate change.C)They are often hunted and killed.
B)They are suffering from a lack of food.D)They are losing their habitats.
Section B
Questions8to11are based on the conversation you have just heard.
8.A)He comes to change his oven.C)He wants to complain about his oven.
B)He plans to have his oven repaired.D)He comes to buy a new oven.
9.A)The man's guarantee is out of date.C)The man bought the oven in another shop.
B)The man ruined it himself.D)The oven is not defective.
10.A)For ten days.C)For half a year.
B)For three months.D)For one year.
11.A)Impolite but helpful.C)Polite and disciplined.
B)Kind and flexible.D)Flexible and helpful.
Questions12to15are based on the conversation you have just heard.
12.A)Friends.C)Interviewer and interviewee.
B)Coworkers.D)Doctor and patient.
13.A)He thought Art was useless.C)He wanted to go to London to study Art.
B)He was offered a job in a big accounting firm.D)He wanted to do some interesting things.
14.A)A month.B)Nine months.C)Nearly a year.D)Three years.
15.A)Going to concerts frequently.C)Playing traditional jazz and folk music.
B)Doing a lot of photography.D)Traveling in Africa.
Section C
Questions16to18are based on the passage you have just heard.
16.A)They are delighted because they can enjoy the scenery while driving.
B)They are frightened because traffic accidents are frequent.
C)They are irritated because the bridge is jammed with cars.
D)They are pleased because it saves them much time.
17.A)They don't have their own cars to drive to work.B)Many of them are romantic by temperament.
18.A)Many welcome the idea of having more bars on board.
B)Many prefer the ferry to maintain its present speed.
C)Some suggest improving the design of the deck.
D)Some object to using larger luxury boats.
Questions19to21are based on the passage you have just heard.
19.A)It helps the candidate get the job.C)It shows that the candidate is confident.
B)It's a good way to flatter the manager.D)It shows that the candidate is polite.
20.A)A note sent by email with many words.C)A note that is brief and general.
B)A note done by handwriting with specificity.D)A note that is long and specific.
21.A)A thank-you note is significant before an interview.B)A handwriting note is not as good as an email note.
C)A thank-you note should be as general as possible.D)The manager tends to read a brief thank-you note. Questions22to25are based on the passage you have just heard.
22.A)A visit to a prison.C)A talk with some miserable slaves.
B)The influence of his father.D)His experience in the war.
23.A)He sent surgeons to serve in the army.C)He recruited volunteers to care for the woun
B)He provided soldiers with medical supplies.D)He helped to free the prisoners of war.
24.A)All men,poor or rich,should be created equal.
B)The wounded and dying should be treated for free.
C)A wounded soldier should surrender before he receives treatment.
D)A suffering person should be helped regardless of race,religion or political beliefs.
25.A)To honor Swiss heroes who died in the war.C)To pay tribute to Switzerland.
B)To show Switzerland was neutral.D)To be remembered easily.
Model Test4
Section A
Questions1and2are bused on the news report you have just heard.
1.A)Australia VS Argentina.C)Argentina VS New Zealand.
B)Australia VS New Zealand.D)Southern Hemisphere VS Australia.
2.A)Once.B)Twice.C)Three times.D)Four times. Questions3and4are based on the news report you have just heard.