1.Which of the following is NOT the correct relationship between language and culture?
A. Language expresses cultural reality.
学生查询个人成绩B. Language embodies cultural identity.
C. Language symbolizes cultural reality.
D. Language determines cultural reality.

2.In a broad sentence, culture includes ______.
A. patterns of belief B. customs, objects and institutions
C. techniques and language D. all the above

长阳教育信息网 C.
3.According to linguists, there are two types of culture: the more concrete and observable______ and the more abstract and hidden
A. material culture, spiritual culture B. national culture, local culture
C. spiritual culture, material culture D. local culture, national culture

4.______ refers to the identical part of culture between two societies owing to some similarities in the natural environment and psychology of human beings.
A. Cultural overlap B. Cultural imperialism
C. Cultural diffusion D. Cultural expansion

解析:文化与文化之间存在的相同之处,被称为文化重叠(cultural overlap)。
5.Through communication, some elements of one culture may enter another culture and become part of that culture. This phenomenon is called ______.
A. cultural overlap B. cultural imperialism
C. cultural diffusion D. cultural expansion

解析:一种文化中特有的要素经过交流和传播,进入到另外一种文化并成为这种文化的一部分的现象被称为文化扩散(cultural diffusion)。
6.The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is about ______.
A. language and culture B. language and society
C. language acquisition D. language and thought

7.The strong version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis holds that language patterns ______ people's thinking and behavior.
A. influence B. determine C. distort D. have no influence on

解析:SWH(萨皮尔-沃尔夫假说)有两种诠释:一个是strong version,认为语言决定思维,另一个是weak version,认为语言只是在某种程度上影响思维。
8.The practice of observing holidays of foreign origins and accepting concepts from other cultures is an example of ______.
A. cultural overlap B. cultural diffusion
C. cultural transmission D. cultural relativity

9."Rose" can mean "a beautiful young lady". This is an example of ______.
A. denotative meaning B. connotative meaning
C. iconic meaning D. grammatical meaning

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解析:语言标志都有三层意义,即指示/(内涵)意义(denotative meaning)、暗含/(外延)意义
(connotative meaning)和图像意义(iconic meaning)。“Rose”意为“a beautiful young lady”是图像意义。
10.______ is communication between people from different cultures (their cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event).
A. Linguistic communication B. Lingua franca
C. Cultural transmission D. Cross-cultural communication

解析:跨文化交流(cross-cultural communication)是来自不同文化的人之间的交流。由于不同的文化背景和价值体系,跨文化交流活动的成功与否不但取决于语言知识,更取决于双方在文化上的了解、接受和认同。2018研究生成绩查询
11.In general, language acquisition refers to children's development of their ______.
A. first language B. second language
C. foreign language D. dialectal language

12.______ holds that language learning is simply a matter of imitation and habit formation.
A. The behaviorist view B. The innatist view
C. The naming theory D. The contextualism

解析:行为主义论(the behaviorist view)认为,语言学习是一个简单的接受语言刺激、模仿语言、形成语言习惯的过程。
13.______ holds that children are born with an innate mechanism that allows them to acquire language.
A. The behaviorist view B. The innatist view
C. The naming theory D. The contextualism

解析:先天主义论(the innatist view)认为儿童生来大脑就具有学习语言的机制,受到一定的语言刺激后就可以激活该机制习得语言。人类拥有学习和使用语言的先决条件,就如鸟类一样,从生物学的意义上来讲已经“预置”(prewired),可以学会同类的歌唱。
14.The development of linguistic skills involves the acquisition of______ rules rather than the mere memorization of words and sentences.
A. cultural B. grammatical C. behavior D. pragmatic

高考查询 B. 
解析:语言习得基本上是指对语言中语法系统(grammatical system)的习得,把儿童语言简单地说成是语言中单个单词的记忆是错误的。儿童是在处理听到的语言时,建构语法并且依照语法来理解言语;在生成言语时,他们遵循内化的语法规则。缺乏对语言生成规则的理解,语言使用者不可能生成和理解无限多的句子。
15.______, except those with mental or physical impairments, are better or worse first language acquirers.
A. Some men B. Almost all men C. No men D. Few men
