Part I Listening Comprehension. (1 point each, 20 points)
Section A
Directions:In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Short Conversations
1.  A) 7:00. B) 7:30. C) 7:15. D) 6:50.
2.  A) 40pence. B) 70pence. C)1.6pounds. D) 1.4pounds.
3.  A)Manager and customer . B)Technician and customer.
C) Professor and student. D)Manager and staff.
4.  A) Jessica is new in Toronto.B) Jessica was in a traffic jam just now.
C) Jessica arrived an hour earlier. D) Jessica didn’t know they were waiting for her.
5.  A) The woman is just in in time. B) The plane has taken off.
C)He will try to call the plane back now. D) The flight has been canceled.
6.  A) The man prefers The Matrix 2:Reloaded. B)The woman doesn’t like the film.
C)The woman wants to see The Matrix 2:Reloaded. D)The man doesn’t agree with the woman.
7.  A) In a restaurant. B) In a hospital ward. C) At a bank. D) In a cinema.
8.  A) He lives in Burma now. B) When in Vietnam and China,he practiced English a lot.
C) He was born in Burma. D) He grew up in America.
Long Conversation 1
Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
9.  A) Two. B) There. C) Four. D)Five.
10.  A) Because it was on a cross street. B) Because it had no desk.
C) Because it had no parking space. D) Because they didn’t like it.
11.  A) The one on 68th Street. B)The one on 72th Street.
C) The one on 88th Street. D)The one on 80th Street.
Long Conversation 2
Questions 12 to 14 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
12.  A)A journalist. B) A policeman. C) A traffic warden. D) A supermarket executive.
13.  A)A business suit. B)A T-shirt and blue trousers.
C) A blue jacket and jeans. D) A yellow jacket and blue jeans.
14.  A)Dark brown. B)Dark blue. C) Light brown. D) Sandy.
Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 2 passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B),C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One : Question 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.江苏省考论坛
15.A) Attending a sales conference.                B) Waiting for his next flight.
C)Staying with his parents for the weekend.      D) Visiting an old school friend.
16.A) To avoid meeting someone he didn’t like to see.
B)To think quietly by himself.
C)To read some newspapers.
D)To escape the crowds.
17.A) He fell asleep and missed his flight.
B)He didn’t meet his friend who came to see him off.
C)He got on the wrong flight.
D)He lost his plane ticket.
Passage Two: Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
18. A) Dress the cut with a clean cotton bandage.
B)Clean the cut with warm water.
C)Hold the cut closed for a few minutes.
D)Call a doctor.
19.A) Call a doctor as soon as possible.
B)Press a piece of cotton wool firmly over the cut for about five.
C)Clean it and hold it closed with an adhesive dressing.
D)Dress it with a clean cotton bandage.
20.A) Give them a little water to drink.
B)Tell them a joke or a funny story.
C)Let them rest quietly.
D)Call a doctor as soon as possible.
Part II Vocabulary and Structure (0.5 point each, 15 points.)
21.It has been reported that more than one kid ______ with “Bird Flue”.
A.have been infected
B. has been infected
C. have infected
D. has been infecting
22.The black coal there is a sharp______ white snow.
B. content with
C. contact to
D. contrast to
23.You’ll be fined _____you return the books to the school library by this weekend.
B. until
C. unless
D. provided
24.________fortune and social status, she was actually a ordinary-looking woman.
B. Despite of
C. In spite of
D. Considering
25.When I am having a nap at noon, I hate ___by other people.
A.being disturbed
B. being interrupted
C. being involved
D. being interfered
26.He thought about the problem over and over, and suddenly a good idea ___to his mind.
B. occurred
C. happened
D. hit
27.The spy finally got ____ necessary for his government after a long stay here.
A.all the informations
B. all of the informations
B. all the information    D. all informations
28.Lin Daiyu is so ___ that she even cries for the falling flowers in spring.
B. sensitive
C. sensible
D. attractive
29.We can find many sports ______ on the playground of this primary school.
B. equipments
C. machines
D. facilities
30.When we were in high school, we learnt the ____of English grammar.
B. elementary
C. elements
D. foundations
31.John is the sort of friend who will stand ___ you through every situation.
B. by
C. in
D. behind
32.Susan is always a shy girl and feels _____ in the presence of strangers.
B. impatient
C. braveness
D. tiresome
33.We don’t believe the young man is ____ of finishing such a difficult task.
B. capable
C. qualified
D. clever
34.I will pay a visit to my old friend ____ she comes back from abroad.
A.the time when
B. the moment when
C. the minute
D. on the minute
35.If the little boy had been given the best medical care, he ______.
B. have not died
C. would not die
D. would not have died
36.In the end, we found the actual cost of his program was much higher than the ____.
A.former plan
B. original observation
D. former observation
37.This plant was severely punished by government for ___ pollutant into water.
B. relaxing
C. releasing
D. recycling
38.We can’t __ his plan, for it’s exactly far beyond what we have expected.
< long with
B. get on with
C. give in to
D. get out of
39.Our new teacher is not experienced and can’t make himself clearly ____ in class.
A.being understood
B. understood
C. listened
D. being followed
40.Whenever the man says something against his wife, she ____ lose her temper.
B. comes to
C. intends to
D. goes to
41.Nearly three years of high school had gone by ____ he finally realized the importance of
studying hard.
B. while
C. before
D. so that
42.The boy listed several examples ____ his view points.
A.in support of
B. for support of
C. to support of南京考试院入口
D. with support of
43.______ the delay of plane, we would have been in Paris now.
A.None but
B. But for
C. But that
D. nothing but
44.Almost everyone of us could see her anxiety from the _____ on her face.
B. sight
C. view
D. expression
45.This boy is quite intelligent _____ lazy in his study.
A.but rather
B. and quite
C. but quite滁州人事人才网
D. and rather
46.When I was young, I wasn’t used ____ when I made some mistakes.
< criticizing
B. to be criticized
C. to being criticized
D. to be criticizing
47.Actually we don’t know whether this news came from a reliable ____ or not.
B. origin
C. basis
D. foundation
48.Although the man is good at painting, we don’t think he is ____ an artist.
B. much more
C. much of
D. rather than
49.Nowadays more and more students seem ____ to help their classmates who have difficulties
in studies.
B. reliable
C. responsible
D. careless
50.Without your kindness and help, I_____so much.
A.don’t achieve
B. didn’t achieve
C. will not achieve
D. would not have
Part III Reading Comprehension (1.5 points each, 30 points)
Section A
Passage one
In this age of equality, sameness between the sexes is emphasized as if differences have to mean problem. Well, differences can mean problems, but only when they are not properly understood.
Imagine Adam alone in the Garden of Eden and you will have an idea about the way many men feel today. If the major issue for women is overload in their life --- balancing career, relationship, children, home --- the crisis for men is loneliness and the loss of women. Twenty-five years ago, most men ca
me home from work to a warm meal, a clean house, the devotion of a gentle wife, Now the majority of women work outside, they are no longer the full-time housewives as before, so men deserted and easily hurt.
Women get emotional support through a network of friends and family. Most men don’t have such relationships; they are intimate only with their wives or lovers. As a result, any lessoning of their partner’s attention may be thought of as rejection or abandonment.
Bob’s wife Sandy has a full-time job, and he really prefers her bringing home extra income. Yet he also feels uneasy and troubled. “When I get home at the end of the day, wanting to have a talk with Sandy,” he said, “She puts me off. First she makes dinner, then the kids need something, or a friend calls her. She talks with her sister, her girlfriends, her workmates, but not with me. I sometimes do feel abandoned and annoyed.”
Sine most men have difficulty admitting loneliness and hurt, they tend to become angry instead. Bob’s constant complaints and criticism made Sandy confused and irritated. Eventually, they came up with a simple solution that met both Bob’s need for time and Sandy’s sense of responsibility to others. The first half-hour after Bob arrived home from work was “theirs”, they would sit together and just talk to each other about everything they want to say.
51.Many men feel hurt and abandoned because _______.
A.women think it’s unfair to  stay at home doing housework
B.their wives are no longer gentle and caring to the family
C.the equality of men and women is strongly emphasized
52.Why do men care a lot about their couples’ attitude towards them?
A.Because their differences can man problems
B.Because they don’t have a network of friends and family
C.Because they only want to have an intimate relation with their wives
D.Because men lack confidence nowadays
53.Which of the following statements about Bob and Sandy is true?
A.Bob doesn’t with Sandy to do a full-time job.
B.Sandy is too busy to have time talking with Bob.
C.Sandy puts Bob off since there’s no common topic between then anymore.
D.Sandy feels equal to Bob now and no longer loves him as before.
54.What does the passage want to tell us?
A.Differences between men and women would certainly bring problems.
B.All human beings should be considered equal.
C.Only sameness could bring happiness to a marriage life.
D.Mutual understanding between men and women helps to solve problem.
Passge Two
Many people have the experience that getting up in the morning is so difficult and painful. This might
be called laziness. But D. Kleitman has a new explanation to this, he has proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle.
During the hours when you labor through your work, you may say that you’re feeling “hot”. That’s true. The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body temperature is at its peak. No one has discovered why this is so, but it leads to such familiar monologue as: “Get up, Tom! You’ll he late for school again!”The possible explanation to the trouble is that Tom is at his temperature and energy peak in the evening.
Much family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has. You can’t change your energy cycle, but you can learn to make your life fit it better, Habit can help a lot. Maybe you’re sleepy in the evening but feel you must stay up late anyway, counteract your cycle to some extent by habitually staying up later than you want to. However, if your energy is low in the morning but you have an important job to do early in the day, rise before your usual hour. This won’t change your cycle, but you’ll get up steam and work better at your low point.
Get off to slow start which saves your energy. Get up with a leisurely yawn and stretch. Sit on the ed
ge of the bed a minute before putting your feet on the floor. Avoid the troublesome search for clean clothes by laying them out the night before. Whenever possible, do routine work in the afternoon and save tasks requiring more energy or concentration for your sharper hours.
55.According the passage, what might bring family quarrels to the end?
A.Stopping familiar monologues every day
B.A sudden change of a family member’s energy cycle
C.Being aware of energy cycles of other family members
D.Trying to control the energy cycles of other members
56.If one wants to do better at his low point in the morning, he should_____.
A.change his energy cycle
B. go to bed earlier the day before
< to overcome his laziness
D. get up earlier than usual
57.What does the sentence “get off to slow start which saves your energy” mean?
A. It will help you to control your temper early in the day.
B.It will enable you to concentrate on your routine work.
C.It will help to keep your energy for the whole day’s work.
D.It will keep your energy cycle under control all day.
58.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Dr. Kleitman explains why people reach their peak at different hours of day.
B.Habit can help people adjust to their own energy cycle.
C.each person has his own energy cycle.
D.Getting up with a slow stall helps us to save energy for work.
Passage Three