2.SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.
A Short History of the Origins and Development of EnglishI. Origins— dated back to【T1】 1 of three Germanic tribes:【T1】 2the Angles,【T2】 3 and the Jutes.【T2】 4II. Development of EnglishA. Old English1. much more highly inflected【T3】 5 than Middle English【T3】 62. consists of most【T4】 7 words and some borrowed ones【T4】 8B. Middle English1. French words were【T5】 9 the vocabulary【T5】 102. much change on grammar and【T6】 11【T6】 12C. Early Modern English1. elimination of a vowel sound in certain【T7】 13positions【T7】 142. the Great Vowel Shift3. invention of printing:1)common language appearing【T8】 15【T8】 162)bringing【T9】 17 to English【T9】 184. a period of English Renaissance: borrowing words from French ,Latin, GreekD. Late Modern Englishtwo principal factors【T10】 19 more words:【T10】 201. the Industrial Revolution and technology2.【T11】 21 foreign words from many countries【T11】 22III. Main influencing factors on the varieties of EnglishA. the En
glish【T12】 23 of North America【T12】 24example: trash for rubbish:【T13】 25 for lend etc.【T13】 26B.【T14】 27 words like canyon, ranch, stampede etc.【T14】 28C. French wordsD.【T15】 29 words【T15】 30
A Short History of the Origins and Development of EnglishI. Origins— dated back to【T1】 31 of three Germanic tribes:【T1】 32the Angles,【T2】 33 and the Jutes.【T2】 34II. Development of EnglishA. Old English1. much more highly inflected【T3】 35 than Middle English【T3】 362. consists of most【T4】 37 words and some borrowed ones【T4】 38B. Middle English1. French words were【T5】 39 the vocabulary【T5】 402. much change on grammar and【T6】 41【T6】 42C. Early Modern English1. elimination of a vowel sound in certain【T7】 43positions【T7】 442. the Great Vowel Shift3. invention of printing:1)common language appearing【T8】 45【T8】 462)bringing【T9】 47 to English【T9】 484. a period of English Renaissance: borrowing words from French ,Latin, GreekD. Late Modern Englishtwo principal factors【T10】 49 more words:【T10】 501. the Industrial Revolution and technology2.【T11】 51 foreign words from many countries【T11】 52III. Main influencing factors on the varieties of EnglishA. the En
glish【T12】 53 of North America【T12】 54example: trash for rubbish:【T13】 55 for lend etc.【T13】 56B.【T14】 57 words like canyon, ranch, stampede etc.【T14】 58C. French wordsD.【T15】 59 words【T15】 60(分数:30.00)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:the arrival)
解析:解析:这篇讲座的主题是“the origins and development of English(英语的起源与发展)”。讲座一开始便指出英语的历史开始于三个日耳曼部落的到来。因此答案为the arrival。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:the Saxons)
解析:解析:三个日耳曼部落分别是盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人,此空应填入the Saxons。表示并列、举例的词句应重点记录。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:in grammar)
解析:解析:古英语是英语发展的第一个阶段,讲座主要从语法和词汇两方面讲述了古英语与中世纪英语的不同之处。若笔记中记录了关键句In grammar,Old English was much more highly inflected,可知此处应填入in grammar。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:native)
解析:解析:讲座提到,古英语大部分的词汇是本地英语,也有一些来自挪威和拉丁的外来语。因此答案为native。若笔记中没记录native一词,也可根据空格后的borrowed ones推断。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:added into)
解析:解析:14世纪英语在英国又占支配地位,但许多法语词汇也添加进来,这种语言被称为中世纪英语。空格前的were提示应填入动词的过去分词形式,注意仅仅填入原文中的added不能直接接后面的宾语the vocabulary,所以要加上介词into。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:sound system)
解析:解析:在谈到中世纪英语时,讲座提到,中世纪英语中引入了法语词汇,且语法和语音系统(grammar andsound system)发生了很大的变化,人们开始更多地依赖词序和结构词来表达自己的意思。因此答案为sound system。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:unstressed)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:in print)
解析:解析:在谈到印刷术的发明时,讲座提到这意味着现在有一种共同语已印出来,因此答案为in print。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:standardization)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:resulting in)
2018国家公务员申论真题及答案是果在前因在后,而空格处则正好相反,是因在前果在后,所以原文中的arising from要转化为resulting in“导致”。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:adopting)