一、 LANGUAGE USAGE(总题数:5,分数:100.00)
Since its conception, the European Union has been a havenfor those seeking refuge of war, persecution and poverty in other 1parts of the world. But as the EU faces what Angela Merkel hasbeen called its toughest hour since the second world war, the tables 2appear to be turning. A new stream of immigrants is leaving the 3continent. It threatens to become a torrent when the debt crisis 4continues to worsen. Tens of thousands of Portuguese, Greek and Irish people haveleft their homelands this year, many headed for the southern 5hemisp
here. Anecdotal evidence points to same happening in 6Spain and Italy. This year, 2,500 Greek citizens have moved toAustralia and another 40,000 have " expressed interests" in moving 7south. Ireland' s central statistics office has projected that 50,000people have left the republic by the end of the year, many for 8Australia and the US. Portugal's foreign ministry reports that at least10,000 people have left to oil-rich Angola. On 31 October, 9there were 97,616 Portuguese people registered in the consulates in Luanda and Benguela, almost double the number in 2005. The Portuguese are also heading to other former colonies, such as Mozambique and Brazil. According to Brazilian government figures, the number of foreigners legally living in Brazil rose to 1.47 million in June, up more than 50% from 961,877 last December. Not all are Europeans, but the number of Portuguese alone have jumped from 276,000 in 2010 to nearly 330,000. 10
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:of—from)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:been—去掉been)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:immigrants一migrants)
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填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:headed一heading)
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填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:interests一interest)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:∧have一will)东营招聘临时工一天一结
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:to—for)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:have一has)
江苏省成人高考录取查询解析:解析:语法错误。此句的主语是the number,是一个单数形式的名词,表示“……的数量”.故谓语动词应该用单数形式,have应改为has。
While many companies are spending more money on sales promotion than on media adv
ertising, it is difficult to say just what percentage of a firm' s overall promotional budget should beallocated to advertise versus consumer- and trade-oriented 1promotions. This relocation depends on a number of factors, 2including the specific promotional objectives of the campaign, the market and competitive situation, and the brand's stage in its life cycle. Consider, for example, what allocation of the promotional 3budget may vary according to a brand's stage in the product life cycle. In the introductory stage, a large amount of the budget may be allocated to sales promotion techniques such as sampling andcouponing to induce trial. In the growth stage, moreover, 4promotional dollars may be used primarily for advertising to stressbrand differences and keep the brand name in competitors' minds. 5When a brand moves to the maturity stage, advertising is primarilya reminder to keep consumers aware the brand. Consumer-oriented 6sales promotions such as coupons, price-offs, premiums, and bonus packs may be needed periodically to maintain consumer loyalty, attract new users, and protect against competition.Trade-oriented promotions needed to maintain shelf space and 7accommodate retailers' demands for better margins as long as 8encourage them to promote the brand. A study o
n the synergistic effects of advertising and promotion examined a brand in themature phase of its life cycle and has found that 80 percent of its 9sales at this stage was due to sales promotions. When a brand 10enters the decline stage of the product life cycle, most of the promotional support will probably be removed and expenditures on sales promotion are unlikely.
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:advertise一advertising)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:relocation—allocation)
海口今天最新通知填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:what—how)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:moreover一however)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:competitors’一consumers’)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:aware∧一of)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:∧needed一are)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:long一well)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:has—去掉has)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:was一were)
Cable TV has experienced tremendous growth as an advertising medium because it has some important advantages. Aprimary one is selectivity. Cable subscribers tend to be younger,more fluent, and better educated than nonsubscribers and have 1greater purchasing power. Moreover, the specialized programmingon the various cable networks reaches very general target markets. 2 Many advertisers have turned to cable because of theopportunities it offers to narrowcasting, or reaching very 3specialized markets. For exa
mple, MTV is used by advertisers in the United States and many other countries to reach teenagers and young adults. CNBC is now the worldwide leader in business news and reaches a highly educated and rich audience. ESPN hasbecome synonymous as sports and is very popular among 4advertisers who want to target men of all ages. Advertisers are also interested in cable because of its low cost and flexibility. Advertising rates on cable programs are muchlower than that for the shows on the major networks. Advertising 5time on network shows can cost two to three times as much on acost-per-thousand basis of in some time periods. 25 Spot 6advertising is also considerately cheaper on most cable stations, 7while local cable is most affordable television advertising vehicle 8available. This makes TV a much more unviable media option for 9smaller advertisers with limited budgets and those interested intargeting their commercials to a well-refined target audience. Also, 10cable advertisers generally do not have to make the large up-front commitments, which may be as much as a year in advance, the networks require.