      1 Me? just a little 我呢,刚刚才一点点?
江西成考网    2 I'm afraid I can't, as I am busy with the final preparation 恐怕我不能,因为我与车的最后准备忙?
    3 It's up to you 这取决于你
    4 Don't mention it  不谢?
    5 It's really unimaginable 这真是不可思议?
    6 classmates 同学?
    7 Last Christmas 去年的圣诞节?
广州市招生考试服务平台    8 No impression yet 还没有印象?
    9 USD$280 美金280元?
    10 He hadn't realized he was speeding 他没有意识到他超速?
    11 The balance in her account doesn't match her bank statement 在她的账户余额不配合她的银行存款证明
    12 Either the sender or the receiver of a letter 无论是发送或接收的信?
    13 sell refreshments 卖小吃?
    14 To sit for four hours a day with her leg raised 要坐四个小时,她的腿一天提出?
    15 carry his groceries home 背着自己买菜
    16 she planned to write about the evening school  她打算写上夜校?
    17 Have classes 上课?
    18 It was difficult to choose a present for him 这是一个困难的选择对他目前的
    19 she'd hardly brought the right ties for her father 她几乎把她父亲的权利关系?大连事业单位
    20 Because it was good but not very expensive 因为它是好的,但不是很昂贵
  1 I'm sorry. I'll be back with your order in a minute 对不起,我会与您在一分钟内订购返回?
    2 One dollar and fifty cents 一元五角钱?
    3 Perhaps I got to read though them again 也许我得重新虽然他们读
    4 Yes,identical ones 是的,相同的
    5 Yes,but hard cover ones are on sale today 是的,但精装的今天发售?
    6 They let him live with them for free 他们让他和他们住免费?
    7 To meet her friend for her 为了满足她的朋友为她?
    8 she is studying Spanish  她是学习西班牙语?
    9 They try to be friendly to them 他们试图对他们很友好?
    10 At2:00【外语@教育网wwwwww.for68】
    11 There are signs along the road 有迹象沿路
南京市人力资源和社会保障局    12 His car was hit from behind 他的车从后面被击中?
    13 He has to finish his report 他要完成他的报告
    14 see the Niagara 看到尼亚加拉
2014年公务员考试    15 In a bookstore 在书店
    16 A timetable of events 一系列事件的时间表
    17 They live far away 他们住得很远?
    18 Law 法律
    19 It should have books on every subject 它应该对每一个主题的书籍?
    20 The library has more than one function 图书馆有一个以上的函数
  1 Certainly, it is out of question 当然,这是不成问题?
    2 Yes,it is worth your while to do so 是的,这是值得你这样做?
    3 Oh,I'm sorry,I didn't notice it 哦,对不起,我没有注意到它
    4 Yes,Mr. Johnson is expecting you at three this afternoon  是的,期待你今天下午在三?
    5 How much do you want to change? 多少钱你想改变吗
    6 About a week 大约一个星期?
    7 He is under a lot of stress 他是一个很大的压力下?
    8 Long holidays attract her 吸引她的长假期?
    9 To the supermarket 去超市
    10 A book store 一家书店
    11 He has to finish writing a paper 他要写完一篇论文?
    12 A couple of items 一个项目的情侣
    13 He is tried of his work 他经过试验以后,他的工作?
    14 Sample cutting 试样切割?
    15 The man is considering renting it 该名男子正考虑租用它?
    16 He once gave a book as a present 他曾经作为礼物送给一书?
    17 A novel published 5 years ago 5年前发表的小说?
    18 she planned houses and other buildings 她计划的房屋和其他建筑物?
    19 The architects were men 建筑师是男性?
    20 storage buildings 仓储用房?
      1 No,it is really freezing 不,这是真的冻结?
    2 Maybe tomorrow if I hurry up 也许明天我赶紧注册?
    3 I am trying my best to finish it,But you know easy said than done 我尽我所能去完成它,但你知道说的比做的容易?
    4 I'd love to, but I will be fully occupied that afternoon 我很想去,但我会在当天下午完全占领?
    5 I'm sorry Mr. Johnson is at a conference 对不起约翰逊先生在一次会议上的?
    6 It has plenty of light 它拥有充足的阳光?
    7 To see a new type of boiler 要看到新型锅炉?
    8 Call a taxi for him to the hotel 打电话给他打车到酒店?
    9 In the woman's dormitory 在女人的宿舍?
    10 There schoolmates 有同学?
    11 He went for a drink with a friend 他去与朋友喝?
    12 Help him with his physics 他帮他物理?
    13 she might get a good job later 她可能到一份好工作后?
    14 she will be picked up at the station 她将拿起在车站?
福建教师考试院    15 He had a sight temperature 他有一个视线温度?
    16 They may support the employers 他们可能会支持聘用过的员工?
    17 A third party would impose a settle 第三方将处以解决?
    18 A very large spider 一个非常大蜘蛛?
    19 At night 在晚上?
    20 The bird-eating spider is able to climb any places 该鸟为食的蜘蛛能爬任何地方?
  1 No,I don't mind at all 不,我不介意?
    2 I'm sorry. I'll come right away 对不起,我会马上来?
    3 Thank you for saying so 谢谢你这么说?
    4 I'm sorry for being late 我迟到了?
    5 I'm afraid I can't 恐怕我不能?
    6 Toothpaste,coffee and doll 牙膏,咖啡和玩偶?
    7 To read the woman's magazine 要阅读女性杂志?
    8 John has to learn to be independent 约翰要学会独立?
    9 Get a new television set 得到一个新的电视机?
    10 Not to subscribe to the journal 没有订阅的期刊?
    11 Drop one course and do it next semester 放弃一门课,下学期做?