1.A)Ship traffic in the Atlantic.C)Exhaust from cars in Europe.
B)Warm currents in the ocean.D)Particles emitted by power plants.
2.A)They need to be taken seriously.C)They might be causing trouble to air flights.
B)They have a huge effect on fishery.D)They may be affecting the world s climate.Questions3and4arebasedonthenewsreportyouhavejustheard.
3.A)To appeal for higher wages.C)To call for a permanent security guard.
B)To demand better health care.D)To dismiss the bad⁃tempered supervisor.
4.A)It had already taken strong action.C)It would take their appeal seriously.
B)It would put customers needs first.D)It was seeking help from the police.
5.A)The road was flooded.C)The road was frozen with snow.
B)The road was blocked.D)The road was covered with spilled gas.
6.A)A truck plunged into a pool of liquid chocolate.
B)The heavy snow made driving very difficult.
C)The truck driver dozed off while driving.
D)A truck hit a barrier and overturned.
7.A)It was a long time before the cleanup was finished.
B)It was a hard task to remove the spilled substance.
C)It was fortunate that no passenger got injured.
D)It was difficult to contact the manufacturer.
8.A)She wanted to save for a new phone.C)She could enjoy discounts with cash.
B)She found it much safer to use cash.D)She had been cheated using phone apps.
9.A)They can save a lot more time and trouble.
B)They find it less difficult to make purchases.
C)They derive greater pleasure from buying things.
D)They are less aware of the value of their money.
10.A)More valuable items.C)Everyday necessities.
B)More non⁃essential things.D)Electronic devices.
11.A)It can improve shopping efficiency.C)It may lead to excessive spending.
B)It is altering the way of shopping.D)It appeals more to younger people.
12.A)He wanted to order some wooden furniture.
B)He had to change the furniture delivery time.
C)He had a problem with the furniture delivered.
D)He wanted the furniture store to give him a refund.
13.A)Send the furniture back to the store.C)Collect the furniture he ordered.
B)Describe the furniture he received.D)Buy another brand of furniture.
14.A)Correct their mistake.C)Apologize to his wife.
B)Improve their service.D)Give the money back.
15.A)She recommended a new style.C)She apologized to the man once more.
B)She offered some gift to the man.D)She checked all the items with the man.
16.A)Reading books of wisdom.C)Sharing with others.
B)Tidying up one s home.D)Donating to charity.
17.A)Things that make one happy.C)Things that occupy little space.河南招教网公告
B)Things that are becoming rare.D)Things that cost a lot of money.
18.A)It joined the city s clean⁃up campaign.
B)It sold as many as fifty boxes of books.
C)It received an incredibly large number of donated books.
D)It did little business because of the unusual cold weather.
19.A)Give free meals to the homeless.C)Help the vulnerable to cook lunches.
B)Provide shelter for the homeless.D)Call for change in the local government.
20.A)Strengthen co⁃operation.C)Win national support.
B)Promote understanding.D)Follow his example.
21.A)Spreading news of his deeds.C)Following the example he sets.
B)Writing him thank⁃you notes.D)Sending him hand⁃made bags.
22.A)To solve word search puzzles.C)To test their eyesight using a phone app.
B)To send smartphone messages.D)To install some audio equipment in a lab.
23.A)They could not go on until the ringing stopped.
B)They could no longer concentrate on their task.
C)They grabbed the phone and called back right away.2020陕西省公务员考试
D)They asked their experimenter to hang up the phone.
24.A)A rise in emotional problems.
B)A decline in sports activities.
C)A reduction in the amount of sleep.
D)A decline in academic performance.
25.A)Protect the eyesight of the younger generation.
B)Take effective measures to raise productivity.
C)Realize the disruptive effects of technology.
D)Ensure they have sufficient sleep every day.
There re three main types of financial stress people encounter.The first type is apparent in people being stressed about the㊀26㊀ups and downs of investment markets actually not so much the ups, but㊀27㊀the downs.These people are usually unable or unprepared to endure the long haul.
The next common type of financial stress is that caused by debt.In a㊀28㊀percentage of cases of debt⁃induced financial stress,credit cards and loans will be a central element.Often there ll be a car loan and perhaps a mortgage,but credit cards often seem to be the gateway to debt⁃related financial difficulties for many.
The third type of stress and㊀29㊀the least known is inherited financial stress,which is the most destructive.It is experienced by those who have grown up in households where their parents regularly㊀30㊀and fought about money.Money therefore becomes a stressful topic,and so the thought of sitting down and planning is an unattractive㊀31㊀.
Those suffering inherited financial anxiety㊀32㊀to follow one of two patterns.Either they put their head in the sand:they would㊀33㊀examining their financial statements,budgeting,and discussing financial matters with those closest to them.Alternatively,they would go to the other ㊀34㊀,and micro⁃analyze everything,to the point of complete㊀35㊀.They re convinced that whatever decision they make will be the wrong one.
H)incredibly I)normal J)possibly K)proposition L)rebelled M)statement N)tend
Doctor sorders:Letchildrenjustplay
A)Imagine a drug that could enhance a child s creativity and critical thinking.Imagine that this drug
were simple to make,safe to take,and could be had for free.The nation s leadingpediatricians(儿科医生)say this miracle compound exists.In a new clinical report,they are urging doctors to prescribe it liberally to the children in their care.
B) This may seem old⁃fashioned,but there are skills to be learned when kids aren t told what to
do, said Dr.Michael Yogman,a Harvard Medical School pediatrician who led the drafting of the call to arms.Whether it s rough physical play,outdoor play or pretend play,kids derive important lessons from the chance to make things up as they go,he said.
C)The advice,issued Monday by the American Academy of Pediatrics,may come as a shock to
some parents.After spending yearsfretting(烦恼)over which toys to buy,which apps to download and which skill⁃building programs to send their kids to after school,letting them simply play or better yet,playing with them could seem like a step backward.The pediatricians insist that it s not.The academy s guidance does not include specific recommendations for the dosing of play.Instead,it asks doctors to advise parents before their babies turn two that play is essential to healthy development.
D) Play is not silly behavior, the academy s report declares.It fosters children s creativity,
cooperation and problem⁃solving skills all of which are critical for a21st⁃century workforce.