例:How much is the shirt?
1.Where does the man want to go?
A.The toy shop.B.The supply shop.C.The copy shop. 2.What is the relationship between the speakers?
A.Sister and brother.B.Father and daughter.C.Fellow workers. 3.What might the weather be like this afternoon?
4.What is the man going to do tonight?
A.Attend a live concert.
B.Meet his foreign teacher.
C.Deliver an English speech.
5.What does the woman ask the man to do?
A.Watch TV.B.Cook a meal.C.Wash the dishes.
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.Who never reads food labels in the woman’s family?
A.Her mother.B.Her father.C.The woman herself. 7.Why does the man read food labels?
2022黑龙江公务员入口A.He cares about the ingredients.
B.He wants to know the shelf life.
C.He doesn’t trust food producers.
8.What is Robert doing?
A.Rescuing injured people.
B.Collecting money for the locals.
C.Reading about a big tropical storm.
9.What does the World Health Organization plan to do?
A.Repair the destroyed things.
B.Solve the serious water pollution.
C.Help fight against the virus spreading.
10.How much will the woman donate?
11.What does the woman think of the video?
A.Just so-so.B.Quite amusing.C.Surprisingly bad. 12.What is the Australian man likely to do?
A.Stay in China.B.Watch a video.C.Travel around the world. 13.What troubles the Australian man most when he is in Australia?
A.Teaching.B.Weather.C.Transportation. 14.What does the woman suggest doing last?
A.Continuing the work.B.Going shopping.C.Ordering takeout food.
15.What is the man?
A.A tour guide.B.A translator.C.A salesman. 16.Who are the main target customers of the product?
A.English teachers.B.Business people.C.College students. 17.What is the woman dissatisfied with about the product?
A.The size.B.The function.C.The price.
18.What might this programme be about?
A.Social activities.B.Commercial life.C.Historical events. 19.Which card is advised to choose if you are new to credit?
A.One with a low annual fee.
B.One with a low credit limit.
C.One with a low interest rate.
20.What’s the purpose of this programme?陕西考公务员2023报名时间
A.To design types of credit cards.
B.To suggest ways to sell a credit card.
C.To offer tips on choosing a credit card.
Films for you!
A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving(1973)
A true classic,this Peanuts cartoon gives many viewers a sense of nostalgia(怀旧). Return to the iconic moment when Lucy pulls the football away from Charlie Brown right as he’s about to kick it.Life is hard,but in this animated film,sweetness wins when the Peanuts group prepares a Thanksgiving feast,complete with jelly beans.
Planes,Trains and Automobiles(1987)
This John Hughes comedy starring Steve Martin and John Candy is already a Thanksgiving classic f
or many.Neal ends up rerouting the plane because of a snowstorm.As he struggles to find a way home for Thanksgiving,he gets stuck with extremely positive Del.
One True Thing(1998)
Meryl Streep was nominated(提名)for an Academy Award for her performance in this movie as a wife and mom who struggles with cancer.Renée Zellweger plays the grown daughter who has to come home to help with the holiday.The two try to hold the family together,especially during a tense Thanksgiving meal when guests get all the attention.
The Gold Rush(1925)
Charlie Chaplin as the Little Tramp eats his shoe for Thanksgiving dinner while trapped in a snowstorm in this endearing silent film classic from1925.Watch this one if you’re in the mood to see a leather shoe prepared and eaten as if it were a delicious turkey.It makes you grateful for what you have!
四六级下半年成绩什么时候出21.What could A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving remind many viewers of?
A.Birth of animated films.B.History of football games.
C.Taste of jelly beans.D.Sweet memories of old days.
22.Which film best suits people who want to see a leather shoe eaten?
A.The Gold Rush.B.A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.
C.One True Thing.D.Planes,Trains and Automobiles.
23.What do these four films have in common?
A.They are related to Thanksgiving.
B.They tell interesting family stories.
C.They describe the holiday activities.
D.They are based on the authors’own life.
All human societies play games.Kicking a ball can be found everywhere whether just a ball of cloth,or a skin stuffed with feathers or air.
But complex games and team sports have tended to arise in big civilizations—the higher the cultural level of a society,the greater the complexity of interaction,and hence perhaps the more complex the forms of sport.
考研还是考公务员This is not always the case.The ancient Greeks,for example,preferred individual not team sports.But in China for well over2,000years,people played the game of“kickball”—cuju.The members were often young men from wealthy families though there were also professional kickballers,whom you could stick with in your team as sleepers.
Cuju was played as entertainment at court banquets or the reception of foreign ambassadors.Even emperors played kickball.
As you’d expect in a Confucian society,kickball clubs were keen on the key qualities of mercy and courtesy.A great player was one who showed“the spirit of the game”.The“Ten Essentials of Kickball”i
ncluded respect for other players,polite behaviors and team spirit. There was to be no ungentlemanly behavior,no dangerous play,and no hogging(独占)the ball.In other words,as we used to say,“play up and play the game.”
What a contrast with the ancient Greek athletics where only victory counted and if that needed gamesmanship,or cruel professional fouls(犯规),then so be it.
As a way of national culture protection,cuju was listed into the first batch of China’s intangible cultural heritages(非物质文化遗产)in2006.
24.What does the underlined phrase“stuffed with”mean in paragraph1?
A.Filled with.B.Decorated with.
C.Surrounded with.D.Covered with.
25.What probably contributes to the complicated games?
26.Who were the major members in a cuju team according to the text?
A.Sleepers.B.The rich young men.
C.Emperors.D.The professional athletes. 27.What is the fifth paragraph mainly about?
全国一级计算机证书查询A.Kickball’s popularity.B.Kickball’s development.
C.Kickball’s importance.D.Kickball’s characteristics.
Cyber-security firm Lucideus Tech has launched Safe Me,a cyber risk assessment app with versions aimed at regular users,enterprises and their senior executives.
“Our‘Safe’product,which we launched three years back,provides the cyber risk status for your organization,all the way down to every single laptop,every single router(路由器), every database,every cloud instance,”said Saket Modi,co-founder and CEO of Lucideus Tech.
When a regular user opens the“Safe Me”app,they will see a score has been given to them about thei
r cyber-safety risk.The ratings are from zero to five;the lower the rate,the higher the risk.The app also does a risk assessment for the device,and highlights if the user needs to update the OS(操作系统),if the device is secure,etc.It also shows the user a list of damaged passwords which is linked to their email ID,including the password that got leaked.