Here's a list of 4 books that I think are not only helpful but important for today's teenagers.These books contain powerful stories and practical concepts for critical thinking.
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou Eventually,every teen will have to put up with suffering and loneliness.This book shows how to approach even the most challenging trials of life.Angelou's memoir (回忆录) of her childhood is heartbreaking,but the strength of her spirit and her optimism and hope help readers make sense of life.Maya shows us that it's possible to develop something inside that can shine brightly,even in the darkest night.
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
This book highlights a very uncomfortable truth about lifeif you want to create something,you will face many difficulties.Whether it's naysayers (唱反调者),self-doubt,
or laziness,there are lots of things that will keep us from doing what we long to do.Pressfield helps us easily and clearly identify the enemy of creativity,and outlines a battle plan to defeat this enemy within.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
This is very nearly the perfect book for teenagers and a classic American novel.The story is told with such goodness and warmth and humor that it's nearly universally loved.It is so powerfully written that it can actually achieve something unbelievable in its readersit can build empathy (共情) for the "other." And if there's one thing teens need in today's world,it's more empathy.
四川公务员排名在哪里查Essentialism by Greg McKeown
Do you ever feel busy but not productiveEssentialism shows you how to achieve the pursuit (追求) of less.The pursuit of less allows us to regain control of our own choices so we can put our time,energy,and effort into making the highest possible contribution toward the goals and activities that matter.
1.Which of the following is based on the author's own life ______
A. Essentialism.
B. The War of Art.
C. To Kill a Mockingbird.
D. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.
2.What is the purpose of The War of Art ______
A. To show how to make a battle plan.
B. To explain why being creative is important.
C. To show how to break through one's barriers.
D. To explain why one should stay away from naysayers.
3.Whose book should you turn to if you are troubled by low work efficiency ______
A. 成都人事考试网登录Harper Lee's.    B. Maya Angelou's.
C. Greg McKeown's.    D. Steven Pressfield's.
全国普通话测试信息资源网American folklore(民间传说)is filled with tales of imaginary heroes like Pecos Bill and the Lone Ranger.Yet,besides those characters,there are real historical figures whose lives and fascinating deeds were mythologized (当做神话) over the years.Among them there is an apple grower,known by the popular nickname Johnny Appleseed.This man is said to have traveled on foot across the United States,planting apple trees.
Appleseed's real name was John Chapman.Chapman was widely known by the pioneers settling in the western lands in the 1800s.And the native Indians respected him as a "white medicine man".However,not much is known about Chapman's early life,except that he was born in a north-eastern state in 1774 and that his mother died soon after that.It's also said that he grew up on his father's farm,where apple trees grew.
Appleseed's legend began when he planted his first apple trees in Pennsylvania in 1798.Then,he began traveling west.Walking for miles every day and sleeping outdoors,he planted apple trees near settlements,where he sold them to the pioneers.His apples,which were not suitable for eating due to their bitter taste,were used to make cider (苹果酒).This became a common drink for the pioneers,especially in places where cle
an drinking water wasn't available.
By 1806Chapman had been given his new name,and stories about him had spread among the pioneers.Most of these focused on his survival in the wilderness.Chapman was also known for his eccentric clothinginstead of a shirt,he wore a cloth bag with holes for his head and arms,and he wore no shoes.He is also said to have carried a bag of apple seeds and have had a meal pot on his head as a hat.
When Appleseed died in 1845he had walked across three western states.And he was the owner of five square kilometers of land.Appleseed's story was first published in an article in 1871.Yet,not all the details in this article and the ones published later were based on facts.Appleseed's legend has grown over the years through songs,stories and plays and modern-day Disney productions.
4.What made Chapman a legendary figure ______
A. Planting apple trees.
B. His travel adventure.
C. His childhood experience.
D. Inventing a drink made from apples.
5.What can we learn about Chapman's apples ______
A. They were from Chapman's farm.
B. They were popular among the pioneers.
C. They were not grown in America until 1806.
D. They were not accepted by the native Indians.
6.What does the underlined word "eccentric" in paragraph 4 mean ______
A. Traditional.    B. Strange.    C. Casual.    D. Colorful.
7.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text ______
A. The mysterious apples
B. How were apples spread in America
C. The legend of Johnny Appleseed
2022年公务员工资标准D. Who was real Johnny Appleseed
Weeds (野草) compete for soil nutrients,water,space,and sunlight with the crops farmers grow to help feed people.Now a third-generation weeding robot,armed with lasers (激光) and powered by AIoffers a labor-saving (节省劳力的) device -while also avoiding the need for chemical herbicides (除草剂).
The Autonomous Weeder by Carbon Robotics can clear 100000 weeds per hour,and clear 15-20 acres in a single day - numbers that require a person working an entire season to match.
Moving along a row of crops,a battery of twelve cameras scans the ground,identifying weeds through machine-learning and killing them with a CO2 laser.The robot's onboard supercomputer ensures high accuracy with its laser so as to avoid accidentally cutting crops.
"This is one of the most innovative and valuable technologies that I've seen as a farmer," said James Johnson of Carzalia Farm in a statement,who has used Carbon Robotics' technology on his farm. "I expect the robots to go mainstream because of how effectively they address some of farming's most critical issues,including the overuse of chemicals,process efficiency,and labor.The sky's the limit."
If a farmer wants to avoid using chemical herbicides,which have flooded nearly every corner of our food and water supply chains with a probable carcinogen (致癌物),they must find enough unskilled workers to pull weeds manually- a difficult task in the already short market of agricultural labor.
Since it can solve both problems,it's no surprise that the 2021 model of the Autonomous Weeder has already sold out,even considering it is priced at "hundreds of thousands of dollars."
To make the device more accessible,rent options are available from the company,as they have already made the 2022 models available for preorder.
The weeding method of the robot is organic and in line with sustainable farming practices.
Cost-effective weed control is the biggest difficulty of organic farming,and agriculturalists looking to make the change finally have an option to help them get their vegetables out to people.
8.What can be learned about the third-generation weeding robot ______
A. It is CO2-driven.
B. It damages crops by accident.
C. It functions with the help of lasers.
D. It is used to pour chemical herbicides.2023年省考公务员考试报名条件
9.What is James Johnson's attitude to the weeding robot ______
A. Favorable.    B. Curious.    C. Doubtful.    D. Critical.
10.Why is the 2021 model of the weeding robot so popular ______
A. It can work in different fields.
B. It can increase food production.
C. It is priced low and easy to operate.
D. It is labor-saving and protects human health.
11.What can be inferred from the last paragraph ______
A. Organic vegetables enjoy a wide market.
B. The new weeding method is accessible to farmers.
C. The weeding robot helps realize organic farming.
D. Cost control is the biggest problem of organic farming.
For generations,people have enjoyed the simple joy of flying a kite.However,kites were not always the toys we think of today.
Kites actually started as instruments of war.The first known kites were flown in China around 3000 years ago and were used by the Chinese military to send signals,spy on
(侦察) enemies,and deliver urgent messages.Kites were also used to measure long distances.One general flew a kite above a town to measure how far his army would have to tunnel underground to go secretly under the city walls.With this information,his army were able to surprise their enemy.
The first kites were practical,not necessarily pretty.But during the Tang Dynasty,people started using lighter materials to make kites.A new focus was put on kites' appearance.By the 1300s,making kites had appeared as an art form,and kites were decorated with colorful pictures.They were flown for enjoyment and celebration of the Chinese New Year.As the years went on,kites became more complicated.Some artists added whistles so the kites could make sounds as they danced among the clouds.
Over time,the tradition of kite flying spread worldwide.It grew in popularity across Southeast Asia and North Africa first.When explorer Marco Polo returned to Italy,he brought back many stories about kites.These stories and the growing influence of Asian culture helped popularize kites across Europe.From there,knowledge of kites crossed the Atlantic with travelers heading to America.
Since then,kites have become more than just pieces of flying art.They have played a meaningful role in discoveries.Perhaps the best-known use of a kite was in an experiment described by Benjamin Franklin in 1752which eventually led Franklin to invent the lightning rod (避雷针).Another important use of kites was by the Wright brothers in the early 1900s,which helped them create the world's first successful airplane.
For hundreds of years,kites have played a significant role in human exploration and artistic expression.Even now,kites are still an important part of cultural celebrations.Despite their changing appearance and uses through the ages,kites hold a valued place in human history.