注意:1. 本试卷满分为150分,考试时间为120分钟。
2. 考生必须将答案写在答题纸指定位置处,答在试卷、草稿纸等其他位置上一律无效
部分 选择题(86)
A) 听下面10段对话。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(听两遍)
1. What is Jacks animal sign?
A.     B.       C.
2. What charity are they talking about?                                   
  A.                        B.                        C.
3. When are they going to start?
A.     B.        C.
4. How will Tom get to the park?
A.     B.     C.
5. What was the city like in the past?
A. Very poor.            B. Very small.            C. Very dirty.
6. Who can understand the teacher?
A. Tom.                B. Betty.    西安市人力资源网官方网            C. Mary.
7. How often does Nick go to the English Reading Club?
A. Twice a week.            B. Once a month.            C. Twice a month.
8. What did the man do?
A. He helped the woman move to a new house.    B. He helped the woman find a job.
C. He helped the woman clean the house.
9. What TV programme does Tom’s grandmother like best?
A. Pleasant Goat.            B. Beijing opera.          C. Big Big Wolf.
10. Why didnt Peter sleep well last night?
A. He played computer games.    B. He watched TV.    C. He prepared for the Chemistry exam.
B) 听对话回答问题从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确的选项。每段对话听两遍。
11. How is the boy going to the zoo tomorrow?
A. By bus.              B. By car.          C. On foot.
12. When are they going to meet?
A. At           B. At             C. At
Warning for the flood
It has been raining for 四川选调生报考条件及时间  13  so far.
There will probably be a big flood tomorrow morning.
The 华图公考  14   of the town will be in danger.
People living there should   15  .
13. A. fifteen weeks            B. half a month            C. a week
14. A. south                    B. east                    C. west
15. A. move to a high place        B. stay at home            C. learn to swim
听第二篇短文,回答16-20 小题
16. What did John mainly talk about in his speech?
A. His daily life.            B. His parents.                C. His study.
17. What did John use to do?
A. He watched TV a lot.              B. He stayed at home and did homework.
C. He played sports with his classmates.
18. What kind of books does John read now?
A. Textbooks.              B. Novels.            C. Cartoon books.
19. What does John think of doing homework with his friends?
A. He can chat with them.    B. He can learn a lot from them.   C. He can pay attention to study.
20. What does John want to be in the future?
A. A writer.              B. A doctor.              C. A teacher.
21. —Do you know _________ girl with small round glasses?
I only know she is from _________ European country.
A. a; an          B. the; an    教资面试成绩9点可查        C. the; a            D. a; the
22. —I’m going to 安徽省考面试名单invite my friends to see the film this weekend.
—______________, the COVID-19 is still spreading.
A. Better not          B. Good idea            C. I think so      D. No problem
23. Oh, a power cut again. What happened, Andy?
Sorry, Lily. Im having a new shower _____________.
A. put up          B. put on          C. put in    D. put down
24. —I hope to draw as       as the famous artist Xu Beihong. —Sounds_________.
A. good, well        B. better, good      C. well, well    D. well, good
25.Where is your son? I havent seen him for a long time.
  —He ____________ abroad since four months ago.
A. has been in      B. has been        C. has gone to    D. has been to
26. Bill ___________ into the room when I ___________ the water yesterday evening.
A. came; mopped up    B. came; was mopping up   
C. was coming; mopped    D. was coming; was mopping
27. Which of the following sentence has the same structure as “I found this book interesting一级建造师成绩查询系统.”?
A. Autumn leaves turn brown.        B. We have four seasons.   
C. Eddie is watching Hobo work.      D. Mum and Dad gave me nice presents for my birthday.
28. Look! Many volunteers are recording birds types and changes _____________ their numbers.
  I think its meaningful _____________ them to work here in their spare time.
A. in; of            B. in; for        C. on; for            D. on; for
29. Could you tell me something about Hong Kong Disneyland, please?
With pleasure. It ___________ an area of 129 hectares(公顷), ___________ four different parks. 
A. covering; includes    B. covers; includes        C. covers; including    D. covering; including