Ø 基本常⽤查询
select*from student;
--all 查询所有
select all sex from student;
--distinct 过滤重复
select distinct sex from student;
--count 统计
select count(*) from student;
select count(sex) from student;
select count(distinct sex) from student;
--top 取前N条记录
select top3*from student;
--alias column name 列重命名
select id as编号, name '名称', sex 性别from student;
--alias table name 表重命名
select id, name, s.id, s.name from student s;
-column 列运算
select (age + id) col from student;
select s.name +'-'+ c.name from classes c, student s where s.cid = c.id;
--where 条件
select*from student where id =2;
select*from student where id >7;
select*from student where id <3;
select*from student where id <>3;
select*from student where id >=3;
select*from student where id <=5;
select*from student where id !>3;
select*from student where id !<5;
--and 并且
select*from student where id >2and sex =1;
--or 或者
select*from student where id =2or sex =1;
--between ... and ... 相当于并且
select*from student where id between2and5;
select*from student where id not between2and5;
--like 模糊查询
select*from student where name like'%a%';
select*from student where name like'%[a][o]%';
select*from student where name not like'%a%';
select*from student where name like'ja%';
select*from student where name not like'%[j,n]%';
select*from student where name like'%[j,n,a]%';
select*from student where name like'%[^ja,as,on]%';
select*from student where name like'%[ja_on]%';
--in ⼦查询
select*from student where id in (1, 2);
--not in 不在其中
select*from student where id not in (1, 2);
--is null 是空
select*from student where age is null;
--is not null 不为空
select*from student where age is not null;
--order by 排序
select*from student order by name;
select*from student order by name desc;
select*from student order by name asc;
--group by 分组
select count(age), age from student group by age;
select count(*), sex from student group by sex;
select count(*), sex from student group by sex, age order by age;
select count(*), sex from student where id >2group by sex order by sex;
select count(*), (sex * id) new from student where id >2group by sex * id order by sex * id;
--group by all 所有分组
select count(*), age from student group by all age;
--having 分组过滤条件
select count(*), age from student group by age having age is not null;
select count(*), cid, sex from student group by cid, sex having cid >1;
select count(*), age from student group by age having count(age) >=2;
select count(*), cid, sex from student group by cid, sex having cid >1and max(cid) >2;
Ø 嵌套⼦查询
# from (select … table)⽰例
select*from (
select id, name from student where sex =1
) t where t.id >2;
4、可选的group by⼦句
# ⽰例
select*, (select count(*) from student where cid = classes.id) as num
from classes order by num;
# in, not in⼦句查询⽰例
select*from student where cid in (
select id from classes where id >2and id <4
select*from student where cid not in (
select id from classes where name ='2班'
in、not in后⾯的⼦句返回的结果必须是⼀列,这⼀列的结果将会作为查询条件对应前⾯的条件。如cid对应⼦句的id;
# exists和not exists⼦句查询⽰例
select*from student where exists (
2015国考申论副省级答案解析select*from classes where id = student.cid and id =3
select*from student where not exists (
select*from classes where id = student.cid
exists和not exists查询需要内部查询和外部查询进⾏⼀个关联的条件,如果没有这个条件将是查询到的所有信息。如:id等于student.id;
# some、any、all⼦句查询⽰例
select*from student where cid =5and age >all (
select age from student where cid =3
select*from student where cid =5and age >any (
select age from student where cid =3
select*from student where cid =5and age >some (
select age from student where cid =3
Ø 聚合查询
1、 distinct去掉重复数据
select distinct sex from student;
select count(sex), count(distinct sex) from student;
2、 compute和compute by汇总查询
select age from student
where age >20order by age compute sum(age) by age;
select id, sex, age from student
where age >20order by sex, age compute sum(age) by sex;
select age from student
where age >20order by age, id compute sum(age);
select id, age from student
where age >20order by age compute sum(age), max(id);
compute by适合做先分组后汇总的业务。compute by后⾯的列⼀定要是order by中出现的列。
3、 cube汇总
select count(*), sex from student group by sex with cube;
select count(*), age, sum(age) from student where age is not null group by age with cube;
cube要结合group by语句完成分组汇总
Ø 排序函数
排序⼦句order by列名, 列名
分组⼦句 partition by分组列, 分组列
# row_number函数
select s.id, s.name, cid, c.name, row_number() over(order by c.name) as number
from student s, classes c where cid = c.id;
# rank函数函数
select id, name, rank() over(order by cid) as rank from student;
select s.id, s.name, cid, c.name, rank() over(order by c.name) as rank
from student s, classes c where cid = c.id;
# dense_rank函数
select s.id, s.name, cid, c.name, dense_rank() over(order by c.name) as dense
from student s, classes c where cid = c.id;
# partition by分组⼦句
可以完成对分组的数据进⾏增加排序,partition by可以与以上三个函数联合使⽤。
利⽤partition by按照班级名称分组,学⽣id排序
select s.id, s.name, cid, c.name, row_number() over(partition by c.name order by s.id) as rank
from student s, classes c where cid = c.id;
select s.id, s.name, cid, c.name, rank() over(partition by c.name order by s.id) as rank
from student s, classes c where cid = c.id;
select s.id, s.name, cid, c.name, dense_rank() over(partition by c.name order by s.id) as rank
from student s, classes c where cid = c.id;
# ntile平均排序函数
select s.id, s.name, cid, c.name,
ntile(5) over(order by c.name) as ntile2021年广东公务员考试职位表
from student s, classes c where cid = c.id;
1、 union和union all进⾏并集运算
--union 并集、不重复
select id, name from student where name like'ja%'
select id, name from student where id =4;
select*from student where name like'ja%'
union all
select*from student;
2、 intersect进⾏交集运算
select*from student where name like'ja%'
select*from student;
3、 except进⾏减集运算
select*from student where name like'ja%'
select*from student where name like'jas%';
Ø 公式表表达式
查询表的时候,有时候中间表需要重复使⽤,这些⼦查询被重复查询调⽤,不但效率低,⽽且可读性低,不利于理解。那么公式表表达式可以解决这个问题。我们可以将公式表表达式(CET)视为临时结果集,在select、insert、update、delete或是create view语句的执⾏范围内进⾏定义。
with statNum(id, num) as
select cid, count(*)
from student
where id >0
group by cid
select id, num from statNum order by id;
with statNum(id, num) as
select cid, count(*)
from student
where id >0
group by cid
select max(id), avg(num) from statNum;
Ø 连接查询
select s.id, s.name, c.id, c.name from student s, classes c where s.cid = c.id;
2、left join左连接
select s.id, s.name, c.id, c.name from student s left join classes c on s.cid = c.id;
3、right join右连接
select s.id, s.name, c.id, c.name from student s right join classes c on s.cid = c.id;
4、inner join内连接
select s.id, s.name, c.id, c.name from student s inner join classes c on s.cid = c.id;
select s.id, s.name, c.id, c.name from student s join classes c on s.cid = c.id;
5、cross join交叉连接
select s.id, s.name, c.id, c.name from student s cross join classes c
--where s.cid = c.id;
select distinct s.*from student s, student s1 where s.id <> s1.id and s.sex = s1.sex;
Ø 函数
max(age) max_age,
min(age) min_age,
count(age) count_age,
avg(age) avg_age,
sum(age) sum_age,
var(age) var_age
from student;
select dateAdd(day, 3, getDate());--加天
select dateAdd(year, 3, getDate());--加年
select dateAdd(hour, 3, getDate());--加⼩时
select dateDiff(day, '2011-06-20', getDate());
select dateDiff(second, '2011-06-22 11:00:00', getDate());
select dateDiff(hour, '2011-06-22 10:00:00', getDate());
select dateName(month, getDate());--当前⽉份
select dateName(minute, getDate());--当前分钟
select dateName(weekday, getDate());--当前星期
select datePart(month, getDate());--当前⽉份
select datePart(weekday, getDate());--当前星期
select datePart(second, getDate());--当前秒数
select day(getDate());--返回当前⽇期天数
select day('2011-06-30');--返回当前⽇期天数
select month(getDate());--返回当前⽇期⽉份
select month('2011-11-10');
select year(getDate());--返回当前⽇期年份
select year('2010-11-10');
select getDate();--当前系统⽇期
select getUTCDate();--utc⽇期
select pi();--PI函数
select rand(100), rand(50), rand(), rand();--随机数
select round(rand(), 3), round(rand(100), 5);--精确⼩数位
select round(123.456, 2), round(254.124, -2);
select round(123.4567, 1, 2);
select col_name(object_id('student'), 1);--返回列名
select col_name(object_id('student'), 2);
select col_length('student', col_name(object_id('student'), 2));
select col_length('student', col_name(object_id('student'), 1));
select type_name(type_id('varchar')), type_id('varchar');
select columnProperty(object_id('student'), 'name', 'PRECISION');
select columnProperty(object_id('student'), 'sex', 'ColumnId');
select ascii('a');--字符转换ascii值
select ascii('A');
select char(97);--ascii值转换字符
select char(65);
select nchar(65);
select nchar(45231);
select nchar(32993);--unicode转换字符
select unicode('A'), unicode('中');--返回unicode编码值
select soundex('hello'), soundex('world'), soundex('word');
select patindex('%a', 'ta'), patindex('%ac%', 'jack'), patindex('dex%', 'dexjack');--匹配字符索引select'a'+space(2) +'b', 'c'+space(5) +'d';--输出空格
select charIndex('o', 'hello world');--查索引
select charIndex('o', 'hello world', 6);--查索引
select quoteName('abc[]def'), quoteName('123]45');
select str(123.456, 2), str(123.456, 3), str(123.456, 4);
select str(123.456, 9, 2), str(123.456, 9, 3), str(123.456, 6, 1), str(123.456, 9, 6);
select difference('hello', 'helloWorld');--⽐较字符串相同
select difference('hello', 'world');
select difference('hello', 'llo');
select difference('hello', 'hel');
select difference('hello', 'hello');
select replace('abcedef', 'e', 'E');--替换字符串
select stuff('hello world', 3, 4, 'ABC');--指定位置替换字符串
select replicate('abc#', 3);--重复字符串
select subString('abc', 1, 1), subString('abc', 1, 2), subString('hello Wrold', 7, 5);--截取字符串select len('abc');--返回长度
select reverse('sqlServer');--反转字符串
select left('leftString', 4);--取左边字符串
select left('leftString', 7);
select right('leftString', 6);--取右边字符串
select right('leftString', 3);
select lower('aBc'), lower('ABC');--⼩写
select upper('aBc'), upper('abc');--⼤写
select ltrim(' abc'), ltrim('# abc#'), ltrim('  abc');
select rtrim(' abc    '), rtrim('# abc#  '), rtrim('abc');