第I卷(选择题部分 共95分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.What time is it now?
A.9:47.                        B.10:13.                    C.10:15.
2.What are the speakers talking about?
A.Spending holidays.            B.Having sports.                C.Reading books.
3.What did the woman find?
A.A baby.                        B.A box.                    C.An animal.
4.What does the man mean?江苏招生考试网报名
A.The woman actually lost weight.   
B.The woman should take exercise.
C.The woman has no dieting problem.
5.Where is this conversation taking place?
A.In a bank.                    B.In a dress shop.                C.In a restaurant.
6.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?
A.Husband and wife.                B.Mother and son.            C.Hostess and guest.
山西高考录取查询系统入口7.What does John think of his work?
A.Boring.                        B.Enjoyable.                    C.Dangerous.
8.What kind of notebook does the man want?
A.A smaller one.                B.A bigger one.                C.One with a colorful cover.
9.Why does the man decide to buy a notebook with a plain cover?
A.It’s just the kind that he likes most.
农村信用社信用卡申请BThere is none with a colorful cover.
C.It’s the only one he can find there.
10.Where will they have breakfast?
A.On the beach.                B.In the museum.                C.In the park.
11.What will the speakers do in the morning?
A.Visit the natural history museum.   
B.Take a sunbath on the beach.   
C.Play in the amusement park.
12.What would the man do at the end of the day?
A.See a good movie.            B.Draw a map.                C.Enjoy the sunset.
13.What’s the man’s problem?
A.He speaks English with hesitation.
B.He fails to make up his mind.
C.He has no friends to help him.
14.Why is Jack unable to speak fluent English?
A.He doesn’t practice grammar daily.
B.He seldom practices speaking English.
国家医学考试服务中心C.He constructs sentences with efforts.
15.What does the woman suggest the man and his friend do?
A.Learn a much easier language.
B.Spend more time on grammar.
C.Practice speaking English often.
16.What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A.Practising Grammar.            B.Making sentences.            C.Improvring English.
17.What is the first question about?
A.The price of newspapers.
B.The right way to read newspapers.
C.The popular newspapers.
2020年江西事业单位考试真题18.Which section does the speaker mainly read?
A.Politics.                        B.Economics.                C.Entertainment.
19.What does the speaker think of reading about stars and celebrities?
A.Interesting.                    B.Tiring.                    C.Depressing.
20.How does the speaker make her hair look right?
A.By asking her hairdresser to do it.
B.By doing her hair in her own way.
C.By letting Angelina Jolie help her.
Many years ago when I first started to play tennis I was so crazy about the sport that I traveled to all four of the major grand slams–Wimbledon, the French Open, the Australian Open and the U.S.Open in New York City.I was so very impressed with the great champion Arthur Ashe and so admired him, not only as the number one tennis player in the world for a time but just as much for how dedicated he was to improving the lives of everyone, especially the unfortunate of the world. To me, he was an incredible double champion!
I will never forget, as long as I live, that night when the last match at the U.S.Open in New York finished very late. As I walked out of the stadium to catch a cab, I was surprised to see there were only a few cabs left and tons of people heading toward them. So being quite young I sprinted to try to catch one. I barely made it to the last taxi, but as
I opened the back door and jumped in, someone else was doing the same thing on the other side. As both doors slammed shut I looked over to see none other than Arthur Ashe as my seat mate! We quickly agreed to share the ride since we were both heading for mid-town Manhattan. On the ride there I picked his brains to get all the tennis and life coaching I could possible pull out of him in that 45 minutes’ ride.
What a great experience that had been and what a great man he was. He was so much more than a world champion tennis player. From a young age growing up in a segregated(种族隔离的)society, he set about to help change the world by helping people and thus making the world a better place for all of us.