2005. 1(脱产卷)A 4
L Listening Comprehension 10%
Directions: In this part, you will ]tear some sentences and short conversations. After each sentence and conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four suggested answers marked A,B,C attd D, and decide which is the best answer.
1. Their parents discussed it and then made the _B_ for them to marry.
A) division B) decision C) description D) dictation
2. Be ____B__ when you want to copy software obtained through illegal means.
A) curious B) careful C) cautious D) careless
3. Don't insist that there has to be just one right D .(3)
A) resolution B) revolution C) solution D) method
4. Do you take long_C_ at Christmas? (3)
A) vocations B) vacations C) holidays D) visions
5. She was so B that she couldn't find the telephone she supposed to answer.
A) shocked B) amazed C) frightened D) frightening
6 A) Just opposite the street. B) In that tall building.
C) Just on this street. D) In the bookstore.
7. A) Enviromnent and Existence B) Existence and Envh'onment
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C) Environment and Pollution D) Existence and Pollution
8. A) Last Monday. B) Last Sunday.
C) Last Wednesday. D) Last Tuesday.
9. A) Jefferson. B) Washington.
C) Lincoln. D) Franklin.
t0. A. Because something has gone wrong with her car.
B. Because she was held up by the traffic.
C. Because she was very iii.
D. Because she completely forgot iLs
II. V ocabuhtry and Structure 20%
There are 20 incomplete sentences itt this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices rnarked A, B, C and 1). Choose the one that best completes the sentence.
I 1. The year 1871 __B___ the historic uprising (起义) of the Paris Commune.
A. emerged
B. occurred
C. witnessed
D. appeared
12. Aunt Mary gave us sandwiches for our picnic and a bag of cookies____D___
A. be added B, to additions
C. in an addition D, in addition
13. The lawyer believed that___A____English law, Hubert was innocent.
A. according to
B. in order to
C. considered of
D. impressing by
14. The result will be ___A___ all the effort.
A. worthy
B. worth
C. valuable
D. worth of
15. I can't__A____his whole philosophy in one sentence.
A. sum up
B. put up
C. make up D, take up
16. He__D____a thief steal the wallet of a tourist on the bus yesterday morning.
A. looked
B. viewed
C. glanced
D. witnessed
17. The building was_____ destroyed by the fire.
A .all together B. altogether
C. together
D. gather
18. Don't____D____too easily in the face of difficulties.
A. give off
B. give away
C, give out D. give up
19. Another tall building has been ______ near our house recently.
A, brought down B. raised off
C. stood up
D. put up
20. i ______ it a great honor to be here with you tonight.
A. confess
B. consider
C. consult
D. congratulate
21. He made some reasonable suggestions _____ his thorough research.
A. regardless of
B. in front of
C. for the sake of
D. on the basis of
22, He was_______to where he came fi-om.
A. driven back
B. driven away
C. driven off
浙江人事考试网二建查分D. driven out of
23. Please______any time you are passing this way.
A. drop in
B. drop out
C, drop off D. drop behind
24, Modern medical science ______ many diseases.
A. ires recovered
B. has aurcd of
天津市北方人才网C. has put away D, has conquered
25.She________help you ifshe is in good mood.
A. is willing to
B. desires for
C. is wishing to
D. designs fbr
26. Tim firm is planning to__________about 300 persons next year.
A. employer
B. employ
C. employment
27._______be________I am a music lover, you know.
A. Not ... and
B. and
C. Neither ... nor
D. Whelher ... or
28. It is no use __________over the spilt milk.
A. that one cries
B. that you cry
C. to cry
D. crying
29. It is important for you __ there in time.
A. to be getting
B. to get
C. getting
D. get
30. The party turned out to be much more successful than 1_________
A. am expected
B. would expect
C. is expecting
D. had expected
III. Reading Comprehension 30%
The following passages have been chosen from the textbook and followed by questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage.
1. Kentucky Fried Chicken公务员基础知识考试试题
Now fast food is very popular in China, especially with children. Kentucky Fried Chicken is their favorite. Anyone who goes to Kentucky Fried Chicken will certainly see a white-bearded old man standing at the gate. With a smile on his face he greets anyone coming to Kentucky Fried Chicken. Do you know who this old man is? Do you know the story about him? He is Colonel Sanders.
Colonel Sanders was an old soldier who went into the restaurant business after retiring from the arm
y. His secret recipe for chicken has gotten so famous that his home state of Kentucky has enjoyed a lot of name recognition because of this old man's business success. That's why people als0 call the fried chicken Kentucky Fried Chicken. Most fans of Kentucky Fried Chicken would describe it as a little spicy, solnewhat tender, slightly greasy, and very salty. So people often wash it down with cola. At KFC, soft drinks, salad, desserts and chips are all sold there. Most people also agree that, by the time one orders drinks, potato chips and salad, Kentucky Fried Chicken is overpriced.
31.. According to the passage, is children's favorite in China.
A. fast food
B. Kentucky Fried chicken
C. hamburgers
32. What can you order at KFC?
A. Apart from chicken and hamburgers, you can order soft drinks, salad, desserts and
B. You can order only chicken and hamburger.
C. You can only order potato chips.
D. You can order anything you want.
33. People call the fried chicken Kentucky Fried Chicken, because __
A. the chickens are raised in Kentucky
B. the state of Kentucky is famous
C. Colonel Sanders home state is Kentucky
D. people in Kentucky like to eat fried chicken
34. After making a big order, what would you think of KFC?
A. It is still very cheap.
B. It can be very expensive.
C. It is delicious.
D. It is famous.
35. Which of the following can serve as the title of the passage?
A. Fans for Colonel Sanders and KFG.
B. The State of Kentucky.
C. The History of KFC.
省公务员考试时间表2021年D. The Secret Recipe for KFC.
2. The Story of Nobel and the Nobel Prize
A Nobel Prize is one of the most highly regarded international honors a person can receive. These prizes were named for Alfred Nobel, a Swedish chemist and inventor.
Nobel's inventions were concerned not only with explosives but also with synthetic rubber, leather, and artificial silk. The patents granted to him in different countries totaled 355. His most epoch-makin
g inventions, besides dynamite and the blasting cap, were blasting gelatin and smokeless powder, the latter known as ballistite. As a result of those inventions, he became a very wealthy man. He used part of his money to invest in oil. He made good investments and became even more wealthy.
However, in spite of his great wealth, Nobel was not a happy man. He never married or had children. Also, he was a sick man during a large part of his life. On Decemberl 0, 1896, Nobel died at the age of sixty-three in San Remo, Italy. He left all of his money in a trust fund. This money is held by a group of people who run the Nobel Foundation. The Nobel Foundation holds Nobel's money and gives the prizes. Nobel, in his wi!l, provided the capital --- about $8 311 000 at the then prevailing rate of exchange --- to be invested by the executors in reliable securities, the interest of which was to be distributed annually "in the form of prizes to those who have, during the preceding year, conferred the greatest benefit on mankind".
36. "These prizes were named for Alfred Nobel "means __
A. these prizes were awarded to Alfred Nobel
B. A fund was created to remember Alfred Nobel
C. Alfi'ed Nobel asked someone to give a name to these prizes